With 'de Maizière' tagged articles

Syria: EU countries now officially war party?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The lifting of the arms embargo against Syria by the EU shows nicely what it is "Europe must speak with one voice" with the mantra repeated request is all about: you lacks any basis in doubt. The EU allowed each country now, in terms of arms supplies again for themselves to decide how they want to behave. This permission would not have been necessary - the sovereign nation-state is and will remain for the foreseeable future the ultimate reference size.

Were it not for the Nobel Peace Prize, which the EU recently awarded ... As the French and British insistence on arms supplies to the Syrian rebels already acts like a cruel joke. And evokes unpleasant memories of the colonial past of both states in the region: (more ...)

Review of the Munich Security Conference (3.-5.2.2012). (1)

Monday, February 13, 2012

"Munich Security Conference - Location of the transatlantic partnership," which was the theme of the 48th conference of its kind in Munich. A transatlantic tryst, headed since 2008 on behalf of the federal government by Atlantic Bridge Member (and former Young Leader) Wolfgang Ischinger.

The content of the conference as the intellectual level of the actors is manageable and can be summarized in a few words as follows: (more ...)