ISIS / IS unveiled: US General Wesley Clark explains the dirty secret

CNN interview with US General Wesley Clark (released on YouTube 02/17/2015), former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, 1990 NATO commander in Kosovo.

Subsequently, the translation:

Clark: "So, it is therefore a bit of a dilemma, we have to be confusion over this way. We need permission to follow the clues, let in the troops and to harness the ISIS was started by funding our friends and allies, because the people in the region will tell you. 'If you want someone who Hezbollah fought to the death so do not depend on a recruitment poster and say: 'You Undertake with us' or 'we make a better world'. You have it in for zealot! "

Interviewer: "I hear they keep Syria nebulous! I mean, they were very decided that they wanted to destroy this crazy ISIS. For me it is not confused, the question would be if they erase the ISIS in Syria, which is the goal, then erase together with Assad, there must be a plan for these things! "

Clark: "Well, some things can not be so clear plan, because it has to do with the field of politics. And part of that is: Is it possible to move the Russians to withdraw their support of Bashar al-Assad How could this be done? Well, we have to deal with the Russians in Ukraine, and they are not helpful. In fact, from the perspective of Putin he sees the game probably the other way around. He says, because Americans need us to help with Iran, because they have no ground troops in Syria, they actually depend on us. Therefore, we can continue to drive the Ukraine and the Americans will not stop us, because they are afraid that they will lose our cooperation elsewhere in the world. He [Putin] makes it so out in this way. So, it's difficult. You can not always plan ahead linearly everything ... "

The Clark interview reveals an incredible subliminal cynicism. The zealots of the IS are putty in the hands of powerful interests, such as drown an entire region into misery.

Subsequently, a FOX News interview with Megyn Kelly, General Wesley Clark (released on YouTube on 19/02/2015, video link at the bottom of the post)

Megyn Kelly: "Welcome Wesley Clark, the NATO served as chief commander and former presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, he is the author of 'Do not wait for the next war. A strategy for America's growth and global leadership '. And we wait to see what he has to say about this! Sir - great to meet you!

Clark: "Thanks Meg!"

MK: "General Keane said that radical Islam is the enemy. Do you agree? "

Clark: "Well, I agree with a lot of what General Keane says. He is an old Feuend of mine and a very intelligent and experienced guide. I think now we have a real threat of extremist Islam interpretations, which are represented by groups such as ISIS, but you see. It is also true that right now there are a huge geopolitical struggle in the Middle East "

MK (interrupting): "Ok But before we get to that, I just want to start with the question, for we have heard from General [Michael] Flynn, the DIA [Defense Intelligence Agency] introduced. I mean, that's a big secret, he is the brother of the CIA. He led them recently in the summer he was retired and ordered the government to ensure that they do not use the term 'Islamic militants'. He said: 'We can not beat an enemy, which we do not admit that it exists.' Do not agree to the? "

Clark: "Yeah, I agree. But I think it's not just radical Islam because radical Islam is used. We, the United States used the radical Islam to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. We asked the Saudis that beizuschaffen money. They did it. "

MK (interrupting): "Ok. This is ... "

Clark: "Megyn, that's all part of it."

MK: "What these gentlemen say apparently, is that we have a government that yes, they do not even call them by name, to insult of political correctness, for fear someone. Keane believes, for fear of what has happened in Afghanistan and Iraq, but that we must not let fear control of us, if we now see us against this enemy. "

Clark: "Well, of course we can not let fear control of us. But you can not effectively deal with this threat before one has not understood what is their source. It is not just the fanaticism or radical Islam, it is controlled and fired from geostrategic ambitions of powers in the region. "

MK: "Ahem (interrupts). But what he was trying to say - our viewers see and we will get a lot of feedback - what General Keane is tempted to say that the policy - which, he says, has failed, what also this other general says that it fails has - retreat is deducted. And he brought examples. Let us just go through quickly, we have missed an opportunity in Syria or not? "

Clark: "We could have done with the moderate Syrians much more than we did."

MK: "Mmm (interrupts). Have we missed an opportunity in Libya or not? "

Clark: "You know, the problem in Libya was that we only had a partial opposition, but it was not strong and united opposition."

MK (interrupting): "If we had to assist them when they asked for help with a modest security force?"

Clark: "Exactly. We have yet supported, that's right! "

MK (interrupting): "If we had any remaining troops will leave Iraq? Should we have to leave them anyone to claim the winnings of our troops? "

Clark: "I would like to retain a residual force in Iraq, if we had had the correct status for a military agreement. But you have to understand because of this criticism is that it was Iran behind the scenes with the Maliki regime, no matter what the United States would have done in the negotiations, Iran would have found a way to help us out of Iraq push. "

MK: "Why make it easy for them? Here's the question: Why does the government does not want to designate as such radical Islam "?

Clark: "You have to ask a government spokesman!"

MK: "she chairs wrong, right? (Pauses Clark.) Why? They are too politically correct? Because it irritates the people, when they see that 6 in 10 Americans know, you hear ... "(mess).

Clark: "Megyn, is not about religion, it's about ..." (Megyn interrupts).

MK: "But, it's about religion, it's about perverted religious ideology!"

Clark: "No, that's impossible!"

MK: "Yes! Do not tell me that it has nothing to do with Islam! Of course it did! "

Clark: "It's ..." (MK interrupts). "Yes of course. But let me explain what people in the area will tell you if you ask them: What is wrong with ISIS? Do you know what they tell you? Very frank? The only people who will fight against the Iranians and the Shia and Hezbollah are these nutty religious zealots. And all Sunni powers they used. They have created a Frankenstein in the area! "

MK: "What should the United States do? Because their problem is now our problem! "

Clark: "It is now purely with Special Forces. We must create local forces on the ground. You must use the US Air Force. It must contain the! You have to work with allies in the region. "

MK: "Feel like General Keane and others said:? This is communism, Nazism of our time"

Clark: "I know that there is a threat of this ah, ah, religious interpretation, these extremist interpretation of Islam. Is it the communism of our time? Not so far as it is supported by States. Because what I'm trying to explain is that states have created it. And there are allies! "

MK: "So what's the answer now?"

Clark: "You shall be comprehensive approach to the topic. That is militarily, diplomatically, economically, ideologically, and you have the Sunni Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia itself persuade loudly speak out against ISIS. "

MK: "Um ..."

Clark: "... and to their interpretation of it [of Islam]."

MK: "Great to meet you!"

Clark: "Thank you."


Interesting how the interviewer Megyn Kelly adhere strictly to their script and General Clark's revelations roll off completely to her:

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