Syria: Is there a "secret additional protocol" between Russia and the United States?

The Arab League asked its members free recently, to provide military aid to the Syrian rebels. In principle, therefore, now an open declaration of war against Syria.

Three days ago, the "conquest" of the North-Central Syrian city of ar-Raqqah. Is explained by the Syrian government with the defeat of the rebels in Damascus and Aleppo. Among the refugees from the region of Aleppo and Idlib unnoticed militants were mixed. In fact, the population seems to be swollen by refugees there to several hundred thousand (800,000, other sources cite figures of 1.5 million people). Also, it came under the security for the city officials partially betrayal, so Syrian sources.

Already us reach the "usual" disgusting images: Captured young men are gunned down in mass executions of the fanatics among Alahuakbar shrill calls.

(Warning: The following video is extremely brutal).

Then follow air attacks by the Syrian Air Force, killed on rebel side and destruction in the city.

The continuous discussions, especially from U.S. and GB-direction, whether one should not arming the Syrian rebels, appear more and more bizarre. Westerwelle warns, is against it. A silly banter to calm the public!

The following is a detailed report with several adjusted by a Croatian portal showing the very latest weapons being made ​​by Syria and that since November last year.

It is according to this source by 3000 (!) Tons of weapons and ammunition, which was transported in the last four months with about 75 flights depart from Pleso, Zagreb International Airport, in the war-stricken country. The whole was the weapons come from Croatian sources but also from various European countries (England is explicitly mentioned), organized by the United States, citing the Croatian "Jutarnij List" diplomatic sources.

The "New York Times" also reported that the arms deal last summer was threaded through the Croatian Ambassador Josko Paro.

The United States concerned the organization of the deal, Saudi Arabia financed him and Turkey transported the material to Jordan, from where it can be managed to Syria, as the Croatian newspaper on.
Among them are:

  • M79 Rocket Launcher
  • RPG-22 (anti-tank weapon)
  • Hand grenade launcher RBG-6
  • and M60 machine guns from Croatian stocks

The rebels meanwhile confirmed the receipt of the "goods" that she also landed at jihadists as the "Ahram al-Sham" Brigade, was confirmed by this. The EU arms embargo, which also agreed Croatia is circumvented by the arms were formally simply sold to Jordan. Moreover, the newspaper said, Croatia have thus proved once more as a loyal NATO partner and ally of the United States.

The overall situation permits no other conclusion than that for months almost identical calls and reminders of Russia towards the west and the Gulf States / Turkey, in Syria to come to the negotiating table, go fully into the void. They had two years ago, honorable and promising, the inaction of Russia now receives a different connotation: It raises the question of why a change in strategy has not already taken place, since the adopted diplomatic direction has absolutely not worked. Syria is seen more and more the way of Libya, a former close ally of Russia ...

The country turns quickly into a pile of rubble, more and more people are on the run, his art treasures and industrial plants are destroyed and / or looted. Yet there are still a way out:

As early as June last year, Putin had the posting of "Blue Tschapkas" considered, so the peacekeepers' organization for collective security "(CSTO), consisting of Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The blue Tschapkas könngten arise between Syrian army and rebels, it would be the only force that would be something even be trusted. A mandate for a deployment of the peacekeeping force by the UN Security Council is not expected; So, the 20,000 men of the CSTO coordinator Bordyuzha already last summer were offered, even without the "UN Security" will be deployed at the request of Syria easy way!

And because of the fact that now even the Chechen and Dagestani holy warriors fight in Syria! Both countries are, however, a member of the Russian Federation ... An additional strong argument!

But then comes the third world war? The all-destroying nuclear flash? Probably not.

Video with Chechen and other foreign jihadists in Syria

It is already clear that the destruction of Syria without the overthrow of Assad (Plan A) for an end to the war on day X self-absorbed and eliminated as a factor in the region be (Plan B).

When it comes to Russia must also must think a very ugly thoughts: That it does not want to continue to protect its allies (except the known weapons supplies and maintenance contracts).

It seems possible that Russia and the United States have long since staked the claims: Russia may keep the Mediterranean port of Tartus, Syria as power factor, supporters of Hezbollah and ally of Iran remains off for years to come.

Marat Musin of "Anna-News" (Abkhaz news network), in Syria was there again and again and is said late last year in a Russian Talk Round: "In two months we Syrians call traitors" So it is. .

Is there for Syria a "secret protocol"?

No, an open: Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov explained things already on 11.2.2013 on Russia Today : "Russia will never INVOLVE Itself in 'another Afghanistan" (Russia will never interfere in a new Afghanistan). And: "We will not be fighting for our positions ... and creating 'another Afghanistan' for Ourselves. Never, under no Circumstances! "(We will not fight for our positions ... and create a new Afghanistan for us. Never, under any circumstances!)

You hear it in certain places, which pose unabashed unconventional warfare, certainly like!

For Lavrov is apparently the alternative to its inconclusive, meanwhile grotesque negotiation and diplomacy this week only one open hostilities. Here are countless possibilities and options between these two extremes!

Lavrov stressed the importance of sovereign states that are able to solve their internal problems without outside interference. These are downright cynical tones, given the massive interference, which is exposed to Syria, and would destabilize any country in the world in the long run. You may already predict at this point that Russia will in the not too distant future also fall victim to the cunning destabilization.

"The minister stressed that Russia would cooperate with various opposition groups to confront the dissatisfaction 'with the long reign of a family as well as the absent civil rights, a common fact in many countries of the region, including the monarchies." Lavrov wash clever quips a little to the Gulf monarchies, but it is clear at this point that Syria has nothing more to expect from Russia.

Diplomatic efforts would stimulate evolutionary change. Where does Lavrov? His diplomatic "efforts" have given room for a progressive destruction.

And then it becomes clear what it is ultimately Russia: In order transactions. Lavrov cited for being in Libya and Egypt signals had come to establish the business relations again. Not to mention the Iraq, whose government had been instaled 2003 with American bayonets. Today Baghdad is ready to deal with oil, energy and other companies.

The article is a real eye opener! For those who always wanted to see Russia as an alternative. Syria is sacrificed in favor of Russian corporate interests.

The new soft-Russia concept suits Putin's announcement on 15.2.13 to want to use only "soft power" in foreign policy. To the USA and all other partners offered a "comprehensive cooperation".

You should stop to see in Russia a possible counter-concept to drones, Guantanamo, black sites, brutal regime changes and bloody torture tables.

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2 Responses to "Syria: Is there a" secret additional protocol "between Russia and the United States?"

  1. Schmidt says:

    I do not understand this product! Try to write "negative" items, it it does not work really. What has now made Russian government "wrong"? Russia should act on their own without a UN mandate? Write here by Russian "peacekeepers" but what happens if this seems to be angegriefen of Islamists Do not interesieren. What can Russia do to pure isotopes to this Blutfergiesen? You give in this article not answer this question. Unfortunately only kommische insinuations bask nothing.

  2. Who to "the Russians' hopes (how many blind people with us), who has already lost.

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