Monthly Archives: July 2013

Femen: headquarters burned

Monday, July 29, 2013

On 07/23/2013 blazed flames from the new headquarters and international Trainingszentum the "Sextremistengruppe" Femen. The Nacktprotestlerinnen called after deleting the flames, the Paris authorities to financial support for the reconstruction of their "holy place" and this "historically important place," the "Femenismus "on.

Femen: Flames burst out of her Hauptquartie in Paris (source:, YouTube Still)

Femen manages the flames in the back, again, as a sacrifice to stand and fresh legitimacy to raise usual hysterical complaints, allegations and accusations against their male enemies.

Only recently one of the Ukrainian activists of the first hour of victim status was virtually officially conferred in France: Inna Shevchenko got political asylum granted, after she had withdrawn from the prosecution in their own country by fleeing. (More ...)

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Conversation with a three and a half year olds

Wednesday, July 24 2013

We go with my fourteen year old dog for a walk.

"Susi is already old. Is Susi soon be dead? "

"No, not so soon."

"And you're already old, you're dead then?"

"Yes, these are all people once. But after that one is then in heaven, there is also beautiful. "

"Yes, with all good people."

"And God".

"And if we are repaired, we can still go back in of our house!"

"Yes, that's right, you're right."

"But we have to ask for permission. But how do we get down to, we can not fly yet! "

"But that has yet worked out beforehand, as we flew in the sky".

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Man has no chance against the bull

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Especially the annual Fiesta of San Fermin in Pamplona took place again: where bulls are driven through a narrow alley, waiting in the already hundreds of men to them.

A fascinating spectacle - the single "bullfight", in which it happens reasonably fair, since the bull by the picadors with small spears and short spears (banderillas) is not engraved in the neck and shoulder muscles, which the bull paralyzes and eventual death Stich prepared with the sword of toreros ...

As so often shows itself in Pamplona (north Spain): man has little chance against the bull, except the one time jump to page. Did I say man? For several years, namely are also women admitted to the spectacle. Where were they anyway?

Here's a fascinating video of Russia Today:

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Edward Snowden: statement on Moscow airport

Friday, July 12 2013

The following statement Snowden was probably recorded with a hidden camera. The explanation was interrupted by an airport announcement ... then tears off the record.

"Less than a month I had a family, a home in paradise, and I lived very comfortably. I also had the ability to search without a court order your communication, to seize and to read. Everyone's communication, anytime. This means the power to change the fate of people. But there is a serious breach of law. The 4th and 5th Amendment to the (US) Constitution, Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and numerous statutes and treaties prohibit such a system of massive, pervasive surveillance. "

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Why the future millions of Africans (and others) are gay, so in Germany they (and elsewhere in the EU) are granted asylum

Friday, July 12 2013

"Drawn Together" (Source: YouTube Still, sexual inclinations soon asylum Guarantee

Eleanor Sharpton, British Advocate General at the ECJ (Source: unknown)

(Referred to the ECJ, the European Court briefly) The decisive grace of God Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg is a judgment that corresponds to the application of its Advocates General, as is always the case:

In this case it comes to a resolution by Mr, Mrs Eleanor Sharpston pardon, by the EU governments (no separation of powers) used the Advocate General at the ECJ.

Three (allegedly) homosexuals from Sierra Leone, Uganda and Senegal had attempted to enforce their right to asylum in the Netherlands with regard to a situation of persecution in their countries of origin because of their sexual orientation.

Sharpston, which was still used by Tony Blair, was particularly unacceptable to hide his sexual orientation in order to avoid severe penalties in these countries.

The Dutch Ministry of Immigration and Asylum had asylum applications of three Africans originally negative summoned by saying it was reasonable to "the public living out their homosexuality" retain in their countries of origin.

This unrealistic attitude of the ECJ are again an occasion to call for his abolition: His Judges and Advocates General are appointed by the governments of the EU Member States in each case for six years. Thus they have neither democratic legitimacy nor satisfy them the necessary since the Enlightenment principle of separation of powers. In fact determine the eight Advocates General, the direction, which the Court "usually" follows. (More ...)

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Snowden suspected: Plane forced from Bolivian president on board for landing

Wednesday 03 July 2013


Bolivian machine FAB-001 with Evo Morales on board, Photo: ABI

... And prevented from refueling.

As the Bolivian news agency ABI (Agencia Boliviana de Información) reported yesterday a plane carrying Bolivian President Evo Morales on board during the flight to land was forced. Obviously suspected the US and others, the whistleblower Edward Snowden was on the next flight from Moscow to target La Paz, which was not the case. (Read more ...)

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Thus Irish bankers making fun of Germany: The giggles and vultures the zombie bankers

Wednesday 03 July 2013

December 2008: The real estate bubble burst in Ireland. Irish banks had granted unilaterally and in enormous proportions mortgages. Not content with. The Anglo Irish Bank even had its own directors approved loans amounting to 255 million euros, which gradually came to light during checks. This set off a chain reaction. Anglo Irish became the first Irish bank into difficulties.

A few days later, the then Taoiseach in panic announced that all three major Irish banks (Anglo Irish, Allied Iris h, Bank of Ireland) would be recapitalized by the government. (More ...)

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