Machete and Pickaxe: New application tools of the police special forces?

Screenshot: Video Hostages Kita Cologne-Chorweiler

In Cologne Choir hamlet, a social hotspot, hotspot with 41% share of foreigners, many social counseling, vocational preparation, training and qualification opportunities , a 47-year-old Turk raided a daycare with a knife several section, took the Kita hostage and inflicting - and stab wounds to.

The gunman had demanded money and a getaway car.

After 11 hours, the nerves drama with a flashbang and a targeted shot in the shoulder of the Turks was complete.

A huge range of martial reinforced Special Forces, stocking masks and head bollard, barrier spacious - the whole paraphernalia ...

As should be allowed to ask the simple question: Why was not the hostage-taker after a reasonable time, say after about one hour, his wish fulfilled?

Instead of using machete and pickaxe (!) To edit the house of the action to penetrate inconspicuously can, you would have the apparently located by money troubles man but simply can pass a small suitcase with flowers. Then you would have provided him a car, in the spirit of the following story:

In 1999 I was looking for a Mercedes estate and would find it before the Cologne University. Called number, agreed meeting, made a short test drive. The car ran well, the seller, a Turk, but was sweating strange and weird was nervous. Anyway, I handed DM 1500 and sat behind the wheel. After what felt like another 2000 meters from the coach smeared, column of smoke - engine damage. Needless to note that the name and telephone number did not exist on the purchase agreement.

My tip for the Men in Black: Just a prepared little car's needs: Roll a few Meterchen and then has the piston seizure. You can meanwhile quite loose and unobtrusively with the bike afterwards and get the type of car.

Think about it! Not 11 hours - no, 1 hour and 5 minutes! And: The Economy in Cologne-Chorweiler and elsewhere in Germany will probably not get better in the future for now. It will therefore be hinkünftig more people with financial problems, but fewer and fewer police. So always keep a few flowers and cars with engine failure ready ...

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One Response to "machete and pickaxe: New application tools of the police special forces?"

  1. Muriel says:

    I'm afraid so that the end of hostage to the many, many, many things are, the much simpler one imagines as a layman, than they are in reality.
    But maybe there speaks only my completely exaggerated sympathy for police from me, and you're absolutely right.
    Who knows?

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