Controversial, non-authorized Advertising: Can you do that?

Students of the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg have turned a povokantes promotional video. Warning: It has nothing to do with Mercedes-Benz, the car that detects threats before they arise ... It is non-authorized!

The small Adolf run over logically and is located at the end of dead in the form of a ...

In the youtube clip is not available, other media have censored him:

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One Response to "Controversial, non-authorized Advertising: Can you do that?"

  1. Henning Müller says:

    Hello Ms. Beck!

    No, such a thing must not be.

    We see a little boy who is hit by a car and his horrified mother, who must regard this catastrophe.

    That's pretty tasteless and twisted and completely the reasons behind the emergence of the Third Reich.
    It does so as if one person determine the history of the world and suggests that this person was tolerated or used by numerous other patrons.
    For instance, who funded the rise of Adolf Hitler?
    Why will not the brood of small banksters run over, who have made the Gröfaz at all possible?
    But even that might not touch it, because people in childhood are politically innocent.
    It is also legal nonsense, because an act may only be punished if committed incl. Their demonstrable preparations.

    Just because it's not politically correct to talk about the backgrounds of Nazi Germany, I let me explain for a long time not dummbatzigen students how to possibly get social problems under control.
    The film is more active brainwashing of an occupying power and the desired "infinite" advance knowledge of a NSA, and much less the benefits of a well known German car brand, or even the use of one's own mind.

    Henning Müller

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