"In this country we, the citizens, and systematically deceived about left-threatening developments in the dark. On the political stage mock battles are staged and conflicts in the spotlight, which only serve to distraction from the core of the German misery. "(Georg Schramm)

Georg Schramm
Georg Schramm is an institution for many. The well-known political comedian and author of Badenweiler is for several months once a month on ZDF in "Neues aus der Anstalt" to see; together with Urban Priol and changing invited guests who can each deliver for an evening at the "lunatic asylum". The program uses the trick, as the "Ship of Fools", as a madhouse to present the world; thereby enjoy the "occupant" or crew on board fools freedom they also exploit heartily, until even the last spectator dawns that the alleged lunatic who are in the "institution" the only rational and would let himself out there actually deliver ...
An analysis of the comments to Schramm's television and stage performances and you look at yourself who is sitting beside him in the audience, it is striking that Schramm arrives in all generations. Because it offers people something that is now denied them consistently by politicians and the media: he puts his audience lovely juicy chewing bones instead of pudding and mashed potatoes; want to say Schramm has a very distinct and often politically incorrect language and do not talk around the bush. He is filled with holy anger. The regularly creates a frustrated contemporaries refreshment and relief. (more ...)