Everything is beautiful, old and especially, must be destroyed and erased from the memory of the earth: In Maloula, the lovely, under the protection of a peace Madonna 3000 year old village where Muslims and Christians speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus, then, shook the stones.
The ancient monastery of St. Tekla, take care of orphans in the nuns had to be evacuated and the children are hiding in caves.
Last Wednesday races, a suicide bomber with a truck loaded with explosives into a post of the Syrian army, which was to guard the 3300 souls counting town.
Then "rebels" of Jabat-al-Nusra front one with the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Israel strategic allies offshoot al-Qaeda began to bombard the city and its inhabitants with artillery.
It may be no coincidence that in a moment when the whole world is watching Syria, such a place is selected for malicious destruction.
It turns out that the foot soldiers of the facilitators and financiers of this atrocity act specifically against World Heritage Site, which actually belong to the whole humanity and should be preserved for future generations.
About the site can be seen perched on a rock a blue garment tete Mother God are that Maria is this peaceful microcosm, an otherwise tourist-filled place, protect, symbolically but the whole world, the spread here as in a rocky nutshell is.
A Schutzmantelmadonna embodies the feminine aspect of the life-Protective, mountain ends, the blue color of the coat is the infinity of the sky, the "Queen of Heaven" - the symbolic fabric of the place is all very tight.
The report of RT reporter Maria Fenoshina site gives an impression of the events. Syrian army you should to protect the historical monuments, have since withdrawn from the place, what "rebels" used to return thither, partly entrenching in underground levels that are apparently abundant in this area. (Dedicated to St. Sergius and Bacchus) Mar Sarkis monastery should already have been looted.
Syrian government troops are currently trying to bring the place back under their control.
The most grotesque war coalition of modern times history is characterized now by anti-human, anti-Christian action and embracing irreverence. It addresses his perverse divide-and-conquer especially against the peaceful coexistence of religions, as it has long been exemplified realized just in Maloula.
How will it be then appointed after the attack of the Nobel Peace Prize for it? The gates of hell will open completely.
Below is a very interesting report about Maloula, in which one sees also the monastery of St. Thecla:
The next report was about a year ago also made by Maria Fenoshina, as was not shot in Maloula. It contains valuable testimony:
A modern legend, there are a Schutzmantelmadonna, which is to have the city of Ravensburg saved in the final stages of World War II: A British bomber pilots they appeared just before the approach to Ravensburg, so he turned and his bomb load not threw. In fact, the historical Ravensburg remained. For this reason, the largest square in Ravensburg has been renamed to "Marienplatz".
The only phenomena which have in Syria hired mercenaries in their bloody deeds, are probably to a large extent Captagon-induced Drogendelirien. The amphetamine is repeatedly made in large quantities to Syria and was repeatedly confiscated by border police .
The Russian channel "Rossiya 1" recently did a show on the events in Maloula - the subject of great attention is paid here in Germany and other Western countries, it is only Randnotitz.
A surprising finding is that Russia defended now more and more Christian values after decades of Soviet atheism. It is not only trite words but genuine concern whether the transgressions that were happening there.
Here is a access to the report with some English guidance.
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Tags: Maria Fenoshina , Syria Maaloula
The new Pope Francis I. (a masked as Franciscan Jesuit) organized a spectacular prayer vigil for peace in Syria and denounced the arms trade (see, inter alia, hierzu: http://de.radiovaticana.va/news/2013/09/08/angelus:_waffenhandel_zerstört_frieden/ted-726711 ) JESUIT-POPE "FORGOT" but pointed out that the root of this from a CAI scientists advocated a "clash of civilization" a genuinely Christian-Catholic is: there are invented by Christians weapons, controlled by Christian wars, propagated by Christians wars, preferred by Christians interests at issue here - a fatal continuity of the Pax Romana to Pax Catholica towards Pax Americana; wide designs in this blog comment by: http://www.islampress.de/2013/9/2/ war driver-merkel-and-westerwelle
That the Pope's Jesuit, is known. However, the adoption of the name "Franziscus" indicates a conversion Bergoglios. His Flagellation of the arms trade in Zushg. with Syria is absolutely correct. The hypocrisy of those who do not want to see this schizophrenia and hide (well known that Syria flooded with weapons for x-bilion dollars) behind countries such as Saudi Arabia is immeasurable. Why continue to thrash around in that moment on the church and face so that the side of the Zeitgeist / the media, when the voice and the Catholic Kriche is urgently needed than ever?
Love Friederike,
I dresche not, but try to show arguments and facts. For what good is the voice of Roman Latin Church when she is poisoned by the roots? And the corrupted spirit, which yes originally as a term of Hegel wants, among other things, yes exactly that of transport in which the reigning Pope behaves ambiguous, eg: The Flying press conference Papstes http://de.radiovaticana.va/news/2013/08/03/die_fliegende_pressekonferenz_des_papstes/ted-716706 ODER ABOUT THIS TOPIC: B'nai B'rith "commemorative liturgy" in Buenos Aires Cathedral with Cardinal Bergoglio http://www.katholisches.info/2013/03/22/bnai-brith-gedenkliturgie-in-kathedrale-von-buenos-aires-mit-kardinal-bergoglio/ ES BE RECALLED THAT the reasons for withdrawal of Pope em. Benedict XVI. are just closely linked with these ambiguities.
Quite frankly I do not think anyone really looks completely at the operations you mentioned behind the scenes. However, it seems to me a bit far-fetched the "Clash of Civilizations" by Samuel Huntington of Kathol. Attributable to church, especially Prof. Huntington her probably does not belong. Clearly the church has charged much guilt throughout history, but you should not throw the baby out with the bathwater, as is well known, many not christl. Traditions were absorbed by it. Anyone who is serious with the charity should I sein.Wenn a friend Pope would, I'd just now travel to Syria and introduce me to the 2-3 million Christians. If I would take a bullet pseudo jihadists, then it was God's will, but the Syria war and WKIII would at any rate verhindert.Aber'm not Pope (in):-(
It's worth it to study the texts accurately. This Pope travels certainly not Syria or Egypt, and he had not been called the Grand Mufti of Syria to his prayer vigil welcome, so this remained at home, see: Syria's Grand Mufti Ahmad Badreddin Hassou (his son was brutally murdered by the NATO-rebels ) want! coming Saturday at peace prayer of the Pope in St. Peter's Square in Rome teilnehmen: http://de.radiovaticana.va/news/2013/09/02/syrien:_großmufti_will_nach_rom_kommen/ted-724837 AUSSERDEM: where increasing the darkness, dan also increases the light, but most do not see it (the same goes for the Catholic Church -. a light is certainly em Pope Benedict XVI.)
Thank Frederike Beck..dafür to draw attention to this side of the Syrian war.
'm Also not a fan of gender-infiltrated Catholic Church, BUT simple believers (Syrians, Copts, etc.) can not for the crimes of the Vatican and its officials.
It reminds me also of the blasting of (I did in 1970 visited) intact Bhuddastatuen in Bhamian / in the heartland of Afghanistan later by the fanatical Taliban.
A tragedy .. what the oh so "Christian West" has fully co-responsibility!
For it is the abghobenen politicians and think tanks usraelischen which led up the "dogs of war" (rebels, terrorists, "freedom fighters") there ... ..