Archive for the 'Educational'

An increasing number of all-day schools

Wednesday, March 27 2013

"The number of all-day schools is rising.
In the coming school year, the all-day care is added in 18 other schools. [Rhineland-Palatinate].
As the Ministry of Education announced yesterday in Mainz on, so take 597 schools participate in the expansion program. The regional government extends the full-day program so that slowly but continuously.
In addition, there are 106 schools with full-day classes obligate and more than 3,000 schools with a limited offer afternoon. "
(GA Bonn, 03.26.2013).

I try to imagine if Primary Age or later someone would try to put me in a school ... My horror full day would be today as yesterday the same thing. At that time I would probably much emotional reaction when I can still imagine it to me today.

. "Mandatory full-time teaching," there are no doctors, neuroscientists, or in this country - at least more animal rights activists who are able to help the children in any way? Full day "schooling" is contrary to everything that makes childhood.

I need to be grown in paradise: school, home, my mother quickly told about Goofy characteristics and wickedness of classmates and teachers, lunch, fast homework and then: Get out (more ...)

Why I lost my best friend because Dr. Goldstein

Sunday 09 September 2012

Recently died "Dr. Summer ", the Bravo -Chefaufklärer of 1969-1984, whose column it must result from the other world now.

If anyone was caught with the blade at school, it grabbed the nun and it flew in a high arc into the trash, where it was then afterwards herausgeklaubt again.

Bravo was an issue, so in the fourth and fifth class with me between ten and eleven years. Sure, it was cleared up, very schematically and thus again not been elucidated. Bravo gave it at home with a friend, and I browsed diligently, especially Dr. Sommers column. Two stories I remembered: A question of a girl whose brother was sexually interested in her. Go ahead, soothed Dr. summer, try it out, it can also be beautiful, etc. Somehow, it appeared to me strange and sultry. Then a picture story of a couple who had been captivated by another against a tree. Then I leave my memory. Anyway, I felt it so strange that I started talking to my mother about it. That was the end of Dr. Sommer. She told me insistently, why and how such a thing is not "normal" is. (Read more ...)

Torture with electric shocks as a disciplinary measure for problem youngsters in the US

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sometimes you stumble on the net about things that you first can not believe: In Massachusetts, there is a boarding school with affiliated school, the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center, which "corrects" the behavior of problem youngsters - with special means. The inmates include, inter alia, autistic, extremely aggressive or auto-aggressive children and adolescents or those with ADHD problems.

On the occasion of the withdrawal of the founder and head physician with 78 years in May last year, left the hospital announced euphorically: "Matthew Israel is not only one of the most important personalities of behavioral therapy, but it is also a heroic figure for thousands of families through that door the JRC steps as their last hope. "

First, it is clear that it is the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center to a kind of "stop" is. It comes to serious cases that are "handled" by order of the court there. It is clear that all Jugendichen already have a history: they were "treated" with drugs, and, in such a way "beyond treatment", referred in this terminal.

The current scandal could only arise because video evidence from 2002 which had previously been "sealed" by a US court, have now been released recently. (More ...)

Word of the year 2011

Monday, 04 July, 2011.

"Stress Test", known in connection with the "stress test for banks 'and the' stress test for nuclear power plants": As word of the year 2011 already appears to me.

"Stress" is an Anglicism, the "stressed out" is particularly synonymous with exertion, excitement, tension or in its adjective form as has in mind national of annoyed, worried, tense.

. In English, however, the importance of stress field has still a much greater extent, for example, you would have to also correctly translated "stress" into German with the following terms:. Stress, weight, load, stress (more ...)

It happens in broad daylight!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

It takes place under our very eyes from, in broad daylight, and every day anew. In the middle of Germany. But we know we can see then things particularly bad when they are particularly close to us. It's all about children. And there are many. But we still look away:

When the children come after hours of work home, during which they were detained and hindered in their movement, they are usually not approachable from exhaustion, exhausted, just want to be left alone. Mostly, they first have to "hang out" at least half an hour before a computer game before the spirits in touch with you again. (Read more ...)

Adriana's nightmare or as an Erasmus student in Gaziantep (Turkey)

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Ausschnitt aus "El Pais"v. 2.7.2009

Excerpt from "El Pais" v. 2.7.2009

Erasmus grants are very popular among young people: You can land and people, and it usually remains in addition to studying plenty of time to enjoy the cultural life of each city. In many places have become a part of the cityscape Erasmus students. There are Erasmus Pogramme in all European countries - but also in Turkey. They are used by the European Commission. ie, funded by European taxpayers' money and are so used to the integration, mutual discovery.

In the southern Turkish city of Gaziantep University, there is also an international Erasmus program.
The region is part of the Kurdish settlement area and is close to Syria, Iraq and Iran.

Adriana Espinosa is a 24 year old student of the Spanish University of Seville. She wants to be a journalist abroad and received an Erasmus grant for the Southern Turkey. On 15 September 2008 she arrives in Gaziantep. It endeavors, so she tells to integrate quickly into the city and shares a student apartment with two Turkish women (Kurdish origin as it turns out), with which it is familiar for a professor. Man befriends per se, and on one occasion she accompanied her colleagues at a meeting of the legal Kurdish party DTP. Adriana against El País: "I did not feel that it was an illegal gathering. and the police, who watched us, told us nothing, so I am completely calm gone, with material for a work for the university. "

A few days later makes Adriana with other students a trip to the nearby Syria. Back in her room in Gaziantep, she finds scattered her clothes on the floor, the cabinets open her laptop is gone. The Turkish police had been in their absence the apartment. Your apartment two comrades were immediately taken for questioning and accused of supporting the illegal Kurdish PKK, zuammen with another 17 Kurds. Adriana takes refuge in a panic in the apartment of a Spanish fellow student. (More ...)

Adolescent psychiatry: therapy prerequisite Ritalin

Monday, April 27, 2009

Ritalin täglich

Ritalin daily (Source:

I just spoke with a friend. She is a single mother of two sons and lives in a West German metropolis. It is delicate, more fragile figure and sometimes beat her things together above his head. She herself is currently pensioned once for a few months because of occasional anxiety attacks. Before that, she worked sometimes in 1-euro jobs; ultimately put to her a full-time job close, some, what they with regard to their 15-year olds youngest son, who still need them urgently, declined. Further sanctions by the offices could be blocked for the time being due to their mental illness, but the problem remains with the youngest son.

I admit that I (name changed) since early childhood know Tommy and he since has a "stone in my board." This may be due to such irrational things, like the explanation that he gave me at the age of approximately five to six years, when I told him, Tommy then said, "Tommy, I like you." "Itsch ditsch auck" - he got something with the official debate in collision, but moved well back then in his own logical system. During this time it was that Tommy always climbed wildfire on fruit trees and I eagerly picked fruit -. Quite clear even then a real Gentle Man (more ...)