Archive for the Category 'climatological'

Large air-Paw-Paw to Indian banana

Sunday, July 15 2012

Fruit of the banana tree Indians, which can be up to 4 m high

The climate pious Bonner General Anzeiger waited recently again with a climate headline on: "Soon Südfrüchte from MeckPomm?" There was the story of an experimental plantation in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania the State Research Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries in Gülzow in Rostock:

Then comes the famous lyre: The experimenter wants to Counter Climate Change planting new fruit varieties. "For us in the north it is increasingly warmer. As well as the tropical fruits have increasingly an opportunity. "Especially curious one is the so-called. Indian banana (also called Paw Paw or pawpaw.) The fruit tastes the same for all potential fruit and melts creamy on the tongue, if you have the cores removed. However stink their flowers and are therefore an outspoken bees Schreck.

What the GA Bonn presented on the first page as air sensation, however, is - unfortunately wrong. (Read more ...)

Due to climate change? Turtles could become extinct

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

250 billion plastic waste parts in the Mediterranean: climate change? (Source unknown)

"Scientists from the Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig in Bonn (ZFMK) are sounding the alarm. Climate change could lead to the end of all turtle species. "

Under the headline "Death from the turtles?" Shocked again the climate pious Bonner General Anzeiger be too loyal readership (28.2.2012).

Turtles - What you should know - first appeared years ago more than 220 million in Carnian (Upper Triassic). The armored animals thus among the most successful species of our blue planet. There are 313 species and 200 subspecies of the shy, egg-laying reptiles.

220 million years long so the air temperatures has always been and always stable, consistently pleasant and friendly for the propagation tank carrier? Hardly likely.

Since 30 million years, turtles survive the current ice age (at least one of the poles glaciated), called "Känozoiosches Ice Age".

Wikipedia knows: "The Anpassungsfähigkei t of turtles has been able to secure their continued existence to the present time." Adaptability to all Klimafährnisse - which had been expected for a track record of 220 million years! Tortoise stuck humans so loose in the bag. (Read more ...)

III. International Climate and Energy Conference: "Meeting the climate deniers"?

Friday, 03 December, 2010

iii_int_eike_konferenz While the whole of Germany quacks in the icy grip of an early onset of winter, is spread with increasing intensity in the media the thesis, the weather had nothing to do with the climate in the slightest, but global warming go undaunted - guilt was: the man-made CO 2.

At the same time there is a wave of support article on the subject, just as would "Climagate" not take place, as if never temperature measurement data has been tampered with and as if the so-called invented by US climatologist Michael Mann. "Hockey stick curve," with the help of which directly impending heat exhaustion of our planet should be taken into dramatic image due to man-made warming, not proved brazen forgery ...

The following is an excerpt from the campaign:

T he levels at 4:10:10: "lobbyists. The science as an enemy "
On 17/11/10 The world: "Anti-air lobby. The Earth is getting warmer - so what "?
The time from the 26.11.10: "climate summit in Cancún. The assistants of the doubt "
And the Frankfurter Rundschau from 29.11.10: "Climate Summit: The clear objective: No compromises"

Those who do not inform themselves on the Internet, has not undergone any chance that the CO 2 is by no means fully discussed theme in science (see. Also Zeitgeist Issue 29). That it scientists are internationally who argue convincingly that the climate in the course of the earth, and even in the time of human history, we can see, have always changed and it would constitute a human hubris of wanting to engage in the climate. These researchers emphasize z. B. the importance of the sun for the sensitivities of our planet.

As painfully familiar, all these scientists and researchers together with their arguments are carefully kept out of the media and the people so that the impression of a world unity unison opinion conveyed on this subject, which does not reflect reality. The mass media thus feign a scientific consensus. Something called manipulation or ongoing systematic and deliberate deception. (More ...)

Ice Age or: Greetings from the Angora rabbit

Saturday, February 13, 2010
Hattu mal ein warmes Höschen?

Hattu times a warm panties?

Frowning, I look at the thick plastic bag with the inscription OFF! Ebay / thrift. Hmmmm.

I open carefully tied together with an old woolen belt node and begin to sift through the content. Next to me I put the camera and of course, a little box with different unbearable Parfumpröbchen ready: "Dunest", "Gloria anyway", "Gino Ginelli and" Bruno Babane "etc., to gloss over the possibly occurring odor of mildew / moth / Spurs before I ablichte the freshly sprayed goods, pack and prepare for shipping ...

I pull out the first Wollpulover; all with a high, tight-fitting collar, as they may suffer no more, but super quality, good old brand goods where no threads hanging out, closely knit, hochmerzerisiert not filzend, Merino, etc., up from the good old days that sometime in the Eighties ceased as eastern goods captured the clothes market.

Am I stupid, I think to myself. Since I buy because of persistent cold woolen vests for 20-40 euros a piece and here are fine knits in a poke. Just the narrow collar cut out, snip-snap, cut a new clean, comfortable and neckline with zigzag nimbly skirt - finished (more ...)

Winter 2009/2010: Oh God does not blow from the global warming! (With Bonus Song)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

♪♪♪ Audio slopes: listen

Oh God Why are you doing
During the winter so hard?
Oh God rest but pity
Us is so cold.
Oh God, make soon spring
We freeze it so much.

Oh God, why are you sending
So much frost and ice?
Oh Lord let thaw
And make it quick hot
Oh God Blas climate
Heating not from!

Oh God, let it melt,
Lord send us `nen hair dryer!
I can yes my car
Already long no longer see!
I do not want to freeze
Oh God Warm on me!

Oh God rest a Einsehn
And get me out of here!
I'm coming for weeks
No more out of the house!
Oh Mr. Blas climate
Heating not from!

Oh God, please let us
With ice age in peace,
I do not like to
A cold igloo!
Oh Lord, please make me
My heart warm again!

The song is obviously inspired by the melody of Janis Joplin: Oh Lord will not you buy me a Mercedes-Benz ...

(Surely someone somewhere knows someone who could desire, musical implement above construction site with me. [Guitar / Keyboard] .About hints I would be happy.)

The sleight of climatologists

Friday, December 11, 2009

The day before yesterday told us IMAGE tearfully the 7 biggest problems of our world, and how it really is to us. Oddly enough, you pulled out of the question, even to represent at least one of the seven problems.

Could the combat boots sheet together with its editors for publishing Selbstentleibung decide, so to speak, to stage a media-savvy journalistic Harakiri in the interest of the climate or how Greenpeace lead by example so heroically to compete a consistent journalistic hunger strike for the climate, one of the points would be on the list at once to underline and the CO2 exhalations in Germany would drop abruptly: Less hot air!


Amid the media frenzy controlled air on the occasion of the Copenhagen Climate Conference, the public had no chance to learn that at 5:12:09 in Berlin, another international "summit" was held, that is already the 2nd time a conference of scientific opponents of official climate theorists. Participants at the first-mentioned summit, from 192 countries around the world coming, lushly upholstered with taxpayers' money and with a huge journalistic entourage in tow days currently in the Danish capital. 15,000 people from 150 scientists in Berlin. David against Goliath?

I found a very interesting report by Dr. Klaus Peter Krause, summarizing the meeting the critical scientists in Berlin. (More ...)

Fats be stopped? London study proves: Global warming mainly caused by emissions from Dicken

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Phil Edwards and Ian Roberts, both researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, are sounding the alarm: overweight are responsible (directly and indirectly) for global warming, ie for a higher emissions of greenhouse gases (CO 2), because they have more food and more energy consume. Corresponding tests and present measurement results that were collected directly in the digestive tract of thicknesses, lead to the conclusion that thickness is not only longer but also more burping and farting, consequently therefore directly for the production of harmful, highly toxic greenhouse gas (CO 2) in charge draw.

The two scientists make the thicknesses responsible for at least 20% of the resulting highly toxic gases (CO 2). The study made ​​for. B. also a growing livestock because of an increasing demand for meat for 20% of all harmful greenhouse gases (CO 2) in charge, due to the toxic methane (CO 2), which is secreted from cows. Thus, the researchers documented a catastrophic "Doppler effect": thickness meatballs it demands ever more thick meatballs, which in turn stimulates more and more cows to fart. These data were also collected animals directly in the digestive tract of harmful methane gas producing highly controversial (CO 2). Here, one of the researchers ventured so far that he had been sucked almost in a particularly violent Rülpsvorgang a cow in the Wiederkäutrakt. The measurement data could be collected after the incident only with difficulty. However, they leave nothing to be desired in clarity left. "Unfortunately," said one of the researchers, which also stimulates to reconsider the harmful indoor housing, given the devastating results completely. Finally, so (*) If there were long gas-free alternatives such as soy or rice milk, which is not burdened methane gas (CO 2) are. This could be offered entirely free of grease and also avoid problems in lactose digestion and corresponding harmful Gepupse in future. (Read more ...)

People, Dress warm!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gore-bal warming (Quelle:

Gore-bal warming (Source:

I recently read pleasantly surprised two short messages the following contents:

Arctic ice cap grows to new heights. The Southern Hemisphere (Antarctica) has quietly set a new record for the largest ice extent since 1979. The ice cover in the Southern Hemisphere is the largest since the start of satellite records, surpassing even the years 1995, 2001, 2005 and 2006. Since 1979, a tendential growth of Gesamteisausdehnung is recorded.

While the area around the Antarctic Peninsula has warmed in recent years, and the surrounding amount of ice fell during the summer in the southern hemisphere, the interior of Antarctica was colder and had the ice-coverage and durable, which explains the increase in the overall expansion. Details of (GIS) According to NASA Godard Institute for Space Studies, the winter at the South Pole has actually cooled by one degree Fahrenheit since 1957, being the coldest year was 2004. The winter I was that year in the southern hemisphere especially rough, with cold and snow records in Australia, South America and Africa. (More ...)

Al, I'm coming!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I met you last summer - strictly speaking takes our romance so already two summers. How did that happen? Well, it happened like this:

I was just in Lisbon which is the capital of Portugal, and I went there purely by chance in a very large book and music store, "Knack", I think. And right at the entrance a very long table was there right built and covered with a large, white sheet, and then a black cube was laid out, which was covered with velvet, and very on top of it, there was enthroned a huge screen: And saw there I pray for the first time and heard your voice.

A limousine stopped, George Bush got out and you went up to him and shaking his hand warmly. I thought you'd be the election campaign have ushered for the 3rd term of your friend; because it occurred to me: you're an ardent admirer of him, and had when you won the first time against him, because YOU have just left him to go first and have given him your victory in Florida generous. As you could see, what a noble, unselfish man DU. A true philanthropist and son of man! (More ...)