Westerwelle wants to deliver weapons

al-Imaan Mosque, Damascus, 03.20.2013

Guido Westerwelle is considering to supply weapons . On the Syrian opposition. This loud thinking, you should stop immediately. Not to provide weapons to crisis areas, was previously consensus of all parties.

But we are seeing in Germany, as in the EU, that so much of what was once written or unwritten law only serves to break it.

The Syrian opposition is not presentable. Is there a case a more eloquent language than the fact that on a Texan, a U.S. citizen with Kurdish-Syrian roots for the post of "legitimate" representative of the Syrian people, also known as interim prime minister, back tire had, no longer in his thirty years was the former home?

Does anyone seriously believe that this the Syrians completely unknown Mr. Hitto a potential cauldron after (announced last two years) overthrow Assad's "rule" can?

Yesterday, a suicide bomber drove before the aged Sunni cleric al-Bouti in the al-Imaan Mosque Damascus in the air and pulled 42 people praying with their deaths and injured countless difficult. The Islamic scholars had repeatedly spoken out against terrorism and extremism. The attack on him, shows how far the Iraqisation Syria has taken root by the "rebels". An indifferent world public has completely resigned to the fact that we read every few days short messages of bomb attacks in Iraq in the newspaper about the death without losing even a thought.

CNN, the American news channel, said the brutal attack in Damascus with no word , hard to believe, you should google it! Instead, Syria is mentioned only in connection with chemical weapons - in March, the month of the 10th anniversary of the attack on Iraq ...

Guido Westerwelle would like to rub out the blood of the victims in the carpets of the mosque with more blood. In May, the EU arms embargo expires; But Hague and Hollande can not wait to deliver weapons. And they know, what they do: but William Hague said just recently: "Syria is becoming a magnet for jihadis" . He saw less for the Syrians themselves a problem, as for the UK, in the event that the jihadists could find their way to Europe soon. Hague is so recognizable a morally depraved the Foreign Minister of the island kingdom in decades.

And French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said when asked a journalist what would make the government if the EU does not allow arms sales to Syria rebels. "France is a sovereign nation, Madame" (GA Bonn 16 / 03.17.2013). A declaration of bankruptcy, which was completely overlooked! That Europe speak with one voice, that the sovereignty of individual states would leave must (and the constant branding a mention of the same in Germany) are present, all this is no longer true when arms deals (pay the Qataris as before?).

The EU arms embargo should be extended and all riparian States in the region are also committed to it.

Also studiously ignored was obviously the warning Vladimir Chizhovs , permanent representative of Russia to the EU: It said the repetition of the Libyan scenario was a "flagrant, strategic error". Exercise intentions, dahigehend political pressure are a "tremendous strategic mistake". Chizhov explicitly included the announcement of France and Great Britain with a lift the arms embargo.

To listen to Pope Benedict, who said during his visit to Lebanon in September last year: "arms sales to Syria are a grave sin!" expected from people like Hague, Hollande and Westerwelle seriously nobody. However, if they do not even listen to the clear warnings of the Russian representative to the European Union, it might actually be serious!

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