The following video is very interesting. It is not to be opened with a German IP, because the GEMA blocked it. Therefore, a different IP must be installed upstream, z. B. about downloading anonymoX .
The video shows a putative anti-tank weapons and delivery of Turkey to Syrian rebels on the Turkish-Syrian border crossing Bab el-Hawa . It is an important transit place and connecting Aleppo with the Turkish Atakaya.
The border crossing seems since July this year to be continuous in the hands of the FSA / Syrian Taliban / Al-Qaeda Syrian rebels. This "conquest" was recorded entirely positive by Western media .
The video runs very fast; the author repeatedly compares Google Earth images and important landmarks such as high light poles with the video recording to detect the exact position. To follow, you should pause the video again and again.
The alleged rendition shown in the film of tanks among others material supplies from NATO country Turkey to the rebels in Syria raises questions, particularly regarding the planned delivery of Patriot missile defense systems (along with 170 German soldiers) to Turkey, exactly what this in would like to advance this field.
The delivery of tanks illustrated the NATO country Turkey to the Syrian rebels literally calls after a bombardment by the Syrian army official. Are the Patriot systems therefore intended to give Turkey backing for their Panzerliefeurngen to the Syrian "rebels" and to weaken or significantly complicating a Syrian Defence?
A spokesman for the Turkish ruling AKP party recently commented bluntly: "The oppressors will be at our army." Even Prime Minister Erdogan announced that Turkey would determine the exact deployment locations of the Patriots , they were placed there, where it considered the Turkish army for properly .
There is an urgent need for education!
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Tags: NATO , Patriots , Syria , Turkey , Turkish tank supplies
If it is true that since the most serious of weapons, namely besides other armor even to the "mercenaries, rebels, activists" or whatever you want to call these bonds are delivered, it is clear why the Patriots need. But then we are also not far away from a wesentlilch larger, armed conflict. It is therefore uncertain whether certain veto powers simply watch as their vetoes to be undermined.
"The Türkenruf after Patriots'