Former U.S. Attorney General says the truth about Syria

"The historical Syria, the wealthy Syria, we destroy it intentionally with foreign aid, supported by the forces (smile), which would dominate the region. [Unintelligible] but it is now really the only Arab state that is still standing, and how he does it to remain standing is a miracle, given the violence that constitutes incitement against him. "

Then he should have said, the citizens of the United States would have to take control of their government recover.

Ramsey Clark, former Attorney General of the USA, on 03/11/2012 at an event in New York City:

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2 Responses to "Former U.S. Attorney General says the truth about Syria"

  1. [...] For the I "voted" have, since I think the U.S. Attorney General (see my blog post on this) connect. It would be too good, should this man's picture on the Time cover emblazoned [...]

  2. ? Blog »Blog Archive» Syria - real says:

    [...] This is a former Attorney General of the United States said haben?… The yes has open eyes, while our Western politicians sleep! Or they want to [...]

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