Archive for May 2013

Erdogan: Fall of Constantinople in 1453 - the beginning of the Turkish Age of Enlightenment

Friday, May 31 2013

Planned new bridge from Asia to Europe via the Bosporus

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan gave last Wednesday at the inauguration of the project of a new 10-lane bridge over the Bosphorus insight into his understanding of history and the role of Turkey for Europe.

The Catholic news agency reported as only about the event: "With the conquest of Constantinople Opel and defeating the Byzantine Empire in the 15th century, the Muslim Ottomans had an 'Age of Enlightenment' initiated, said the Turkish Prime Minister."
The reign of the Byzantines in Turkey today, he described the other hand, as a "dark chapter". Significantly, the ceremony to lay the foundations of the bridge project took place on the anniversary of the conquest of Byzantium held (29 'May 1453).
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Syria: EU countries now officially war party?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The lifting of the arms embargo against Syria by the EU shows clearly on what it calls "Europe must speak with one voice" with the mantra repeated request has to be: it lacks any basis in case of doubt. The EU allowed different countries now, when it comes to arms sales again for themselves to decide how they want to behave. This permission would not have been necessary - the sovereign nation-state is and will remain for the foreseeable future, the decisive reference size.

Were it not for the Nobel Peace Prize, which the EU recently awarded ... Since the French and British insistence on arms supplies to the Syrian rebels acts already like a cruel joke. And awakens unpleasant memories of the colonial past of both countries in the Region: (Read more ...)

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Angelina Jolie: Take off two breasts ...

Sunday, May 26 2013

Angelina Jolie - a member and sponsor of the Council on Foreign Relations (Source: Homepage CFR, detail)

The US actress Angelina Jolie has recently let remove two symbols of her femininity - her breasts. Fearing cancer. "Courageous", "heroic" call that everywhere the media and celebrity colleagues.

The eulogies seem at first spontaneously and sincerely. But they leave behind, and almost everything that the actress is doing publicly, leave an uneasy feeling. Suspicion of ambiguity, close to propaganda in the service of something? So similar are the associations.

Jolie now holds with her ​​mastectomy-coming-out (in the "New York Times") according to the media occupied the notion of heroism, indeed, it has even defined it anew. Because caution seems appropriate; we try, the bad gut feeling that affects just about all messages that Angelina or "Brangelina", accurate to outline. What is the loggerhead, the "addition-chairs", the feeling that you are dealing with an evil agenda and the proverbial poisoned apple?
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Bees murder in Bonn-Bad Godesberg: Crime Scene readers Park

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tatort readers Park near Büchel

Today, on 05.23.2013, I went with my dog ​​for a walk once again in the Rhine near Readers Park. Suddenly I saw under a blossoming rhododendron bush an open blackened beehives, the bees were all dead.

I quickly went to the residents of all readers parks known valley where a beekeeper has stacked two rows of beehives. In a tent he kept on honey, boxes and other paraphernalia, he comes every night by to check on things.

But tonight offered a picture of horror: An arson attack had been perpetrated on the bee space. The ash was around 20.00 clock still warm, it hung an acrid smell of charred plastic and burnt wax and honey in the air. With the photos of the scene are unnecessary further descriptions. (More ...)

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