Archive for the Category 'rhymes and absurd'

Doomsday 2012 - the current poem

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

End of the World

Ludwig Meidner, Apocalyptic Landscape (1913)

The citizens flying from the tip top of the hat,
In all airing it resonates like shouting.
Roofers crash and go in half
And on the coasts - we read - the tide rises.

The storm is here, hupfen the wild seas
On land, in order to crush the thick dams.
Most people have a cold.
The railways fall of the bridges.

And now the surprise: (more ...)

And remember ... what threatens you

Friday, February 17, 2012

Vocals: Friederike Beck, Audio slopes

Not a breeze is stirring gently,
gently asleep resting the grove;
through the leaves dark cover
steals lights sunshine.

Rest, rest, O my soul,
your storms went wild,
have raged and have trembled,
like the surf when it swells. (more ...)

The rescue blues

Thursday, June 30, 2011

AUDIO: rescue blues

Any bank
is extremely poor
because their loans
are dead as a doornail!

Bad for the return: /
And it threatens default.

Yes we doing?

We tighten again the bailout on
and still pack a few billion on top of it: /

Some country
passes over the edge,
Book broken
no editing is too hard: (more ...)

Japan: Sapporo "Biru" - delicious promotional film

Saturday, March 19, 2011

After so much Schwerverdaulichem and sad from Japan: Here is an absolutely delicious, great-made commercial for Japanese beer, "Biru". Cheers!

Friede Springer founded the third Foundation! In Board: Merkel Husband

Thursday 03 February 2011
Merkel-Ehemann im Kuratorium der neuen Springer-Stiftung;Quelle wikimedia commons

Merkel's husband in the Board of Trustees of the new Springer Foundation (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Foundations have two main functions: first you are a tax shelter. 2 You buy influence with their help.

Of which there are in the house Springer obviously not enough because Friede Springer founded in addition to the already existing, the heart and the Axel Springer Foundation, yet another - the peace Springer Foundation.

( WORLD from 29.1.2011 ): "Berlin (dpa) - publisher Friede Springer has established a foundation for the promotion of science, art, culture and education. The initial capital of Friede Springer Foundation amounts to 80 million euros, as the organization announced on Monday. The money came from the personal assets of the widow of Axel Springer. Chairman of the Foundation, based in Berlin is Friede Springer himself. Sit next to her in the Board of Trustees and the former German President Horst Köhler and the current Federal Commissioner for the Stasi files, Marianne Birthler. The new foundation is independent of the Friede Springer Heart Foundation and the Axel Springer Foundation. "

"Welt am Sonntag : How is the new foundation be structured? And who decides?

Friede Springer: There is a board of trustees, which includes six figures: Marianne Birthler, the physician Manfred Gahr from Dresden, the former German President Horst Köhler, Christoph Markschies, Joachim Sauer (hervorg FB.) And Eric Schweitzer by the Board of ALBA Group. As you can see a wide range, a really highly competent Board of Trustees. It is discussed the proposals. The final decision-making power but I reserve the right, the Board of Trustees has an advisory role. The Foundation will be clearly separated from the Publisher, it will not be a corporate foundation. It is solely my personal project and completely independent of the publisher. The capital of the Foundation comes solely from my assets.

Welt am Sonntag: What is the starting capital of your foundation?

Friede Springer: There is 80 million euros. Since foundations may indeed operate only with the income, annually probably two million euros will be available for the award are available. "

Thus it is clear that Angela Merkel's husband, Prof. Dr. Joachim Sauer, the board of the foundation sits. (more ...)

The Terrorreimchen - for naughty children

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Want to do evil things,
Extort money, abolish rights
do you need this stuff:

Terror and lard,
'Nen suitcase full of salt
in 'nen cardboard with hole
stuffed two wires,

so they stick out.
In still flour
and a little gel.
And now no longer shrug: (more ...)

Jochen Malmsheimer in Bonn Pantheon

Sunday, November 14, 2010

maske_schraeg_bunt At 9:11. Jochen was Malmsheimer in Bonn Pantheon , the cabaret temple with the horrible hard black wood shell chairs of the former capital. Many are familiar with the language and voiced native of Essen's TV show "Neues aus der Anstalt".

Man has fond memories of Malmsheimers ICE-piece or "The sausage bread" (see end of this post).

Even in his new cabaret program with the entertaining title "Fly fish, read and healthy! or: Happiness, where is your sting ?! "converts Malmsheimer relish between word play, poetry, nonsense and profundity and explores itself nor the idiocy of cabaret. This is especially clear: Malmsheimer is a speech and voice artist. (more ...)

Only glitch: HUNDERAP "bomb scare"

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Source: http: //

Two days ago we looked into an abyss: the safety chasm: Teilevakuation Munich Airport: A man with a tow Topp ran away, although he had hidden explosives in it, at any rate claimed a security Computer - incorrectly. The man was then fled - canceled flights, delays, so does fly really fun! The Bonner General-Anzeiger titled Two days later, this attack collective hysteria with "Only glitch". Because: In the surveillance cameras had recorded that the man was not fled, but quietly went through the check in order to buy before departure a little ...
I got myself for a change with my dog ​​on this attack collective Bellelritis entertain, because he can howl a tune of something like that! Welcome to the unreal world, to the security world!

HUNDERAP: "bomb scare"!

Wau-wau get up!
Are you ready?
In the park go for a walk:
It is high time!

Get in the car,
Get out of the car,
from, hush-hush
Bow-wow, that was needed!
Hou-hou in the bush! (more ...)

Never really fully discussed: Reflections on Spanish abortion statistics for minors

Monday, 08 June 2009

Currently in Spain stirs a legislative initiative of the ruling Socialists, the people, and even 58% of the voters of that party (and 88% voters of the opposition) are against it negatively:

In Spain should be admitted that minors must have an abortion without the knowledge and permission of their parents. This is basically an adaptation of the corresponding law to the rest of the EU:

In countries such as the UK, Holland, Greece, Portugal, Norway, Czech Republic, Latvia and Lithuania minors can already decide alone, without any condition imposed on them. In Germany the judgment of minors is checked. In countries such as France and Finland the consent of a tutor or the physician must be presented, not the parents.

Many adults hold it in Spain for inconceivable that minors may get served not smoke cigarettes or alcohol, but do not even have to inform their parents at such an operation. Proponents of the law argue that the age has been set for the medical self-determination at 16 years in 2002, with the exception of abortion and measures of reproductive medicine. This now appears illogical, for why should be allowed to choose a girl to the breasts enlarge or to have liposuction, but not to take an abortion pill or to be suck the embryo (vacuum aspiration)?

The fronts are as always and everywhere as somewhat hardened and the discussants seem hardly listen to each other. This is a shame, because it is always a serious issue which should have to be to be never really thrashed out ... (more ...)

Modern Kids Puzzles

Tuesday 05 May 2009

In my little cottage,
I have a Kabäuschen,
this is my cool Shoc¹ -Room,
as roaring and dancing around I loudly.

In this upper story,
I prob Bubenstückchen
of evil, evil viruses,
the fast on all fours

Jumping from pigs to people
and then hatch into birds;
the bird then the cow:
That makes the virus "moo"!

It has a curly tail
and a spring wreath.
It is so clever-cunning:
Only I can know about it. (more ...)

March: Spring obligations!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just come home, I remembered a bustle on my patio to my duties there be spring!

A tiny sparrow apricot large, strives through a bamboo shade to build a nest - an exciting, urgent business, and touching, because almost all the dry leaves and twigs fall in stormy wind from too narrow bamboo cane down again, what the Baueifer of sparrows not at all can interfere. It continues, wing beat to wing beat, for hours. Where does this guy that fills barely a hand, this energy? A schmetterndes, triumphant chirping tells of his unremitting, meaningful actions.

I flip in my annals - and indeed, the spring, it was only yesterday: (more ...)

Our light bulb - obituary and eulogy

Monday 09 March 2009

Love mourners!

We are all gathered here to commemorate a dear Verscheidenden, which was all very dear to us: Yes, we lose our best friend, aunt, sister, Nothelferin in dark cellars, often the little light at the end of the tunnel into darkness and despair . How often was this little warm bulbs ourselves as one by! We all know the feeling, dear mourners, having once left alone. Just me and my light bulb (more ...)

Yes, we can change the world!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Jauchzet rejoice, to praise the day,
shout rejoice!
Sing, frohlockehet, ahauf praise the Tagehe,
rühuhümet that today the Saviour erkorn!

Ahahanen you, what is it?
Yes, exactly: To news from USA: Oh Bama!
A man writes history before he is president.
But thank God it's finally finished!
Whether Obama or Cainobama - the important thing is:
Yay! Democracy has triumphed! (more ...)

Dusted - or the return of the hero

Thursday, December 25, 2008

I recently acquired a electrical shop vacuum cleaner. Waiting at the checkout, I grabbed mechanically by a catalog that turned out to be "Gamers Magazine", ie a catalog of video games and violence. I flipped at times: It looked to me martial against what already announced the title: The rebirth of the hero. The latter all looked kinda like cousins ​​or even clones of the current governor of California. Incorrect division. Slightly disgusted I wanted to let the catalog just fall - but wait !, as it flashed through me: I was grabbed by the short, crisp titles and content descriptions and captivated. Clearly, my vision was a little too dusty: I just had to wipe me something about the eyes to see the beautiful, crisp, plump poetry. With the gentle conversion of very few words, the content of the magazine turned out to be timeless and contemporary thoughts prose, as spiritual, heroic strengthening in time of trouble: in the crisis into which we were led. Let us see:

Yet there is hope:

The world has changed
And their human races
Need a new way
Find an order of things.

Record a viewpoint
In view of the war,
The closer.
Because only you are only large,
But together we are unstoppable.

We are on the way to the Inferno
Because we see the end of the rules.
There is only one way
get out of the Inferno:
To traverse it! (more ...)

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