Two days ago we looked into an abyss: the abyss security: Teilevakuation Munich Airport: A man with a tow Topp had run away, even though he had hidden explosives in it, anyway, claiming a security computer - erroneously. The man was then taken refuge - canceled flights, waiting times, so make flying really fun! The Bonner General Anzeiger titled two days later this attack collective hysteria with "Only Panne". Because: In the surveillance cameras was recorded that the man was not fled, but quietly went through the check to buy prior to departure a little ...
I am for a change with my dog on this attack collective Bellelritis entertain, because he can howl a little song of something! Welcome to the unreal world, to the security world!
HUNDERAP: "bomb alert"!
Bow-wow to get up!
Are you ready to start?
In Park Gassi go:
It's about time!
Get in the car,
Get out of the car,
from, hush-hush
Bow-wow, that was needed!
Hou-hou in the bush! (More ...)