With 'Gaddafi' tagged articles

French political elite: financial offenses a la grande (nation)?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sarkozy's Gaddafi welcome in Paris (Screeenshot RT)

Financial crimes, something ugly words, aid for embezzlement, taking advantage to the detriment Weak, black money accounts, bizarre campaign contributions, house searches, legal proceedings ...

The political elite of the Grande Nation is posted:

Nicolas Sarkozy:
Suspicion that he had sold himself to his campaign of Gaddafi (see. "The Guardian" from 12.3.20 12)! Looking for evidence that the French police raided the office of the now ex-Interior Minister Claude Gueant. The news agency "Media Part news agency" had claimed that Nicolas Sarkozy accepted by Muammar al-Gaddafi in 2007 no less than 50 million euros for his campaign and after his election even more money accepted ( see FIG. RT from 1.3,2013 ). (more ...)

Libya: Name list of the warmongers

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Who had thought the US neoconservatism had abdicated Obama's election, had very wrong. At most, the Roosters Reported Tatung the proven, energetic group of US Think anchor chair and military strategists to be desired in Germany. You want this country to people obviously do not expect the tireless, fiery warmongers - because that could protect the noble image of the noble, white knights, who are again on the way to spread democratic values ​​in the world and in particular (based on a proven pattern) civilian populations which can shake a little.

So we will hold back the tears of emotion and open the eyes and ears for:

Here comes ... PNAC. The Project for a New American century of.

Remember: The infamous policy paper in 1997 called for, inter alia, a transformation of the Middle East. The vehicle was the "idea" (!) Of the war on terror have been the first domino of Iraq.

Of course, so that the reconstruction of the Middle East was not complete - the "project" had called for much walking distance Deres. But let us first video from 20.3.2011 of policy commentator ("Fox News") and neocon journalist William Kristol ("The Weekley Standard"), son of the "Godfather of neoconservatism" Irving Kristol, to:

(Read more ...)

10 Reasons to bomb Libya

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
HDI-Weltkarte; Quelle: wikimedia commons

HDI World Map (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Human Development Index (HDI; data from 2007, published on November 4, 2010)

  • > 0.900
  • 0850-0899
  • 0800-0849
  • 0750-0799
  • 0700-0749
  • 0650-0699
  • 0600-0649
  • 0550-0599
  • 0500-0549
  • 0450-0499
  • 0400-0449
  • 0350-0399
  • 0300-0349
  • <0.300
  • No data
  1. Libya has an index of 0.755, the highest standard of living of the whole of Africa. In terms of the Human Development Index (HDI) in 2007, it has been more than comparable European countries such as Poland and Portugal. This is amazing, especially since 85% of Libya is desert (Sahara) and the land is extremely dry.
  2. Libya has the highest per capita income in Africa.
  3. Medical care is free. In more complex diagnoses or necessary operations Libyans were sent abroad for decades. Also Bonner clinics, for example, did good business with patients from Libya, where their stay was fully state-funded. Each Libyans was equipped with 5000 euros for the hospital stay. (more ...)