Archive for the 'Basic Legal'

Edward Snowden: statement on Moscow airport

Friday, July 12 2013

The following statement Snowden was probably recorded with a hidden camera. The explanation was interrupted by an airport announcement ... then tears off the record.

"Less than a month I had a family, a home in paradise, and I lived very comfortably. I also had the ability to search without a court order your communication, to seize and to read. Everyone's communication, anytime. This means the power to change the fate of people. But there is a serious breach of law. The 4th and 5th Amendment to the (US) Constitution, Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and numerous statutes and treaties prohibit such a system of massive, pervasive surveillance. "

The Brown Army Faction - Backgrounds

Tuesday, November 15 2011

Every year in Germany there is a bizarre voodoo ritual: Man pricks and pierces dolls from brown fabric scraps long with needles until rearing this again briefly, actually pitch their glass eyes for a moment, staring at the ritual participants in disbelief and then zurückplumpsen again.


Committed serial murders of eight foreign nationals and a German policewoman, the last four years ago, the warble Republic. Germany is reunited with his past - his his younger, the murders happened between 2000 and 2007, and 60 years earlier, busy. In short, Germany must be denazified again. Whether it wants to or not.

The cowardly murders are Germany for months deal - at least. A seizure of brown will appear again possible. The concern of all those who show solidarity with the victims, and that will be as good as any, will be unanimous. The opinions of countless experts, we will have to go through us. Will it be the real "experts"?

The anxious question is, as always, are: Is the brown bosom still fertile? Well, we should ask these questions to the right people !: The NSU, the "National Socialist Underground" was the protection of the Constitution since 1994 known when he was still "Thuringian homeland security" was and even then was under surveillance.

Why the brown trio infernal just now his life underground and his unrecognized conducted and consequences remained outrages tired? Were after several successfully executed bank robberies the last unsuccessful decisive towards the sudden weariness of life, to renounce the pleasant life of luxury motorhome now? Are there brown sleepers who are depressed and suicidal if on cue? And press the Exit button? Or are there others who umlegten the switch? (More ...)

Self-sacrifice and EU dictates

Tuesday, August 16 2011

The Bonner General Anzeiger was once a civic education information sheet. Long time ago. Every day he delivers tired now ideology. The most recent example: Under the heading "Germany and the financial crisis. Self-sacrifice "calls the GA columnist Ulla Thiede from Berlin to on to bow to the dictates of Brussels.

Thiede occurs consistently for the disenfranchisement and disempowerment of parliaments and castigates accordingly all German politicians sharply that if the enormous financial decisions of the current government call with far-reaching consequences for the future after the convening of the elected parliament. The GA-journalist pleads however for further EU summit, not for the convening of the Bundestag, as z. B. Frank Schäffler (FDP) calls, which they assumed pure "self-interest".

"It would be useful to convene the plenary only if the parliamentarians already could decide otherwise. Namely all the - extremely reasonable - measures that were recently adopted in Brussels. However, the templates for this are not completed by September. Coalition and opposition should take care not to debate for no reason in a vacuum over the pros and cons of monetary union ".

Yes, the Parliament of the future looks like this: (more ...)

Barcelona, ​​Rotterdam: disco-visitors can be injected microchip

Friday, August 05, 2011

Today someone sent me from Spain, a video, a TV report about a trendy club in Barcelona seafront. The "Baja Beach Club" -Diskothek began in 2004 as the first disco in the world visitors who wanted to have the VIP status to chipping.

The "advantage": The doors open automatically for spychipped person, drinks and meals can also be paid in swimsuit or bikini easily with hand signals, the reader includes selling off and the amount is automatically drawn from the deposited account.

An extremely convenient solution for carefree entertainment, right? The rice grain big RFID chip, also called radio etiquette, can remain in the VIP for the rest of life; it contains a "transponder", ie it takes electromagnetic waves, identifies this and sends information and passes them on.

"Comfortable and safe", was the verdict of chipped. Also in Rotterdam took over a nightclub the idea. Her owner said that in a few years everyone would anyway chipped at birth. (More ...)

Stops Post haggling politicians! Let the President finally choose themselves!

Wednesday, 02 June, 2010.
Margot Käßmann For President! Quelle:wikimedia commons

Margot Käßmann For President! (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Horst Köhler has resigned. That was a coward, because Germany is in dire straits, and a captain is not the first of board (even if he is not the master control has in hand).

Instead about important matters of world events to report, the press now now torments us with long side Politgemauschel and post haggling of the parties, which political pensioners because destined to land in the cemetery called "Schloss Bellevue".

How interesting! Actually, the President belonged already directly elected by the people!


When it comes to Köhler are things (as so often) ambivalent. Yesterday I had a conversation with someone who knows some consultants Kohler and has often entertained with them. Accordingly Köhler should have felt for months behind the scenes with the FDP and Merkel "gezofft" and more and more isolated. In the FDP, it reportedly went to the tax cuts, which held Köhler impracticable. With Merkel CDU to the reduction of social charges and extended savings, while Köhler should have announced its concerns. Lately, he is said to have increasingly used for the "turbine control", ie the taxation of financial transactions that Germany 12 billion euros. Could bring year. Whether the information is correct, I can not (yet) check, however, the source seemed serious to me. It will perhaps be able to hear something retrospectively about.

One thing is certain: Köhler had repeatedly campaigned for more direct democracy. On this subject I have a at Zeitgeist online products set: "More direct democracy: a way out of increasing political apathy and declining voter turnout"

Köhler told the WORLD about direct election of the President by the people: "I think it is an expression of anxiety or uncertainty when one refers immediately to Hindenburg on this issue."

Indeed, the incumbents retch repeatedly cast off, working for a direct election of the President with the tag "Hindenburg". What does it mean? I quote from the above mentioned article: (more ...)

In Tyrannis - Is the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland the death penalty in the EU reintroduced?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A serious question, the answer to the 1200 pages strong Treaty of Lisbon not easier. Anyone who has ever read it from beginning to end? And above all, our elected representatives have actually read it? I decide to search for the relevant EU texts.

Reminder: Our Basic Law says in its Article 102: The death penalty is abolished.

Then we were able to pretty much leave hitherto. Demonstrations such as we have been able to be sure that, even if masked "anarchists" against the will of the majority of the demonstrators began to throw stones, the police would not shoot suddenly sharp. As it stands now, we need to consider in future Weidlich, on which demo we want to go in case of doubt still. After all, a few violent "Autonomous" can quickly turn up out of nowhere. But first things first:

First there is the Charter of Fundamental Rights (replaced by v. 14.12.2007), which made ​​a proclamation in Nice as early as 2000 the EU. She has had no validity because the EU treaty had not been adopted by all EU members. The (penultimate) obstacle now appears with the Irish "Yes" to be cleared at the second attempt out of the way.

The called Charter of Fundamental Rights says in its article 2. Para. 1 and 2:
1. Everyone has the right to life.
2. No one shall be condemned to the death penalty or executed.

So far everything seems in butter. However, the Charter of Fundamental Rights sets, in Article 52, paragraph 7 states that an "instruction manual", namely the so-called "explanations" of the Charter for all EU member states are authentic..:

Art. 52 para. 7: The explanations drawn up as a guidance in the interpretation this Charter shall be given due by the courts of the Union and the Member States to take into account.

And now what say the explanation for everything important fundamental rights, namely the right to life? (More ...)