Warning: Please just look at the video below, if psychologically stable: violent scenes from 00:40.
Terror Files, observations and monitoring of "potential attackers". Nevertheless, European Islamists obviously can travel freely again to Syria and massacre civilians there. (See recently the message of a "German" fanatic of Chechen origin, was able to travel from Kiel to jihad to Syria, there came to an end, and his widow, together with four unprovided children leave in Germany. Why got the Chechen with Russian passport at all asylum in Germany? )
From 00:40 the above video you can hear after Allahu Akbar shouts both French and Flemish Click to better cut off the obviously difficult tortured civilians upside can. What's going on here?
Why get fanatical Salafists / takfiris after successful radicalization in Europe free departure to spread terror? But about 100 Islamist fanatics from Belgium to Syrian mischief, so the estimates.
And: Is anyone prepared for when this inhuman fanatics back to Europe, via Turkey, to enter after they have committed perverse murders in Syria? Interested any prosecutor for? Is being investigated in the corresponding communities in Belgium?
Interesting: documentary about the Islamisation of Brussels.
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Tags: beheading, Islamists, Syria
For the Islamists, it behaves like the Red-RAF and now also with the brown RAF alias NSU: the State intervenes with in accordance with the views expressed by Franz-Josef Strauss Wildbad-Kreuth "pigsty" theory: it can not get bad enough to more thoroughly clean out (or monitor to curtail liberties upgrade, etc.) Even the clever and intentionally failed integration is this evidence, see: Foreign clans threaten Berlin: http://www.politaia.org/politik/europa/auslandische- clans-threaten-berlin-extra /
ONLY with Islam has to do nothing: because the Koran explicitly prohibits killing and suppressing people. On the contrary, it is used every effort to discredit Islam as a religion and high fueling Islamophobia, see Sabine Schiffer with their sound analyzes: http://www.medienverantwortung.de/publikationen/vortragsmanuskripte/ much more doth the phenomenon of terrorism and fundamentalism on the one hand to do with the poisoning of Islam by the Westem, do this, the exciting analysis of Thomas Bauer, The Culture of Ambiguity. Another History of Islam: http://www.uni-muenster.de/ArabistikIslam/Forschen/kultur.html
The other hand, dealing with armies of marginalized and underprivileged young men (and clans) who exaggerate their murderous manhood rituals religiously. This is an overall upgraded by the Allies understanding of politics (in the context of the described by Gabriele Kuby global sexual revolution as the destruction of freedom in the name of freedom, Kissleg 2012) with dramatic consequences, see: Gunnar Heinsohn, The Schrumpfvergreisung Deutsche - sleeps through Germany the struggle for Talente: http://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/debatten/integration/die-schrumpfvergreisung-der-deutschen-deutschland-verschlaeft-den-kampf-um-talente-1579548.html
WHAT to do? Germany must be sovereign, ie to get rid of the transatlantic interest slavery, and concentrate on its best tradition, as, inter alia, from the Staufer Emperor Frederick II again. Was founded as a fruitful spiritual exchange between the Orient and Oxident.
Like the time with these little Christians are stupid kept so that you kill or to sacrifice himself for the rich.
Why are such executions inzeniert from the public?
Abschrecjung the little so do not muck on?
It is time of enlightenment with this makes fulfilled faith, so also the stupidest figured that DASC killing is not the way to paradise is.