Archives for the month of November 2012

Gauck: "Good evening, good evening, we beckon you to" or: The Visit of the Old Lady

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gauck visited the Ruhr or rather, what's left of it: a mining settlement, an energy-efficient house in Bottrop and the "integration forge" Immendal in high field, where 86% of children a "migration background" have, but could serenade him: "Good evening, good evening" ...

"Where are the children," cried the president, as he stepped out of the car to the commencement of the carefully planned event, police entourage and journalists cameras surrounded him. (more ...)

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NATO: delivery of tanks from Turkey to Syria?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Turkish-Syrian border crossing Bab el-Hawa (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The following video is very interesting. It is not to be opened with a German IP, because the GEMA blocked it. Therefore, a different IP must be installed upstream, z. B. about downloading anonymoX .

The video shows a putative anti-tank weapons and delivery of Turkey to Syrian rebels on the Turkish-Syrian border crossing Bab el-Hawa . It is an important transit place and connecting Aleppo with the Turkish Atakaya. (more ...)

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The statistics of the western world

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Does anyone remember about how the Taliban in Afghanistan, to the indignation of the world blew up the two created in the 3rd to the 10th century giant "pagan" statues of Bamiyan in March 2001?

Here is a short clip from a BBC program about the two unique Buddha statues before its destruction backed by the "Largo" by Handel ...

Syrian Taliban alias FSA / Al-Qaeda Syria now systematically destroying the ancient, "pagan" heritage Syria - this time the applause of the (western) world. (more ...)

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Mursi, the new Egyptian Pharaoh

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Time Magazine: Person of the Year 2010 - who it is 2012?

Mursi, the new Egyptian Pharaoh and veteran Muslim brother (since 1977), who has made just in his own country with all-encompassing powers godlike about the law, is transatlanticist - basically you would have have guessed - it is hence presumably "our man in Cairo ".

His transatlantic travel background began after graduation in Metallurgy 1978 Mohammed Mursi went to the USA and hung doctoral studies at the University of Southern California it. It was followed by a lectureship in Cairo and at California State University in Northridge. (more ...)

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Today was a sad day

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Image section: Merkel, caution, difficult to imitate in Frankfurt at Graumann with complicated hand gesture.

Because ... we were slandered, and by our own Prime Minister. What had happened? Actually, nothing. Angela Merkel had only the first council meeting of the Central Council of Jews, which took place in Frankfurt a. M., visited and complained there, in Germany there was "a high level of anti-Semitism", as the "world" reported .

In the same breath she expressed "their joy that it returned to Germany as a rich Jewish life" give.

So Merkel is absolutely right, a publication of the Central Council of Jews in September 2009 draws on the successful growth of Jewish communities and Jewish life in Germany after the fall of the wall balance: (more ...)

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Former U.S. Attorney General says the truth about Syria

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"The historical Syria, the wealthy Syria, we destroy it intentionally with foreign aid, supported by the forces (smile), which would dominate the region. [Unintelligible] but it is now really the only Arab state that is still standing, and how he does it to remain standing is a miracle, given the violence that constitutes incitement against him. "

Then he should have said, the citizens of the United States would have to take control of their government recover.

Ramsey Clark, former Attorney General of the USA, on 03/11/2012 at an event in New York City:

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Katrin Goering Eckardt and elite networks

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Katrin Göring-Eckhardt, the new open-top together with Trittin - whenever a person is hyped suddenly talk of a new center, black-green, of the possibility that the Thuringian (as President of the Evangelical Church Synod, Member the Council of the EKD and as President of the Protestant Church in 2011) now also the Christian conservatives would raise, you should at least consider that the media coverage could also have something to do with coverage through networks.

I noticed the star in the hands (48/2012, S. 46), an interview with her: (more ...)

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Impressions: The Atlantic Bridge shapes our future young "leaders"

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Atlantic Bridge: one of the elite forging Germany. For the first time two short movies of this year's 34th Young Leaders Conference of the Elite Network were veröfffentlicht - Killefitz with thunderous background music ...

This would have the public, which eventually comes to a good deal financially for these and similar events, the right to know who will actually be the future "leader" of the country. Those who had hoped for a list of names was bitter disappointment.

Luckily least Eveline Metzen gave a short statement. The secretary and right hand of the current Atlantic Bridge-chairman Friedrich Merz summarized the Young Leaders Conference from August this year as follows: (more ...)

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Yesterday evening at Maybritt Illner

Friday, November 23, 2012

Random reingeschaut, it came to money's care, replacing the usual positions; often denounced that should one billion, which will soon get parents as "recognition by the state" for their care performance in their infants, but better for the expansion of day-care centers, one of which still so many missing to the right to claim the parents also be able to redeem.

A daycare center point is around 1000 euros from taxpayers subsidized over the 100 or 150 euros a month then soon ...

As for me but still rather astonished, was the uniformity of the discussion. (more ...)

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Iran: Construction of the gas pipeline to Syria and the Mediterranean

Friday, November 23, 2012

According to media reports , Iran has begun construction of its gas pipeline to Syria - a 10-billion-dollar project. The first phase extends over 225 km and will cost $ 3 billion. The entire project is scheduled for completion in the second half of 2013. The gas pipeline deal was agreed in July last year between Iran, Iraq and Syria.

The company speaks a language other than the Western arms supplies to rebels and fanatical than the supported also by Germany Strangulationspolitik against Syria, which still maintains the last country in the region, religious tolerance and coexistence of cultures.

The Iranian announcement raises concerns that an energy strategic dimension in the Western action against the participating countries could increase as the project is in direct competition with Nabucco and also Iran over Syria would open a direct sales market in Europe. (See also my of previous post) . (more ...)

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Brzezinski's message to Israel

Saturday, November 17, 2012

On 24.2.2012 Zbigniew Brzezinski gave, global strategist, former U.S. foreign policy and history professor interviewed in the U.S. broadcaster CNN. In it he expressed his surprise decision on Iran.

The current situation in Gaza and the action there against all odds, and appropriateness of each response should be related to the fact obviously a lack of willingness of U.S. elites to transform the Middle East into a war zone. It is interesting to Brzezinski's "we." "We" - in all probability a part of tonangebene U.S. elites. (more ...)

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Without words: Gaza

Friday, November 16, 2012

Air attacks on Gaza, 30,000 soldiers are drawn together for an upcoming "Operation": Can anyone still remember 2009?

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Kölscher coterie as he lives and breathes: ass huh Zäng ussenander ...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cologne, ass Huh Concert 2012

"Ass up and teeth apart" - propagandistic exaggeration sometimes suggests to the Surrealist. There they were again, 20 years later: the Kölsch Rocker with Turkish bands and figures of Cologne prominent politicians united on 09.11.2012 in Cologne at the concert against "neo-Nazis and racism" and that is new: "Against Exclusion".

The specter of a supposedly relevant neo-Nazi threat and an alleged xenophobia in Cologne under a somehow significant majority of the population had once again serve as an advertising platform and marketing idea for various rock groups and artists, most now somewhat outdated mental Alt-68iger with a six before the decimal point. Athrose and stroke are there already an issue but fresh and unbroken the will, "right" ideas, to fight the "brown hordes", "ass to get high before it is too late" (trembling). (more ...)

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Avaaz and Syria

Friday, November 09, 2012

On April 23, 2012 article went online , where I. has the largest fundraising and campaign machine in the world, Avaaz (currently about 16 million "members"), previously unknown unearthed The article as popular as ever.

Ankhar Kochneva (Source: Facebook)

Recently I stumbled upon a statement of the Syrian-Ukrainian journalist Ankhar Kochneva, had a strange encounter with the Avaaz campaign director Stefanie Brancaforte in Moscow.

However, in order: Ankhar Kochneva is living in Damascus, Arabic-speaking free Journalstin, which also leads to your blog (s). She traveled extensively in Syria, in particular to obtain information about the rebel militias. That earned her a repeated death threats. Through their language skills Kochneva could win much deeper insights than many western journalist. Furthermore they were Russia Today (RT) twice an interview, where you can see many details and information that you will not find elsewhere.

In an interview on 8 July 2012 at RT she explains, among other things, how it came to the Syrian refugees in Turkey: Rebels Channeled the inhabitants of competitive places to Turkey by cutting their way to other roads. (Normally they would have tried to find shelter with relatives). Kochneva reports of blatant human rights violations by the rebel militias such as kidnapping and torture even of children, murder of Christian priests and even a mufti-son, etc. (more ...)

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