Monthly Archives: April 2013

EU propaganda video

Tuesday 09 April 2013

I just found the net a rather interesting propaganda video of the EU for the Nobel Peace Prize, which she received 2012 Design. Agitprop style at its finest:

Europe before the EU, which was "pre-European", a Brachiosaurus, completely strange different currencies, and these limits! But even worse: There were ration cards, letters from the front, gas masks, barbed wire and bombing. Will you again? No? Then you are for the total EU. All right?

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Machete and pickaxe: New application tools of the police special forces?

Saturday 06 April 2013

Screenshot: Video Hostages Kita chorweiler

In chorweiler, a deprived area, hotspot with 41% proportion of foreigners, many social counseling centers, vocational preparation, training and qualification opportunities, a 47-year-old Turk raided a daycare with a knife different section, took the Kita-conductor hostage and added him - and stabs to.

The kidnappers had demanded money and a getaway car.

After 11 hours the nervous drama with a stun grenade and an aimed shot in the shoulder of the Turks could be finished.

A dizzying array martial reinforced special forces, stocking masks and head bollards, expansive Barrier - the whole paraphernalia ...

Because you should may ask the simple question: Why was the hostage-taker is not after a reasonable time, say about 1-hour, his wish fulfilled? (More ...)

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Guttenberg for concrete preparations for war in Germany in the coming war against Iran alongside Israel

Thursday 04 April 2013

US military bases around Iran

Guttenberg and no end: Zu Guttenberg, who fled to the US Ex-German economic and defense minister with Ulf Gartzke, the head of the Washington office of the CSU-affiliated Hans-Seidel "foundation" on April 2, an article in " Wall Street Journal "published.

Both CSU politicians want Germany now move to concrete preparations for the event of an attack of Israel on Iran. It should be practical thinking about how Germany could come to the assistance after an Israeli air strike Israel. (Read more ...)

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Does the Commission now even among the rescue?

Wednesday 03 April 2013

The EU Commission can not pay their bills: "For years, unpaid invoices accumulate in the EU and be taken from one into the next year." Thus, According to the EU Parliament makes the EU Commission of Insolvenzverschleppung guilty ". are there now total 217.3 billion euros "to unpaid bills, so a message of German Business News on 3 April-2013.

Therefore, the Commission asks in a supplementary budget now 11.2 billion euros. The Spicy mind: In times when all EU countries partly suicidal austerity measures are imposed, the European Commission demonstrates that it can not handle money and is in fact insolvent. (More ...)

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