With 'Fukushima' tagged articles

Lady Gaga: she saw ahead the nuclear disaster in Japan? (Part I)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The correct answer must be "no" hot of course. However, this should not prevent the following video, which was discontinued in November 2009, a closer view and then analyze it.

The "Forbes" magazine produces annual lists of the richest celebrities of the globe after its estimated annual income. Lady Gaga leads the charts of celebrities with a total of about 90 million dollars per year.

The Lady Gaga, singer, songwriter and producer sells its products z. T. 15 million times, their music videos were called in to YouTube 1 billion times (which is unprecedented for anyone succeeded), a whole generation of young people growing their self-Iinszenierungen zoom, in my circle of friends, it's even babies who had their first dance steps to the rhythms of Lady Gaga.

Lada Gaga calls her fans as "my little monsters", has by his own admission an obsession with monsters and "became a monster" as they - burning with ambition - began to advance their career.

One could his finger on the forehead above the Lady ignore, but I decided to stay once exemplified analyze the music video "Lady Gaga Apocalpyse, the Monster Ball Tour", the III zusammenbaute BTV-producer William Sikora with her. (more ...)

Nuclear disaster in Japan and explosive Geology

Saturday, March 19, 2011
Pazifischer Feuerring; Quelle Wikimedia Commons

Ring of Fire (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Meanwhile, we are smarter:

If someone had asked how many nuclear reactors possess the land how many people would have known the correct answer before the nuclear disaster in Japan?

Who would have known that there are 55 nuclear power plants in Japan, a world region that has traditionally been the most affected by the earthquake regions of our planet, and another 11 that are under construction.

An "anti-nuclear" movement is, we are told, quite unknown in Japan. Nuclear energy is so obviously expanded in complete agreement with the great majority of the population.

At least this is amazing - also because Japan 1945 yes terrible experience with the dropping of two atomic bombs American made, but obviously it did not influenced in its pursuit of nuclear energy. (more ...)