ARD Panorama showing Nazi symbols in Ukraine

Swastika flag of the Una-Unso Battalion Ukraine

Programme Board

During yesterday (19/02/2015) sending Panorama "Ukraine Support - Supplying the Front" Panorama drew upon, inter alia, the path of a young man who lives in Munich with Ukrainian-Russian roots, the leaves school before graduation to in his home Donetsk to travel and fight there.

However, towards the end of the report clear that Dimitri not want to official troops of the Ukrainian army for training, but rather a battalion of 1990 founded in Lviv neo-Nazi battalion "Una-Unso" accession that symbolizes a stylized black swastika on a red has reason - the flag - a forbidden, unconstitutional badge will be shown for several seconds in the Panorama program long in the picture and is also twice uniforms in the image. Unsa-Unso is known as a radical anti-Semitic and anti-Russian, the right sector of Ukraine (Prawyj sector) is close and fell by brutal actions are the so-called. Euromaidan on.

By uncritically reporting Panorama makes radically anti-Semitic and anti-Russian attitudes feed and desensitize by the naive set "Dimitri does not see himself as a Nazi, he wants to defend only his home."

Panorama program: Nazi flag in front Dimitris Barracks

Screenshot: ARD Panorama accompanied Dimitri to Nazi battalion Una-Unso in Ukraine

It is intolerable that a funded my GEZ fees institution, a young and naive man obviously accompanied on the journey to a neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic and anti-Russian training camp without having drawn his attention to the importance of this step.

Panorama filmed extensively in the Una-Unso barracks - the very latest, then it must be noticed also the Panorama team that there was blowing a Ukrainian stylized swastika flag. From the report does not indicate that panorama then the young man Dimitri or at least later in the processing of the material (young) audience would again expressly advised of that fact.

Could I raise against this type of trivializing reporting and the showing of unconstitutional symbols opposition and find it intolerable that panorama with this uncritical reportage possibly other young men enticed to leave Germany and candidate for "Una-Unso".

However, I put a program complaint.

Friederike Beck

Click here for the Panorama program:

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