Archive for the 'satire'

Bibi and Obama: obscene photo on Facebook?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Screenshot AIPAC Facebook

I often like to visit the Facebook page of AIPAC, the American Israel Policy Action Comitees Affairs.

There you will find beautiful baking recipes, wise maxims and gossip from the scene and little secrets that are divulged there, and of course nice photos old acquaintance.

All the more surprised or shocked me the new caption of the page: (more ...)

Chemical Weapons? The origin of the current phantom debate

Monday, December 10, 2012

In recent days, we experienced a global hype surrounding the subject of chemical weapons.

The Syrian: the following picture drawn - It was - to put it bluntly President Dictator Bashar al-Assad is in a white coat and a chemist mouthguard dressed in a secret laboratory under his Presidential Dictators Palace in Damascus and stirred with a large fireproof wooden spoon the two precursor chemicals for sarin gas together, so Methylphosphonyldifluorid and isopropyl alcohol (also known as isopropanol). (More ...)

Wikileaks: the first time emails from Washington in the pipeline! Political earthquake expected.

Friday, July 06 2012

Washington DC after storm "Derecho".

. Reykjavik The unveiling platform does not come from the headlines: According to Icelandic Wikileaks activists the world must prepare for a surprise quite different caliber according to the Syria-Files:

Announced are internal e-mails between the White House and the Pentagon, from the year 1999 until the end of 2002. This also the time before and would be covered by the September 11 attacks. In Washington a political earthquake is expected.

Affected are George Bush Jr. as senior as well as the well-known Washington insider Richard Perle, Presidential Advisor (2001-2003), William Kristol, editor of the neo-conservative "Weekly Standard", John R. Bolton, ambassador to the United Nations (2005-2006), Lewis Libby, Chief of Staff of the Vice President (2001-2005), William J. Bennett, director of the Drug Control Agency (1989-1991). There also were other names mentioned from the George W. Bush administration: Dick Cheney, Vice-President (2001-2009), Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense (1975-1977, 2001-2006), Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense (2001-2005), World Bank Director (2005-2007) and Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State (2001-2005). (more ...)

The Biegel-front for truth

Monday, 09 January, 2012.

Yesterday at Günther Jauch in Gasometer: Hochnotpeinliches meeting of top representatives from image and mirror - the "mirror" Georg Mascolo -Chefredakteurs and deputy chief editor of the "Bild" newspaper Nicolaus Blome- in the role of the supreme Truth Seeker Germany in the Causa the Federal President.

No, there is nothing more important at the time to report self-portrayal as a message, free advertising as information? Anyway, a proof of the insignificance and provincialism German journalism '.

That can not remain uncommented: (more ...)

Resignation from the "Western community of values" - Or: Does your dirt alone!

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Europeans are - so we transatlantic ghosts explain again and again - with the United States called the "Western community of values.".

These values ​​- they should not be declared - they are simply known and used each other. Credo of transatlanticist. La-la-li-la.

This was actually always been a pride of statement, the alleged community of values ​​ekes namely "right" IS an entirely zombie-like existence. The values ​​mummy is regularly oiled and summoned. Inside it is hollow and probably not totally imploded only for libel, auftreibender putrefaction gases.

Revenge and retribution replace over the big puddle obviously long universal rule of law and international law: (more ...)

Financial dictatorship demanded: EU before takeover

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Already in my post "ESM or the imminent gutting the rights of the Bundestag" it came to the subject of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). The budget law - a centerpiece of the parliamentary system - is the national parliaments withdrawn in principle and to the ESM managing authority, say the new Super Ministry of Finance in Brussels, will be given if a relevant public will not wake from her coma.

The ESM authority to bypassing of national parliaments at the discretion of the deposited funds and guarantees serve, especially those which were provided by Germany. A seizure of power of the new EU-Super Authority, a giant step towards the EU financial dictatorship?

The euro crisis is so dangerous, not because of the continued existence of the euro could be jeopardized, but because it is used by certain politicians to lay the ax to the root of democracy and self-determination of peoples. (More ...)

Jippi: A new Emmanuel Goldstein is proclaimed to us

Saturday, June 18, 2011

285px-1984emmanuelgoldstein1 I had withdrawal symptoms: Ten years with the saddest and ugliest face of the world are nothing to sneeze at. Something leaves traces. Something draws a. Ten years tröteten alerts the air and flushed camouflages the ground.

Since no one can suddenly expect that we should without this phantom out of the cave so easy to have our peace, want to?

Anyway: The recreational divers who want to dive behind this undead now, will certainly encounter even on hot air - ne underwater bubble or something.

Emmanuel Goldstein, wikimedia commons

Emmanuel Goldstein (above) from "1984 - the film" (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

But the phantom pain can thus not be remedied, since even something new must be found. If they had not done it now, I would have come up with something.

The new Goldmann alias Zawahri lives, so we thought, exactly: in a cave in the remote, mystical Afghanistan-Pakistan border area; in a cave, it was also where he met the leader and Märthürer immortalized in the late 1980s, I think marthyr nee, nee, or martyrs of Blooderhood, so it would be ok. (more ...)

Libya: name list of warmongers

Tuesday, March 22 2011

Who had thought of US neoconservatism had abdicated with the election of Obama, had very wrong. At most, the reporting Marketers Tatung uses proven, energetic group of US Thinks anchors and armchair military strategists leaves to be desired in Germany left. You want this country to people obviously did not expect the relentless, ardent warmonger - because that could protect the noble image of the noble, white knights are again on the road to spread democratic values ​​in the world and in particular (according to proven patterns) civilian populations , can shake something.

So we hold back the tears of emotion and open the eyes and ears for this:

Here comes ... PNAC. The project for a New American century of.

Let's remember: The infamous policy paper in 1997 called for, inter alia, a transformation of the Middle East. The vehicle was the "idea" (!) Of the war on terror have been the first domino of Iraq.

Of course, so the reorganization of the Middle East was not completed - the "project" had called for more far-Go Deres. But we are first a video from 20.3.2011 of policy commentator ("Fox News") and neocon publicist William Kristol ("The Weekley Standard"), son of the "Godfather of neoconservatism" Irving Kristol, to:

(more ...)

The "war game" of the mirror or the return of war aesthetics

Thursday, November 18, 2010

It can no longer be overlooked (Der Spiegel No 46, pp 126-139, "The War Game".): The Heroic comes back, the Warlike, hard, inexorable.

After it for decades carefully exorcised, inexorably expelled and even put a punishable offense, it is now in demand in Germany again.

The Germans had almost six decades, the applicable "Never again war" to its utmost priority and enshrined even in their constitution, that they would apply only in a case of defense ever again take up arms, but, meanwhile, a new era was ushered in.

The new era began almost imperceptibly, and sycophantic. It was of "responsibility" is mentioned. The break was initiated by a purely external completely unwarlike, yes unsoldierly, most unsportsmanlike, sometimes even downright flabby figure. This was all the more convincing speak of the necessity of war.

Foreign Minister Joseph Martin Fischer then cracked the resistance of the Greens and the German total, in which he threatened to resign, and specifically the "Auschwitz-crowbar" ansetzte:

"We have always said: 'No more war!' But we have always said, 'Never again Auschwitz!' "

He relativized totally inadmissible the horrors of the Holocaust, by equating the situation in the former Serbian province of Kosovo with events of the past and at the same time that trauma Deutsche whether this debt deliberately exploited and they paralyzed thus for the political debate. (More ...)

Exercise allergy or my early warning system goes haywire

Sunday, January 31 2010

Since this announcement on January 19, in my daily newspaper, I had not a good time longer: I was nervous, fidgety, nightmares plagued me increasingly at night, sometimes I shrugged and daytime seemingly unmotivated together. I igelte a strong and began to seal windows and doors with materials that I specially got at the hardware store. I had increased sweats, began to lisp and mumbling, then to stutter; the smallest stress brought me out of the socket, I no longer answer the phone, no longer out of the house, trying to store supplies; Friends and relatives began to worry about me; the problem: I could not tell you because I did not want to burden you with my fears:

So I was completely on me and began to break up under the emotional hardships. Over nearly ten days, I transformed myself increasingly in a bundle of nerves, a physical and emotional wreck (Read more ...)

Naked Scanner? Yes' s still going? (With Bonus Song)

Monday, January 04, 2010
Quelle: Wikimedia Commons

Source: Wikimedia Commons

It's a great start, the New Year: By the will of the powerful citizens will soon be stripped naked - so-called by the planned nude scanners at airports, but also financially by the proposed FIU ("Elena") for storage. all income data of German citizens (including highly sensitive information on warnings by the employer, absenteeism, etc.). Overall, the data to be stored comprise about 41 pages per German citizens!

The Naked Scanner politicians had long been on their "wish list", and as if by magic, it was on Christmas Day also prompt the associated stop as an accelerant for this burning desire: in a Fugzeug landing at Detroit.
As it became known, comes the assassin, son of a Nigerian politician, from betuchtem home, and is also well known in American security circles ...
He is said to have been trained in Jemem of Al Qaeda. Fortunately, however, must be the "training" somewhat sloppy or have been technically very untalented Nigerian engineering student ...

How now come out, it concerns with the Detroit incident also to the associated stop for a desired new war of the US (and Britain) against "a hotbed and potential safe haven for terrorists" - namely Yemen (Gordon Brown, British Prime Minister.): According to the Democratic US Senator John Lieberman "... is Yemen tomorrow's war." US troops are already involved in military operations. Was this because now ahead of the aircraft stop, at the same time or afterwards instead? Everything reasonably confusing!

But back to the "naked scanners":
They work with the so-called. Terahertz radiation that was ever discovered only a few years ago.
This terahertz radiation is a kind of thermal radiation that radiates every human body. The radiation is in the infrared radiation spectrum between microwave radiation and in a wavelength range of 1-10 THz. The unit terahertz means 1 million (!) Cycles per second.

In Pinzip there are 3 different types of body scanners: (more ...)

Just in time for election: A message from the Intel Center or: gepupst for joy in the wheelchair

Monday, September 21, 2009

Ausriss General Anzeiger BN, 21.9.2009

Avulsion Generalanzeiger BN, 21.9.2009

Al Qaeda has struck again. Just in time for the election occurs, a new German mastermind of the mid-level of the terrorist organization, the alleged German-Moroccan Bekkay Harrach, alias Al Hafiz Abu Talha, the German, before the public, to mutter dark threatening messages. Germany must withdraw its troops from Afghanistan, otherwise there is a "rude awakening".
Germany on alert: security agencies speak "of a new quality of threat". The video is "authentic". Thankfully, have the US firm Intel Center
German colleagues the latest video made ​​available. Police and security forces patrolling intensified at airports and train stations, machine guns are everywhere the townscape.

Comparing the video message Abu Talhas January with its current, it is noticeable that it probably is the same role, but obviously we have to do it with two different actors. A slightly französelnder performer who the Sch-Laut always like a sharp "ch" pronounce, somewhat haltingly speaks and muffled thick occurs is replaced by an actor who phonetically virtually error-free, liquid speaks German and is completely different disguise ...

According to authorities, and terrorism experts "while providing the general election a special approach for propaganda and operational actions" - ". Terrorist groups"

Reason enough to take up this steep template satirically: Email Drohvideo I received from a former colleague Bekkays. I hold the record for authentic: (more ...)

H1N1: Investing - now !!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Now it is certain: the representatives of the states and the central association of health insurance (GVK) expect the government ordered new vaccines against swine flu issues that may exceed 1 billion euros well; consequently urged the association to the federal government to increase health insurance contributions or shoot more money into the health fund; the order for the new vaccine is sent; with qualified objections can not be expected; the management of the swine flu crisis is similar encouraging in other countries. Overall, the following applies: rosy prospects for investors in the always low, currently again booming pharmaceutical market. We should therefore behave quite clear cyclical than investors: Cyclic crisis.

The flu crisis is a huge opportunity for the otherwise weakening investment market, their potential can not be overstated: This version of the often maligned crisis capitalism means: Money in Loko-Motion - for good observers. It will be seen that those who react quickly, still can jump on the moving train to fall in with "to be on board" when the Grippezug gets going so right. The scenario is very well-planned by the authorities. But even if it should not come to extremes, are those shares of pharmaceutical companies have acquired in time, will not regret it. Especially beginners can gain a sense of achievement here with a strategic decision to acquire the corresponding shares soon.

Special attention we want in our subsequent analysis and recommendations to the company Novartis Behring, headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, align. (More ...)

Russian Moss (2): swine flu virus proceeded in Russian width

Saturday, 08 August, 2009.

While virologists, geneticists Impfologen and stir together still frantically admixtures (adjuvants), which then soon to redeem them from the swine us, it is in Russia much to handle solid:

Here you for centuries already know about the beneficial effects of alcohol. Not only did he make the dreary life serene outlook, one can not only him internally and externally, but also as a medicine to bring the application. As a disinfectant that is (more ...)

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