With 'The WORLD' tagged articles

"The world," declared war scenario

Friday 17 February 2012

Attack scenario

Yesterday Hans Rühle explained in "The World" in the world, like an attack on Iran by Israel will look.

Rühle is noisy "world" expert on nuclear technology and weapons. From 1982 to 1988 he was director of the Policy Planning Staff at the Federal Ministry of Defence.

It can hardly be troubled, as will be discussed openly in the Springer press war scenarios, as if it were not for people, but a few insignificant pawns - which must of course pay the highest price in the end. As if war is not a disaster that does not allow for more growth.

Within a perversion of Denke put forward logical arguments is basically pointless. It also does not help to lament the advanced insanity of the ruling elites - they will not understand the need for a profound psycho-therapy for yourself than necessary.

There are no relevant social forces identified who would be willing to madness to challenge the truth, speak the churches, trade unions have other things to do and the majority of the party leaders stand united behind the claim of "German Responsibility", which is now not as a responsibility peace, but is interpreted as a responsibility and commitment to the war. From a historical responsibility. Because of our history. (more ...)

THE WORLD of criticism - massive complaints against bombing Iran to call

Tuesday 09 February 2010

Daniel Pipes, "studies"-director of the Middle East Forum and self-proclaimed expert on Iran seems some Gegenwindchen to blow in the face: On his home page, he writes under the title:

"Support Sarah Palin, Bombed Iran '":
My National Review Online column last week was the provocative headline: How to save the Obama Presidency: Bomb Iran, 'and that was provocative indeed.

Leftist websites like Think Progress and DailyKos responded quick-tempered and slightly crazy way, by presenting my argument wrong, even while they betitulierten me with unrepeatable names., The German paper Die Welt published an article in a translation, but got so vehemently that the publishers withdrew my analysis to the criticism. "

Then he describes that he had learned from the U.S. rights which consent and encouragement (eg by Palin, Buchanan)

The following are excerpts from an interview with the TV channel Fox last Sunday with his declared favorite politician - the former vice-presidential candidate U.S. Republican Reminder: Sarah Palin is a Christian fundamentalist (Pentacostal movement). (more ...)

THE WORLD can be "on-the-bomb Iran" articles disappear

Saturday 06 February 2010

However ... this can not undo it.

Today therefore went out a letter to the German Press. I just get tired of having to constantly endure warmongering - not even online!

Bonn, 4.2.2010

At the
German Press
PO Box 100549
10565 Berlin

by registered mail

Subject:. WORLD v. online 3.2.2010
Daniel Pipes: "Barack Obama should bomb Iran"

Ladies and Gentlemen,

the Press Code applies from 1.1.2009 for online media.
Therefore, I express the above WORLD Online Articles about knowledge that is compatible in my opinion in any way with the ethical principles of the Press Code.
He is no more compatible with those of the German Basic Law. The Press Code expressly refers in its preamble to the same thing and explained this preamble while his part.

The cited article calls for a war of aggression:
"Barack Obama should bomb Iran"
And: "He must be to destroy the Iranian nuclear weapons command."
World online thus incites an illegal war of aggression on. (more ...)

On the specific offer Iran: WELT newspaper calls bombing

Thursday 04 February 2010

Against the Springer journal THE WORLD must be reported to a war of aggression criminal charges of sedition and incitement to journalistic aid. It is also understood that the sheet a complaint by the Bundespresserat must be granted because it violated the most important principle of the Press Code, which reads: respect for truth and respect for human dignity. This Code of Ethics applies from 1.1.2009 for online media.

On 3.2.2010 is widely through the media that Iran wants to enter into concrete negotiations with foreign countries, so that uranium could be enriched there. "Ahmadinejad said Iran was ready to sign a contract for uranium exchange with the nuclear powers. Low-enriched uranium it could also be brought from Iran abroad, he says. "(GA Bonn, 3.2.2010, p 2). Low-enriched uranium (3.5%) in abroad concrete terms, then (France, Russia) are brought to 20% and then be sent back as a fuel for a research reactor in Iran. This solution to the nuclear dispute had been looming for weeks, if you followed the media reports carefully.

The Iranian president continued:
"We are not against it, to send our low-enriched uranium abroad because we want a constructive cooperation and because we can always produce low-enriched uranium in Iran again," Ahmadinejad said. For his departure from the previous position he called "technical reasons."

Instead of responding to this offer constructive-concrete, the United States, however, go further obviously a delaying tactic - to keep other options open?

Even worse: U.S. hawks who win in the U.S. after Obama's election defeats momentum again, call right now only the bombing of Iran:
World-online from 3.2.2010: Iran must be bombed, which would have the same advantage to convey the Obama's poll numbers, which are down, up.
"Barack Obama should bomb Iran,
By Daniel Pipes, 3 February 2010, 12:18 pm Clock, Barack Obama's poll numbers falling into the basement. On the issues of unemployment and health system he has failed, he has also lost three elections. A dramatic gesture is needed to change public perception. He must be to destroy the Iranian nuclear weapons command. " (more ...)