With 'Christian Wulff' tagged articles

The Biegel-front for truth

Monday, 09 January, 2012.

Yesterday at Günther Jauch in Gasometer : Hochnotpeinliches meeting the highest representative of IMAGE and SPIEGEL - the "mirror" Georg Mascolo -Chefredakteurs and deputy chief editor of the newspaper "Bild" Nicolaus Blome- in the role of the supreme Truth Seeker Germany in the Cause of the President.

No, there is nothing more important at the time to report self-representation as a message, free advertising as information? In any case, a proof of the insignificance and provincialism German journalism '.

This can not go uncommented: (more ...)

The President-Totmacher: combat boots and mirror shards in the face of the Republic

Sunday, 08 January, 2012.

Christian Wulff, Young Leader alumnus of the Atlantic Bridge, during a speech at the presentation of Vernon A. Walters Award to Jürgen Grossmann at 5.6. 2007; 2. v. Li. Chancellor Schröder

The campaign by the German Federal President is taking on ever more grotesque features: The newspapers are filled - page long discussions "scandal" cover up with difficulty that there is no new information in the case. Oh, and of course the call of Christian Kai.

Are we mad? Yes - because we can make us mad of a smear campaign led by the Springer media. Da and an initial credit is privately worried against a gray, rather modest cottage (who wants to live in anyway?) Geböllert, as did Christian Wulff give you the recipe for the atomic bomb in person to the Iranian President.

The personal call of the President at the IMAGE CEO Diekmann - and leaving a message on the voicemail of the same - is called the Fukushima bundespräsidialen action portrayed: As threats against journalists and prevention of research and collection of information for subsequent reporting.

Now just calm: (more ...)

Christmas message to Christian Wulff

Monday, December 26, 2011

Bettina Queen and King Christian (source unknown)

Under the leadership of black red medium, a campaign against our President was out for weeks, until his Christmas speech.

Said medium did at a white waistcoat and tried all the bellicosity, warmongering and the constant horny to lick supposedly forgotten tears wet lips to make. It really can not imagine so many sheepskins, as needed would be to hide this totally unbelievable hypocrisy.

What ever got into the thick men? Front short "shit" is still on the Dr. and could now taken refuge at the glamorous pair No. 1 do not see enough enough: The two ladies embody but exactly the same type of woman: Large, elegant, something nachgeblondet, dark beady eyes.

For observers of the political scene was clear from the beginning that the arty step processes around the Hanoverian "clique" should have been known for a long time. Ugly - but by no means the whole great moral Gau, as he is presented. (more ...)