Monthly Archives: July 2014

Pussy Riot for president or for Nobel Peace Prize or so

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It has become a trend: to award medals, prizes and awards for sentiments and opinions that tend somehow in the direction of holding the award presenters for the hip line of approach:

Has anyone put forward anything negative against Russia? Yes? It might be worthy of an award. Whether feebleminded or criminal, it was good enough for the Hannah Arendt Prize of green Boell Foundation ...

... Which has now been awarded to Nadezhda Tolokonnikowa and Maria Aljochina - although, unlike these two female "Max and Moritzen" lightning clever political philosopher and named after where it is now, no longer came out of his head shaking.

But had not even Heinrich Boell Weiland warned along with Lew Kopelew before Putin? (More ...)

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Western community of values: Updated set of values ​​in 2014

Saturday, July 26 2014

Source: Götz Wieden Roth

Subsequently, all members of the Western and transatlantic community of values ​​and all aspirants to membership the updated current events geschärten values ​​is brought to the notice with a request that they use the "shared values ​​app" be downloaded directly in the brain. (More ...)

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Akif Pirinçci and Zyonismus

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Muhammed al-Khwarizmi, inventor of the algorithm (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

I Pirinccis "Germany mad" read me mostly amused if his bawdy earthiness giggled and felt his lush, exuberant linguistic Orientalism à la "German Man, you're the stronger sex, in your tendons [he means hands?] Rests power and the glory of the German state ... "well as a stylistic enrichment for the German language.

Its specific linguistic taboos ("arschgefickt" u. The like.) I think in an emergency, it's not a few are, clearly, as a targeted measure for under- or Breaching better people-Speaks and to enforce attention while often comatose audience for legitimate place to myself but after a few times certain fatigue resistant. The border to the demented hillbilly is sometimes exceeded, the noble purpose can not force endlessly extenuating circumstances ... (more ...)

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Warmongering: MH 17 "A Game Changer" (II)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Hillary Clinton, who already warming up in order to inherit Obama was in office, so just comment on the day the plane tragedy in New York studio with Charlie Rose and was one of the first the terrible events. Surprisingly (or maybe not,! See previous blog entry) they presented - strictly from the fact proceeding that "the Russians" were - Receivables from Europe: (more ...)

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Warmongering: MH 17 "A Game Changer?"

Sunday, July 20, 2014

In connection with the tragic crash of the flight MH 17 (route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur) on ostukrainischem territory was heard from President Obama and influential figures of the US elite as an immediate response to the cry: "This is a game changer!"

What was an appropriate German translation of this expression?

As would

  1. The cards are being reshuffled
  2. a turning point
  3. strong pulse

as possibilities.

Surrounded by an immense propaganda bustle of the Anglo-Saxon press, the. Also by the German media, if it is also in milder form, endorsed, it is difficult even to keep composure and a clear head

Just the other hand, influential media in the Western Hemisphere have decided if they produce disgusting ester war propaganda-style titles such as "It was Putin's missile" next to pictures of sweet baby set. (More ...)

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Gaza, how often?

Friday, July 18 2014

A young Americans held during a demonstration in Jerusalem (2011), which led the Israeli demonstrators also through the Arab town and made there for agitation, a little speech:

"Israel occupied the Palestinian people in my name, on behalf of world Jewry. I myself am an American Jew, and I am here to say that this is totally unjust and ethically reprehensible. And all the peoples of the world will not stop until this occupation ends and the Palestinian people had to be right, the right of return, the right to live without crew and: equality within Israel! That is why we are here!

I tell the Israeli people: You gotta connect the world! On the unanimous opinion of the world! The world has decided that this crew can not go on. The refugees can not stay where they are! The world has decided that they all have to come home and the occupied territories should be free! Israel is the pariah state, Israel is the rogue! And the United States, my Government is responsible! I am here to tell: Not in my name, not on behalf of the American people "

Now look what happened after these words ... (more ...)

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World Cup 2014: Why we're all losers!

Thursday, July 17 2014

The Return of "Blood Warrior", source: youtube Still-Neck

At last it is over, this World Cup! We are world champions ?! Am I world champion? Nope. And that's a good thing.

The current outbreak of nationalism's worst on the fan mile at the Brandenburg Gate surpassed all fears and stereotypes that you can have football on the notorious men's sports:

Allegedly harmless fans celebrated "their" team, "their", "soccer gods", but who since had eyes to see could easily see that here rolled less of the ball, but the old, ugly nationalism, disguised as a modern, cosmopolitan patriotism, from his Stankhöhle crawled.

And precisely because this comes nice and apolitical supposedly new, uninhibited patriotism, he should give all the more cause for vigilance so that distinct beginnings can be resisted! (More ...)

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Educational: Family trip to the Christopher Street Day Parade

Wednesday 09 July 2014

Modern, contemporary early childhood education should be as early as possible, ie as soon as the children can walk, make sure that parents have with their offspring the Christopher Street Day to attend - this opinion is at least Kathy Stolzenbach, in an article published by the General Anzeiger (Bonn, Cologne) and the news channel NTV is sold: "trip to the Christopher Street Day '? Mama why does the man on the line' 'is out of sight and on behalf of young children about the apparently reported as educationally valuable prestigious road event as a" family outing " ,

You do not know the CSD? Well, here are exhibitionists so cavort all stripes (usually advanced stage of vintages), therefore people who relish "suffer" under index or Zurschaustellungssucht and learned apparently considerable personal satisfaction. To stage naked or half-naked in the sexual context, but before adults öffenlichten space partially tolerated, before children punishable - actually ... (more ...)

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