Screenshot: Video Hostages Kita chorweiler
In chorweiler, a deprived area, hotspot with 41% proportion of foreigners, many social counseling centers, vocational preparation, training and qualification opportunities, a 47-year-old Turk raided a daycare with a knife different section, took the Kita-conductor hostage and added him - and stabs to.
The kidnappers had demanded money and a getaway car.
After 11 hours the nervous drama with a stun grenade and an aimed shot in the shoulder of the Turks could be finished.
A dizzying array martial reinforced special forces, stocking masks and head bollards, expansive Barrier - the whole paraphernalia ...
Because you should may ask the simple question: Why was the hostage-taker is not after a reasonable time, say about 1-hour, his wish fulfilled? (More ...)
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