With 'false alarm' tagged articles

Only glitch: HUNDERAP "bomb scare"

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Source: http: //www.thefuntheory.com/2009/12/09/dog-poo-bank

Two days ago, we looked into the abyss: the abyss security: Teilevakuation Munich Airport: A man with a tow Topp ran away, although he had hidden explosives in it, anyway, claiming a security Computer - incorrectly. The man was then fled - canceled flights, waiting times, so make flying really fun! The Bonner General Anzeiger titled Two days later, this attack collective hysteria "Only glitch". Because on the surveillance cameras was recorded that the man was not fled, but quietly went through the check to buy before departure a little ...
I've got me for a change with my dog ​​on this attack collective Bellelritis entertain, because he can cry a song about something like that! Welcome to the unreal world, to the security world!

HUNDERAP "bomb scare"!

Bow-wow get up!
Are you ready?
In the park, a walk to walk:
It is high time!

Get in the car,
Get out of the car,
from, shoo-shoo
Bow-wow that was needed!
Hou-hou into the bush! (more ...)