With 'Franz-Peter Tebartz van Elst' tagged articles

O ye hypocrites and Pharisees!

Monday, October 14, 2013

(L) ego Limburg: Great idea to ease the financial burden of the episcopal chair - the sale should start as soon as possible!

The deer is already waidwund because swells the barking and Gezetere the pack on, the saliva drips only way the wild chase suspects blood and prepares for the final crack of the game ...

A bishop was not humble, geprunkt and boasted he has the people not exemplified economy and poverty, like a pop star, like a fürstbischöflicher ruler of God's grace has been listed.

Yes, it was and as it is, the Catholic Church - the grace of God!

Since there is, it has geprunkt and boasted! Instead of simply aufzuschlagen only a tent and reinzustellen a chair and "Here God's house" off ascribe to one of the tents and sticking to the chair a sign "Chair of Peter," she klotzte from the beginning: Magnificent basilicas, churches, cathedral, cathedrals, domes and Church palaces attest to its extravagance. (more ...)