Random reingeschaut, it came to money's care, replacing the usual positions; often denounced that should one billion, which will soon get parents as "recognition by the state" for their care performance in their infants, but better for the expansion of day-care centers, one of which still so many missing to the right to claim the parents also be able to redeem.
A daycare center point is around 1000 euros from taxpayers subsidized over the 100 or 150 euros a month then soon ...
As for me but still rather astonished, was the uniformity of the discussion.
The question of why there is to be a legal claim against the State: Why is there not also a legal right to a fair workplace, domestic help, nurse, maid, a construction site, adequate housing, free water, free energy, free clothing, free basic food, where is the beginning, where the end of the "claims"?
You are an absurd and construct an artifice, so that the state gets per se foot in the door, in an area that did not concern him in principle.
The claim that the citizen has alleged, is only the mirrored claim that the state wants to get even.
No one asked the obvious question about: How is it that the German government billions and billions übenimmt of guarantees for banks and governments on behalf of their citizens who are afraid to take their risk in the market economy and to bear the consequences for any wrong decisions ?
Why this silly tip for parents received a warning? How close is the field?
Taking the demographic dimension to the financial management of the German government in the highest degree is self-destructive and at the expense of future opportunities of future generations: not only will soon be a contributor to a pension beneficiaries against, be on the shoulders of this young contribution payer in addition also the interest rates for debt and loads of banks and states that our government had dumped there in the Euro madness.
The question is rather: Why freed a state whose population obviously is in a "death spiral", his family is not completely out of control, until the children are both 18 years old and have completed their training / study? Then no longer would have to be talked about silly state alms, which has previously drawn citizens from the pocket of the state. The citizens themselves could support and organize everything appears necessary in each case.
This includes the requirement to provide reasonable salaries of which have a family must live well, even on a salary when the children should be a time times more important than chasing mammon.
But these questions and demands seem to be no longer made due to an apparent conditioning of thought.
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Tags: care allowance , Maybritt Illner
[...] https://becklog.zeitgeist-online.de/2012/11/23/gestern-evening-at-Maybritt-illner/ : ... it came to money's care, replacing the usual positions; often denounced that should one billion, which will soon get parents as "recognition by the state" for their care performance in their infants, but better for the expansion of day-care centers, one of which still so many missing to the legal right of parents also be able to redeem. [...]
Today's discussion around care allowance and Kita place for less than 3 years has a long history and imho a completely different basis is admitted as official. It begins with the introduction of the parental allowance 2007 The monthly allowance will beat soon probably in the same line. It will definitely not be the H4-receivers available. Who can afford it will be child safe still NOT under the age of 3 years in a daycare center. So it will be enough places exist for H4 receiver. Thus, the mothers are (now even single parents) the labor market. THIS is the Hauptintension behind the care allowance.
So great are cribs for 0 - 3 year old toddlers not for the oddly left and union-affiliated parties as well as corporate lobbyists (employers President HUNDT, President of Total metal Dulger) drums furiously: "Free the mothers of their children and ties her up to the machine"
Not only the family, but especially the most vulnerable, the children, may get serious problems and thus the future of our people.
Ironically, the party that wants to stand up for the weak, argued reflexively against the care allowance and hence those most vulnerable.
The crib seems to be a means for well-being of adults, because one regarding the very early cribs Storage insufficient acclaimed problem (in addition to fear Direction elevated stress hormones as a result of "learned helpnessless" and growth hormone deficiency secondary to reduced slow-wave sleep in the crib) is the possible failure or delay in early language development. An important difference between animals and humans is the language as the basis of thinking. Lack of primary (especially from 0 to 1.5 years), early language development has often the result of reading and spelling disorders and ultimately unfavorable cognitive development.
This is to be expected that the most important resource which has our people, is harvested only insufficiently developed linguistically and cognitively. (See Report of the doctors Barmer ErsatzKasse of January 2012 already now about 40% spoke disturbed children aged 5-6 years (due to increase childminders: 2006, about 14%, in 2010: 23% ;; enormous noise level in day-care centers) , speech therapy costs about 1 billion euros).
Why is it called mother tongue and not father tongue?
As early as the 20th week of gestation hears the FoET in the womb liquid coupled the mother's voice and is massively fixed after birth on it, so a longer (max. Up to 3 years) dyad-relationship between these two people is necessary, especially in this period, at least two shorter phases particularly begierigem speech learning of the infant occur individually different (see "Rape of human identity, about the errors of gender ideology")