Under "About Us" declares the Eastern Committee of the German economy as its raison d'etre:
He since 1952 "represents the interests of German economic t" in today 21 countries of the (South) Eastern Europe, including Russia. The Eastern Committee sees itself as a bridge: "The instruments of economic diplomacy shall, in cooperation with the federal government talks out between eastern members of the government and German companies". He organized on large number of related events and networked young professionals from the countries involved. U. a. He also performs the German-Russian Dialogue Baden-Baden.
The objectives of the Eastern Committee, inter alia, include "the intensification of economic relations with the countries serviced", "improving the trade and investment conditions for German companies". The Committee also provides its "network of contacts to government agencies and business representatives".
It may obtain the crème de la crème of the German economy are among its members. Among the five leading associations of the German economy (Federal Association of German Industry, Banking Association, Association of the German Insurance Industry, Foreign Trade Association of German Retailers and the Central Association of the German Trade) carrier the Association. Moreover, currently include "more than 200 member companies" to "from small businesses to DAX companies (as of July 2014)"
The Eastern Committee of the German economy would have been ideal, with its well-established for years, good contacts to the east to occur in the current Ukraine-conflict as an honest broker and mediator between the conflicting parties. Unfortunately, it was felt absolutely nothing - a total failure, where a "network of contacts" could catch and should.
The almost surrealistic in the context of self-imposed tasks of the Committee on Eastern statement by its Chairman Eckhard Corde s takes the own principles underfoot and reveals especially the very raison d'être of the Eastern Committee: The interests of the German economy.
In Eckhard Cordes "Search here Statement on sanctions against Russia," it states:
"The conflict in eastern Ukraine has developed before the introduction of economic sanctions against Russia to a lasting impact on the economic outlook in eastern Europe."
Already in the first sentence: So there's really only limited to the eastern Ukraine conflict? Mr. Cordes has not quite live at the level of achievable news!
"This negative trend is confirmed by the latest trade figures, which has been calculated for the period January to May 2014, the Committee on Eastern. Accordingly, the German exports went to the Ukraine in the first five months in 2014 compared to last year by 32 percent. The German economy went here as compared to the same period last year an export volume of over 700 million euros lost. Economical even more serious is the decline in exports to Russia by 15 percent or converted 2.2 billion euros in the same period. "
That is bad enough! Provides Cordes an approach? He points to any route pattern, a message? No! While it is bad for the German economy, but that is now no reason why it can not be worse!
Cordes prophesied: "The economic sanctions now adopted will exacerbate the negative trend in Russia, but also in Ukraine even further. Especially the export restrictions in high technology sectors will meet the need of modernization industrial sector in Russia sensitive. In return, the European and especially German export industry threatens further losses, more than 25,000 jobs in Germany alone in danger. "
The following is then original Washington - Cordes Takes determined transatlantic class point: "The sanctions of the European Union need to be seen by the Russian side as a clear signal, determined their influence on the separatists to exploit to the pacification of the conflict in eastern Ukraine and to enable a comprehensive elucidation of the plane crash. "
Unbelievable: A East "expert" Do not judge a word to Kiev, to grow at the deeds of the local coup government to a mountain of shame that no one can overlook, unless you want. Keyword Maidan-terror bombardment ostukrainischer towns, expulsion of the local population, collective punishment of eastern Ukraine, no electricity, no water, etc. Not to mention the unresolved transactions to flight MH17
"All sides must now best to return to the negotiating table, in the form of a contact group."
However, for negotiating proposals, it is now too late, Mr. Cordes, they have this possibility given if their partiality only to willingly out of his hand, her sword is now dull and uninteresting become her speech.
"The time limit for sanctions and periodic review by the EU are to be interpreted as an important signal that the dialogue on the European side should continue to be maintained and a resolution of the conflict must be found through diplomatic channels. Otherwise would be a lasting uncertainty among investors to fear an increasing isolation and estrangement of Russia from the West and a damage to the economic development in the whole of Europe. The East Committee will continue to receive his voice channels to the Russian and Ukrainian politics and economy upright. "
Corde does not seem to realize how pedantic and arrogant act above the announced "periodic reviews", to be sat with those courts. Reminder: it is the largest area country in the world, of which Europe applies a major chunk of its oil and natural gas, and the years in many small steps relations were established. Damage to the economic development is still long occurred, where was Cordes at the beginning of the crisis, where his vision? Where the diplomatic skill and the networks of the Eastern Committee?
In January this year, Cordes heard quite differently, as he reminded the audience engage Russia as a factor in Ukraine and criticized the EU:
"'In retrospect, it was not very smart, as the talks have gone to the Association Agreement with Ukraine', criticized Eckhard Cordes, chief of the Eastern Committee of the German economy, the question of EurActiv.de: 'To a solution can only come under involving all three regions - Ukraine, Russia and the EU - and not according to the motto: Either you or asks dorthhin. This is inconceivable and will not work! "
"The German government should 'naturally' assume in the deadlock between Ukraine, Russia and the EU an active, coordinating role as mediator, asks the Committee on Eastern. It had been a terrible mistake the EU to urge Ukraine to either-or. 'It can not go. We must finally enter into trilateral talks. '"
And: "We have to talk more with Russia and the Customs Union on a common business architecture ... The division of Europe into different economic zones is not up to date ', stressed Cordes. 'If Europe in the next twenty years will play a role, we must overcome such Kleinkariert characteristics. We need a European space which is fused and works closely - and with Russia ''.
It's stunning as Cordes after this self-critical words that every rational person really only can under washers, half a year later unceremoniously imploded and the imitators of sanctioning slogans is, the reasons for not withstand proper examination. Especially as it is unlikely to have been unaware that a member of the German Ethics Council, Reinhard Merkel, in the FAZ the Anschuss Crimea to the Russian Federation and the previous history of the referendum as well look compatible with international law.
Cordes sober assessment earlier this year turns into completely irrational mainstreamduselige slogans: "Cordes stressed that the situation had changed by the shooting down of a passenger aircraft on the Eastern Ukraine with nearly 300 dead. Dealing with disaster constitutes an 'act of Inhumanität'dar, he criticized:' We see disturbing behaviors if the separatists rob corpses. From the Russian side, we hear adventurous theories about that had been sitting in the plane dead ''. (s. Handelsblatt v. 7.24.14).
What Cordes operates here, is no longer the well-considered words and actions of a composure preserving economic diplomats, but classic black propaganda against an important trading partner. Any interested contemporary who has promptly dealt with the events after the crash of the Malaysian passenger plane, know that this is so.
So what is going on? Is Cordes a bit, shall we say, stupid? Or uninformed? Is he clouded by the shock of the terrible misfortune if? Probably not.
Interesting: Cordes also sits on supervisory bodies of various companies, including Rheinmetall. Again Cordes could make no influence, such as the good principle among business partners that you can not be in breach of contract, especially not when the winter season is around the corner ...
Minister Gabriel pointed to the new line: In Germany can not be relied more. Already paid and approved contracts need not be complied with: For "is about human lives".
That is why the EU liftete indeed a few days ago and the arms embargo against Kiev. Again, it's about human lives that can be placed in jeopardy now better.
Rheinmetall could not even take courage to comment on its network presence the monstrous act of breach of contract.
Cordes is Insider and visited z. B. in 2010 as the World Economic Forum in Davos and the meeting of the Trilateral Commission. The latter cares for improved cooperation among the three economic superpowers North America, Europe and Japan. Probably thanks to their "beneficial" activity, also made the Nippon kowtow: A weak-willed Japan joined unawares the current sanctions.
Atlantik-Brücke-member Ulrich Grillo, President of the Federal Association of German Industry (since 2013) might also not stand back, or even represent the interests of the members of his association, but also joined in the always loud chorus: In Germany funct interview from 03.14.2014 expressed Grillo be incredibly stupid:
"Heinemann: Mr. Grillo, you expect an economic war?
Grillo: economic sanctions are a matter of policy
Grillo: Mr Heinemann, the word 'war' we should avoid actually. Perhaps we talk about 'economic sanctions'. Of course, we have significant economic relations, almost 80 billion with Russia, almost 80 billion euros. Economic sanctions would interfere mutually sensitive. On the other hand, there are international law and international law is not negotiable. This is above all. In this respect, one must carefully weigh the. But the economy itself should not discuss publicly about economic sanctions, including measures in my opinion. This is a question of politics, and because I trust completely the Chancellor and our foreign minister. "
Again: Grillo babbles about international law that stands above all, it knows the global public (see Iraq, Libya, Syria, Gaza and much more.), This is only so in theory. (Or heard someone call for sanctions against the United States for their internationally wrongful aggression against Iraq in 2003, or against the participating NATO countries during 11 months of international law bombardment of Libya, or against the Zion-state because of his every year conducted Bay festival in Gaza? )
The blank check "complete confidence" Grillo embarks deliberately any chance to influence German politics.
It was always in the same way: On the one hand warned high German business representatives dutifully from the effects of sanctions - on the other hand they announced in anticipatory obedience, wanting this course endorse.
Another example: The President of the Association of German Banks (BdB), Jürgen Fitschen: ... "it would be completely wrong now abandon everything that the German economy have spent years working in Russia," said the co-head of Deutsche Bank. Both managers [Fitschen and Grillo] said, however, if the federal government decide sanctions that German companies would also endorse this. "
This rhetorical scheme at a variety of high German business representatives allows only one conclusion: just you do not represent German interests, or those of members of their organizations and thus thousands of jobs, but they are, above all, transatlanticist with freezout look to Washington and Brussels ,
Masters of this style are Willing Executioners, no more and no less, and thus hiring mistakes.
As the saying goes in George Orwell: "The output from the pigs slogan 'four-legged good biped bad' excited especially the sheep: it bleat in unison and thus drown out any criticism." To the latter it is also and especially, should one would think, was the overriding, swelling Sanktionsgeblöke in the ear.
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Tags: Atlantic Bridge, BDI, Eckgard Cordes, Fitschen, Eastern Committee of German Economy, Russia, sanctions, Trilateral Commission, Ulrich Grillo
The Eastern Committee of the economy with other economic forums with Rainer Linder, Gernot Erler, Günter Verheugen also active in Ukarine.
When bribery engine with gangsters even 15 years ago, well known already
Mr. Cordes does not seem very far to stand up or someone has failed to inform him in due time of the march direction in the hierarchy. The mechanisms are the interested witnesses not unknown that brazen mendacity with which the powers increasingly, at least since 2001, arise and put on media had, however, seems new. Deliciously komplimentierend Uri Geller man's