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Concern for Westerwelle: A broken man? Or: The Libya factor in Syria

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dismissed: Westerwelle. . In addition, Clinton and French Foreign Minister Fabius, looking questioningly at Westerwelle (Source: Keystone)

Guido Westerwelle was never a child of sadness. His triumphant optimism FDP party congresses, his broad smile, are legendary and were taken regularly from political cabaret targeted.
Under the chairmanship of the FDP Westerwelle arrived in the general election on 27 September 2009, the historic 14.6 percent best result ever.

In recent weeks and months, but it seems to be going downhill with him: Current images of the Foreign Minister on the side of the American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton show him as a picture of misery. He looks more and more slumped in itself, empty of view .

At the conference of the "Friends of the Syrian people," the beginning of July in Paris Hillary Clinton set the tone. In extremely verbally aggressive and threatening manner, it announced on Russia and China to consequences: "They want to pay". The two countries that had shunned Paris and repeatedly prevented a resolution in the UN Security Council on Syria after the model of Libya, the unrestricted dislike the US Secretary subjected to. (more ...)