Archive for the 'Humor'

Pussy Riot for president or for Nobel Peace Prize or something

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It is in the trend: to award medals, prizes and awards for attitudes and opinions that tend somehow in the direction holding the award presenters for the hip line of approach:

Has anyone put forward something negative against Russia? Yes? It might be worthy of an award. Whether or moronic criminal, it was good enough for the Hannah Arendt Prize green Böll Foundation ...

Now ... which was awarded to Nadezhda Tolokonnikowa and Maria Aljochina - even if, unlike these two female "Max and Moritzen" lightning clever political philosopher and namesake where it is now, no longer came out of his head shaking.

But had not even Heinrich Boell formerly warned along with Lew Kopelew before Putin? (more ...)

Western community of values: Updated values ​​canon 2014

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Source: Götz Wieden Roth

Subsequently, all members of the Western and transatlantic community of values ​​and all aspirants to membership the updated current events warped values ​​will be brought to the attention with the request that they use the "shared values ​​app" downloaded directly in the brain. (more ...)

World Cup 2014: Why we are all losers!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The return of the "blood warrior", source: youtube Still-Neck

At last it is over, this World Cup! We are world champions ?! Am I now world champion? Nope. And that's a good thing.

The current outbreak of the most extreme nationalism on the fan mile at Brandenburg Gate exceeded all fears and stereotypes, one can have football on the notorious men's sports:

Supposedly harmless fans celebrated "their" team, "their", "football gods", but who since had eyes to see, could easily see that here rolled less of the ball, but the old, ugly nationalism, disguised as a modern, cosmopolitan patriotism, from his Stankhöhle crawled.

And just because this comes nice and supposedly apolitical new, uninhibited patriotism, he should give all the more reason to be vigilant so clear beginnings can be fought! (more ...)

Oh hypocrites and Pharisees!

Monday, October 14, 2013

(L) Ego Limburg: A great idea to ease the financial burden of the Bishop's chair - the sale should start as soon as possible!

The deer is already waidwund as swells the barking and Gezetere the pack to, the saliva dripping just so, the wild hunting scents blood and prepares for the final crack of the game ...

A bishop was not humble, geprunkt and boasted he has the people not exemplified thrift and poverty, like a pop star, like a fürstbischöflicher ruler of God's grace has been listed.

Yes, it was and as it is, the Catholic Church - by God's grace!

Since it exists, it has geprunkt and boasted! Instead of simply aufzuschlagen only a tent and reinzustellen a chair and "Here God's house" off attribute to one of the tents and to stick to the chair a sign "Chair of Peter," she klotzte from the beginning: Glorious basilicas, churches, cathedral, cathedrals, domes and Church palaces attest to its extravagance. (more ...)

Controversial, non-authorized Advertising: Can you do that?

Tuesday 03 September 2013

Students of the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg have turned a povokantes promotional video. Warning: It has nothing to do with Mercedes-Benz, the car that detects threats before they arise ... It is non-authorized!

The small Adolf run over logically and is located at the end of dead in the form of a ...

In the youtube clip is not available, other media have censored him:

Machete and Pickaxe: New application tools of the police special forces?

Saturday 06 April 2013

Screenshot: Video Hostages Kita Cologne-Chorweiler

In Cologne Choir hamlet, a social hotspot, hotspot with 41% share of foreigners, many social counseling, vocational preparation, training and qualification opportunities , a 47-year-old Turk raided a daycare with a knife several section, took the Kita hostage and inflicting - and stab wounds to.

The gunman had demanded money and a getaway car.

After 11 hours, the nerves drama with a flashbang and a targeted shot in the shoulder of the Turks was complete.

A huge range of martial reinforced Special Forces, stocking masks and head bollard, barrier spacious - the whole paraphernalia ...

As should be allowed to ask the simple question: Why was not the hostage-taker after a reasonable time, say after about one hour, his wish fulfilled? (more ...)

Pope's speech: Who are "Herod, forge the plans of death"?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The new Pope Francis, has maintained a remarkable inaugural speech. Even without being a Catholic, one can find many things worth thinking about and sympathetic to her:

"Be guardians of God's gifts!

And if the man does not fulfill this responsibility, if we do not care about the creation and to the fellow, then wins the destruction of space, and withered the heart. Each period of history, there are unfortunately those 'Herod', the plans of death forge, destroy and disfigure the human face.

All leaders in the economic, political and social fields, all men and women of good will, I would like to cordially ask: his Let 'guardian' of creation, the inside out in the natural plan of God, guardian of the other, the environment, we do not allow that signs of destruction and death the way this world of ours accompany! However, in order to 'protect', we must also give up ourselves Eight! Let us remember that hatred, envy and pride defile the life! ... "

In fact, we should not allow!

Here's a longer excerpt from the speech and something to smile about:

Remarkable resemblance ...:-))

Bonn-Bad Godesberg says Syria benefit from the Salafists

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

On Easter Sunday, there should be at the Stadthalle Bonn-Bad Godesberg, a charity event organized by the Salafists in favor of Syria, in which, inter alia, such well-known figures such as the preacher and Quran distribution Ibrahim Abu Nagie, Abu Dujana and ex-boxer Pierre Vogel were expected. The tenant of the hall had the anti-Islam party Pro-NRW 2010 denied a lease, the Islamic fundamentalists but rented the hall.

This led to resentment, not only for the party whose leader was recently selected by fanatics for an attack, but also for the local population after the violent demonstration last year in Lannesdorf the close of the King Fahd Academy once fed up with religious Remmidemmi. (more ...)

His wild years - absolutely boring!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

His wild years are over. . Heiner Lauterbach does not smoke or drink anymore and no longer looks elsewhere "That may be stuffy," the 59-year-old actor says "Bild am Sonntag", "Where the not a dirty word for me". His wife finds it, for example " absolutely exciting, "that he was faithful. He himself had at least "narrow-minded approaches" (GA Bonn, 12.3.2012).

As Heiner still smoked, drank and went alien, his wife was absolutely bored. She felt an irresistible urge to yawn when he lit a cigarette, drank or evening times did not return home the next day, after another woman miefend, crept into the house. Mrs. Lauterbach thought it was dead boring. (more ...)

Old power politics?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

If you so look at the photos of some of our politicians, you might start to wonder: How time-lapse is always playing the same from; initially youthful faces expire rapidly that any beautician despair and every cosmetic surgeon would roll up their sleeves.

Is it the stress that a lot of traveling, a lot of sitting, eating and drinking too many, too many speeches, too little sleep, the burden of responsibility?

Puzzle over puzzle. Some examples of the work of destruction:

Peer Steinbrück about 25 years ago (source: Landtag NRW)

Peer Steinbrück before about 25 years in NRW state parliament. Apart from the fact that at that time even more hair sprouted: You see a mouth, showing its mouth upwards, approaches an upper lip are present, the lower lip is normal to full, overall an optimistic expression.

Picture below: Steinbrück today. The lips are gone, the standard oral form with him: an inverted "U", the angle of the mouth show steeply downward. Visually, the optimists to-peer problem. (more ...)

In Praise of Silence

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Merciless Christmas time

Already in autumn
break's over us:

It barks and dschingelt,
whispers and singelt,
deafened and Schummert,
shimmers and whimpers,
roars and gongt,
schnulzt and songt,
whistles and trötet,
rings and glöckelt,
glitters and blitzert,
trickles and drizzles,
shines, flashes, tinkles, süßelt and kitscht:

Oh man holding a:
Lord, let his silence!

Gauck: "Good evening, good evening, we beckon you to" or: The Visit of the Old Lady

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gauck visited the Ruhr or rather, what's left of it: a mining settlement, an energy-efficient house in Bottrop and the "integration forge" Immendal in high field, where 86% of children a "migration background" have, but could serenade him: "Good evening, good evening" ...

"Where are the children," cried the president, as he stepped out of the car to the commencement of the carefully planned event, police entourage and journalists cameras surrounded him. (more ...)

Kölscher coterie as he lives and breathes: ass huh Zäng ussenander ...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cologne, ass Huh Concert 2012

"Ass up and teeth apart" - propagandistic exaggeration sometimes suggests to the Surrealist. There they were again, 20 years later: the Kölsch Rocker with Turkish bands and figures of Cologne prominent politicians united on 09.11.2012 in Cologne at the concert against "neo-Nazis and racism" and that is new: "Against Exclusion".

The specter of a supposedly relevant neo-Nazi threat and an alleged xenophobia in Cologne under a somehow significant majority of the population had once again serve as an advertising platform and marketing idea for various rock groups and artists, most now somewhat outdated mental Alt-68iger with a six before the decimal point. Athrose and stroke are there already an issue but fresh and unbroken the will, "right" ideas, to fight the "brown hordes", "ass to get high before it is too late" (trembling). (more ...)

USA: concern over safety of Wahlomaten

Wednesday 07 November 2012


A software developer went with his wife today in the United States for election - an election machine. The man wanted to vote for Obama, however, was its click Romney automatically activated. The concerned citizens took this error on the camera and put it into the net.

(Read more ...)

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