Can Pussy Riots overthrow Putin?
Pussy Riot - the sentence to two years in prison camp - is in itself, considered in isolation, an overreaction of the Russian "regime" against three completely harmless, spontaneous girl. Now, the freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom yes at all times in Russia were again in danger.
The "musicians" had jumped on the Ambo of Christ the Savior Church in Moscow, the elevated place, proclaimed by the Orthodox from the priest the gospel. Men can not enter it without an explicit invitation, women are only allowed during the marriage.
Putin highest himself proposed a lenient sentence for the three BösewichterInnen that they had not pointed but without mocking, you may just imagine what would have happened with the girls in a similar situation in Israel in a synagogue or in the Caucasus in a mosque - the security forces would not be able to rush fast enough - but missed then, as expected by the Western media to act as a dictator, as he did not interfere in the judicial process.
A wave of solidarity in Pussy Riot-style sprout like weeds from the ground:
A Naked sawed in Ukraine on a square in Kiev a large wooden cross with the Savior just above the ground with a chainsaw from and then fled.
Actions such as those of the three punk bitches be copied worldwide mindless-ape and sold as "revolutionary" act. Also 121 German parliamentarians wanted to join in there and be in solidarity. (more ...)
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