Today was a sad day

Image section: Merkel, caution, difficult to imitate in Frankfurt at Graumann with complicated hand gesture.

Because ... we were slandered, and by our own Prime Minister. What had happened? Actually, nothing. Angela Merkel had only the first council meeting of the Central Council of Jews, which took place in Frankfurt a. M., visited and complained there, in Germany there was "a high level of anti-Semitism", as the "world" reported .

In the same breath she expressed "their joy that it returned to Germany as a rich Jewish life" give.

So Merkel is absolutely right, a publication of the Central Council of Jews in September 2009 draws on the successful growth of Jewish communities and Jewish life in Germany after the fall of the wall balance sheet:

"The year 1989, which heralded the German unit, represented a watershed moment for the Jewish community in Germany. The at that time already discernible break in the Soviet Union triggered not only joy but also fear growing strength of anti-Semitism in Jewish Soviet citizens. For many of them, Germany was a place of refuge. "

We hold: Germany was for Jews from the former Soviet Union to the safe haven (regardless of whether the allegation of anti-Semitism in Russia erstarkendem agreed at the time or not).

Next: "In 1991, federal and state governments adopted an official legislative immigration of Jews from the USSR. Under the relevant provisions of the immigrants found in the Federal Republic of recording as a so-called quota refugees. Overall in the last two decades 220,000 people in the context of the 'Jewish immigration' came to Germany. "

Right so you can look forward to the Jews, that there is such a lively community life and many start-ups again:

"Today, the Jewish community has around 120,000 members -. Quadrupled the prior of 1989 in many cities, especially in the new federal states, municipalities were established. In many cities in Germany new synagogues were built. Two rabbis training centers have opened their doors: the liberal Abraham Geiger College and the Orthodox Rabbinical Seminary Hildesheimersche. Meanwhile, several trained in Germany rabbis have been ordained. Others came from abroad to serve the Jewish communities. Compared with 1989, the number of municipal rabbis has tripled t. "

Merkel's "high degree of anti-Semitism" - what it is based so? It leads to the debate about circumcisions. She is merely the expression of a self-evident culture of debate in a democracy, surely hardly can produce laws to order or call, right?

Earlier, Dieter Graumann, the president lamented anti-Semitic failures in the Internet. Is that enough? Every Internet user knows that there are trolls who put in comment forums and elsewhere their scent marks, in addition to (Agents) provocateurs and other droll actors, of which a good part is probably official business; a manageable number of pseudonyms is some local and some indication ...

Was that all?

Conclusion: It is a shame, as a head of government slandered their own country, then gray men to carry the briefcase and pick up points diligence. They therefore violating their oath of office paid: Not least their claims are read and spread abroad and carry there with a distorted image of Germany.

Even more worrying, however, Merkel's further comments on your recent visit in Frankfurt (also under the aspect that it seems natural to assume, at the council meeting of the Central QUESTION IS a kind of Israeli state representation, it can be hardly so well, according to current understanding at least):

With regard to the bombing of the Gaza Strip (and from the Gaza Strip, the death rate Palestinians versus Israelis was about 150: 1) Merkel said loudly "world": "Once again emphasizes the Chancellor that Israel's right to self-defense have, indeed, that this even the duty of any government is - a German government can not act in a similar situation, unlike the Israeli has done. "

The German government would not have acted differently? This statement is surreal:

Is it visible or conceivable that Germany in areas other peoples militant settlers sent, subjecting whole areas of blockage, serially ignored UN resolutions or for the supply of 1.7 million pent (of which about a quarter of refugees) necessary tunnel destroyed, UN schools bombed or would bomb ever one of the most densely populated areas in the world, what would be like if Mrs. Merkel ordered to bomb the city of Munich or Berlin?

But that she would be doing in a similar case.

Promise is a promise.

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3 Responses to "Today was a sad day"

  1. Info liner says:

    I see here in the country for quite a lot of anti-Semitism, for example. when dealing with the Palestinians (Semites), by the controlled media, but also from political offenders (ie politicians). Despite this, "Merkel" right when she says that it would not have done differently here understands the FRG with the self-defense, at least in so far as the successor state of the Third Reich. But there are also differences: Then savvy about a quarter of the population, which was played. This proportion has since declined dramatically. Do not be so careful, dear author, but call horse and rider clear in your lesson here.

  2. Lux says:

    Good article.

    In this regard, I would like to recall the Article 3, paragraph 3 of the Basic Law, but the Chancellor should be allegedly committed:

    "(3) No one may be prejudiced or favored because of his sex, his parentage, his race, his language, his homeland and origin, faith, or religious or political views. No one shall be discriminated against because of his disability. "

    Fire can never wrap it in paper.

    Have a nice day!

  3. Adept says:

    "" (3) No one may be prejudiced or favored because of his sex, his parentage, his race, his language, his homeland and origin, faith, or religious or political views. No one shall be discriminated against because of his disability. "

    BUT! If you are German and are representing the opinion that there must be another Germany with German language and culture in 200 years, the following applies:
    You got the wrong origin (1)
    the wrong language (2)
    the false origin (3)
    the wrong breed (4)
    therefore mu ß t you be at a disadvantage.
    If you're a man, which is in addition. (5)

    On the CDU Federal Assembly was a 22-year-old Turkish woman who is German for 2 years, hoisted onto a top spot.
    From the Constitution of the Federal State of NRW, the German word was deleted from the Constitution at the request of a birth Turks.
    If I have it right in memory, the aka of the political thugs PalramentarierInnen was savored to 100%.

    Our Republic is bought by remote control and we, the people, systematically disenfranchised.

    What does this have to do with anti-Semitism?
    Pure red herring!

    The Muslim front hiding behind the Jews.
    The Gypsies are also for some time revived for the same purpose.
    How was that even with the protection of the constitution and the NPD? Whence came again the gun the killer?
    It is not clear at the moment whether the NPD has murdered on behalf of the Protection of the Constitution or the Constitution protect themselves. Coincidentally, was bound by law all are shredded on this topic ......
    We Germans must be told daily that we are unworthy and dangerous to their own opinion and why we slave away for the rest of the world.

    What does Merkel with "a high degree of anti-Semitism"?
    We have a rage on politics and mass immigration ... but not on Jews!
    And the 'high level' they should better leave Bavaria at Oktoberfest - Prost meal.

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