Archive for the 'Mammon'

Thus Irish bankers making fun of Germany: The giggles and vultures the zombie bankers

Wednesday 03 July 2013

December 2008: The real estate bubble burst in Ireland. Irish banks had granted unilaterally and in enormous proportions mortgages. Not content with. The Anglo Irish Bank even had its own directors approved loans amounting to 255 million euros, which gradually came to light during checks. This set off a chain reaction. Anglo Irish became the first Irish bank into difficulties.

A few days later, the then Taoiseach in panic announced that all three major Irish banks (Anglo Irish, Allied Iris h, Bank of Ireland) would be recapitalized by the government. (More ...)

Goldman Sachs - the mistress of the world (financial)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

$ 700 billion is the assets, which is attributed to the largest and most influential bank in the world. But she's really ever a "bank" or rather a temple, is served in the God Mammon day and night of "Banker monks", the world's largest money machine that is lubricated by human robots and cyborgs?

Goldman Sachs, a grotesque faith community to perpetual profits -, truly despise it needs us dumb, working earthlings who almost waste their whole life trying to work out a miserable-miserable wage for a dull life that we dissolve this sect not long and scattered to the four winds. (more ...)

French political elite: financial offenses a la grande (nation)?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sarkozy called Gaddafi in Paris welcome (Screeenshot RT)

Financial offenses, something ugly words aid for embezzlement, taking advantage to the detriment Weak, black money accounts, bizarre campaign contributions, house searches, legal proceedings ...

The political elite of the Grande Nation was injured:

Nicolas Sarkozy:
Suspicion that he had sold himself to his campaign of Gaddafi (see. "The Guardian" from 12.3.20 12)! Looking for evidence, the French police raided the office of the now ex-Interior Minister Claude Gueant. The news agency "Mediapart news agency" had claimed that Nicolas Sarkozy had accepted by Muammar Gaddafi in 2007 no less than EUR 50 million for his campaign and after his election even more money accepted (cf.. RT from 1.3,2013). (More ...)

Spain crisis in movie poster

Monday 08 October 2012

I never would have dreamed that German taxpayers have even stand up straight for Spanish banks.

When in 2007 Köfferchenträger knocked on the door of my former real estate and site offices on the Spanish south coast and insistently to calling on to also encourage immigrants to homes purchases, I knew what the clock had struck. A Romanian construction worker z. B. should after only 11 months (!) With a Spanish contract of employment (nouns) are treated like a Spaniard and get appropriate credits at the house or apartment purchase. (A durchsschnittliche Three-bedroom apartment then cost 150,000 euros).

One needs neither fantasy nor expertise to imagine can that an immigrant couple (he worked usually in construction, she cleaned) can offer no collateral other than his labor power. Falls off only the cleaning job, the mortgage can not be operated. Now, however, both jobs were lost ... (more ...)

ESM / fiscal pact: number of applicants more than doubled!

Monday, July 16 2012

Give ESM no chance. The stickers can be ordered on the Internet.

While the media still indefatigably talk of some 12,000 citizens, which together with "more democracy" Connecting the constitutional challenge against ESM and Fiscal Pact, the actual number of applicants has more than doubled within two weeks!

According to counter with "more democracy" there are now 28 098 citizens! Every day hundreds of proxies at the club one. Until August 5, you can still connect.

Also, the Action Alliance Direct democracy wants to sue. One member has already approved under §81 lawsuit against the federal government, to Members of the Bundestag and the Bundesrat for treason and preparation of a treasonable enterprise - put Section 83 of the Criminal Code. (More ...)

Wednesday: constitutional coup

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Germany is in the steady state of a constitutional crisis.

The pending the vote on Friday ESM treaty will unconstitutional surrender of Germany finances an international financial institution based in Luxembourg. Completely detached from the Basic Law, the German budget sovereignty is in the hands of a Board of Governors which can retrieve unlimited citizenships German taxpayers.

With Impetuous Did this constitutional coup should be whipped on Friday by the Bundestag and Bundesrat. The Federal Constitutional Court had to German President Joachim Gauck as a precaution fall into the ready for signature hand by publicly ausbat time for testing.

"I do not see that the willingness of the Government will be thwarted by the Constitutional Court", the President said in his inaugural visit to Brussels on 17 April on possible complaints against the euro rescue package and mingled so completely inadmissible in the future jurisprudence of the highest German Court one.

Under the Basic Law, the measures of EUdeologen are already no longer feasible, which is why it must be called into question. All of a sudden, the word "referendum" brought into the conversation. Wolfgang Schäuble is rolling ahead.

The former president of the Federal Constitutional Court, Hans-Jürgen Papier, but warns against an amendment of the Basic Law. I wonder why? Because Articles 1 and 20 of the Basic Law the "eternity bid", which can not be changed: (more ...)

Property and currency crash

Monday, January 23 2012

On January 21, 2012, a very excellent article by Erwin Grandinger (financial expert, a partner at EPM Group Berlin) in the "Berliner Morgenpost" was zulesen. He leads a sharp reminder of how many times we have actually already within a long human life experience (of the 90 years) Währungreformen- or changeovers. The article is a necessary refresh our long-term memory - because anyone who has been so listened carefully at the decisive point in history lessons? Grandinger devoted to the question of whether real estate can actually provide security crisis and how it looks with our savings. (Angela Merkel: "The savings are safe").

Here the Link:

Rheinische Landeskirche gambled 20 million

Saturday, 03 December, 2011.

These days, nothing can astonish. One would like to shout hypocrite and arrogant that anrichtetet her because damage, let there on your harmful actions! (This must be easily refreshed again): Turn back to Him, who said:

Thou shalt not take interest from him [your brother] and thou shalt fear thy God, that thy brother lives next to you. Your money shalt thou not give him at interest, and thy victuals Thou shalt not bear extra charge. (Leviticus 25.36 to 37)

Jesus says: Continue to love your enemies and to do good and to lend without interest, zurückzuerhoffen anything. (Luke 6:35).

And now it's happened: (more ...)

Greece crisis: the profiteers

Saturday, 02 July, 2011.

On 27.6.2011 appeared in "mirror" a sensational interview with Stefan Homburg, the director of the Institute of Public Finance of the Leibniz Universität Hannover. The interview should be read carefully! This plain text is talking about the crisis in Greece: (more ...)

"Greece rescue" = bank rescue

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The fact that "Greece rescue" is actually a bailout by the taxpayer, we already suspected. "Monitor" has on 16.6.2011 together some incredible facts:

Flood Saxony 2010: air numbers and lies

Friday 01 October 2010

8.8.2010: Venice in Germany; Nikolaivorstadt in Görlitz

Yesterday morning (. 29.9) I call in Görlitz In: Nothing - the line is dead Not again.! After days of rains again high water, no electricity, no drinking water?

On August 7, a couple from Görlitz is invited to a celebration to Dresden. For days it had rained, the Neisse resulting flood. Still, however, nothing seems somehow threatening. You drive your car by approximately 15 clock on the Neisse River along and see near the new bridge, which leads into the Polish eastern city, as the owner of a bankside restaurants already stacked sandbags. The husband steals a bad feeling he'd rather stay at home, but then moves yet to Dresden and thinks to himself: "But they are afraid!" Later it becomes clear that the Poles knew something that a few meters further on the other bank of the Neisse did not know, however, was able to know that due to strong waterfalls in the nearby mountains, the flood of the River Neisse would rapidly rise further.


8.8.2010: Goerlitz Nikolai suburb; an inflatable pool as a gondola

The young couple returns in the evening after Görlitz back: You can make your house but only "enter" on a window, a huge tide pushes against the front door, which is no longer open, everything is pitch black, they wade through the icy water, you can hardly see anything, the current has been switched off, no phone, no water, except the one that incessantly rises in house.

Between 18 and 19 clock the "Witkastausee" in the near Radomierzyce (Radmeritz) was broken. He dammed the river Witka (Wittig), which leads into the Neisse. Radmeritz located about 10 km southeast of Gorlitz on the Polish side. The dam of the jam lake consists of a simple vegetated with grasses mound. Not exactly what one would call "on the state of the art". (More ...)

Head of Deutsche Bank does not want to be murdered (as Alfred Herrhausen)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Ackermann: So nicht! Quelle:www.neue-solidaritaet-com/images7/mordauto.jpg

Ackermann: Not like that! (Source: www.neue Solidarity-com)

On 13.5. chatted Maybrit Illner with Josef Ackermann, the chief executive of Deutsche Bank. The ZDF program under the motto: "Let us save the euro or the speculators, Mr. Ackermann?"

Dr. Josef Ackermann, the Swiss Colonel on the throne of Deutsche Bank, Germany's largest dedicated global bank (profit in Q1 2010: 2.8 billion euros thanks to investment banking) is also Chairman of the International Bank Federal "Institute of International Finance," the 350 Members in over 60 transhipment sites has.

Until 1989, the German bank had not been involved in investment banking: return on capital employed of 25% would then still been regarded as untrustworthy. (More ...)

Investment opportunity spice metals?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Until recently, I was unaware that it called. "Spice metals" are. This refers to some very rarely occurring metallic elements that are not irreplaceable especially for modern technologies, including key enabling technologies and because of their special properties (still) indispensable. There are over 50 of these rare metal elements.

Each computer chip is now "seasoned" with up to 40 of these elements, a radio telephone with up to 25 of these fine metals, eg. B. Coltran. Light-emitting diodes (LED lights) come without gallium or indium, depending on the color, nothing. Also flat panel displays, LEDs (displays), but also CIS solar cells require indium.

As commodities experts, z. B. Armin Reller from the University of Augsburg stress, threatening some of these spice metals to become scarce or their extraction extremely expensive. Nevertheless, they are still subjected in part to strong price fluctuations. So increased in 2007, prices for platinum and palladium at record levels, with palladium, however, formed a production overhang - the prices went promptly back down.

Platinum is known to be used for autocatalysts, but - if one wanted to equip all cars of this world so that there would be problems, since the metal has to be won more complex. So ten tons of ore must be processed in order to extract one ounce of platinum. A portion of the platinum from the catalyst is blown into the air and finally stored in our lungs, another part never gets into recycling, but remains somewhere in old cars, only 30-40 percent of the catalysts are given to recycling companies. (More ...)

Tafelsilberverscherbeln. Cross Border Leasing. And now the forest?

Monday, March 23, 2009

We're now hardened. We wave the horror stories already practiced by, one after another, and keep your ears always created beautiful.

The financial budget of the former German capital Bonn z. B., certainly in the past, a sophisticated, well-heeled and well-tenured civil servant community plain citizens, is so in the red that it has to be soon put in all probability under guardianship.

The State of North Rhine-Westphalia has debts totaling 120 billion euros.

NRW also has forest, a total of 119,000 hectares of green lungs, recreation and walking areas, hotbeds of walkers, cyclists and walkers, free adventure playgrounds, jobs in the wood Throws stem ... experiential space of people and habitat of plants and animals. (Read more ...)

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