With 'light bulb' tagged articles

Bulb: In September, the end came

Sunday 27 February 2011
Kommt: Die giftige Quecksilber-"Energiesparlampe"

The toxic "mercury bulb"

Many of us suppress it: The popular, eco-and eye-friendly light bulb will finally die in September after the will of the EU this year.

The mortality indicator lights for the following types:

  • the 100 and 75 watt bulb (clear)

and ALL frosted bulbs,

  • 25 W,
  • 40 W,
  • 60 W,
  • 75 W

Who had ever screwed with a "Energy Saving Lamp," it will have been noted: The life holds not what it promises. This personal experience of many a Ökotest has now been validated by a series of tests. Conclusion: The life specifications of the lamp manufacturer does not correspond to reality. Supposedly living the "energy saving bulbs" that is 12 times longer than a standard bulb. "Wrong," says Ökotest. (more ...)

"Heat Ball" - or electric resistance

Tuesday 14 December 2010
Quelle: Deesillustration.com

(Source: Deesillustration.com)

About the "Off" the popular, inexpensive and eye-friendly light bulb according to the will of the EU was at this point already some written . The more encouraging is the news that it is now known as a consolation prize "Heat Balls" are (see also the article "The light bulb is dead - long live the Heat Ball" in zeitgeist-book 30 ). The "heat ball" is no lamp. But fits into the same socket as the light bulb, it is intended for heating, which is also an extra on it! - Nice that you can also still in its healthy because the sun light spectrum can read it like light. And without neurotoxic mercury emissions.

Heat the ball must not dispose of them: If it breaks, simply return it together. Breaks an energy saving lamp, their remains must be disposed of by applying a respirator, the carpet or the like, where the mishap happened, must be carefully cut out.

The more outraged a message to the press (General Anzeiger Bonn, 11./12.12.2010) that for weeks (!) 40.000 Heat Balls from China are detained by Customs at Cologne / Bonn airport! Two engineers from Lower Ornamental they wanted to import to Germany. The Cologne regional government commissioned in the dispute over the meatballs heat the Association of German Electrical Engineers with a report: Are the Heat Balls Small heaters or light bulbs? (more ...)

The sight - guarded like our eyeball?

Friday 15 May 2009
bedenkliches Blaulicht

ominous blue light

In the current Swiss magazine magazine 62/09 I found a very informative article on the biology of light. After reading I understood much better why artificial light, and especially the so-called full-spectrum, Warm white, daylight or organic fluorescent lamps are so harmful to our bodies and especially natural for our eyes.

Our traditional light bulb radiates a natural light spectrum and is thus similar to sunlight. Your light is characterized by a balanced level of the proportions of visible light, so one speaks of full spectrum light.

Completely different is the contrast with the so-called fluorescent lamps, which include all the above-saving lamps. Its light spectrum consists mainly of isolated individual peaks excessive light frequencies. "So what?" Might ask, "if it is because energy-saving" one ...

Apart from the fact that the so-called energy saving bulbs save any energy, since they are special because of their mercury content and it also does not consider the high production and disposal costs in a kind of sugarcoated "garbage males account" that light is indeed a form suddenly became clear to me from food is - not only for our eyes, but for our entire organism. Through the years of controversy the mass media against the natural sunlight we have completely lost sight of what we actually do to us with the "wrong" sunlight! (more ...)

Our light bulb - obituary and eulogy

Monday 09 March 2009

Love mourners!

We are all gathered here to commemorate a dear Verscheidenden, which was all very dear to us: Yes, we are losing our best friend, aunt, sister, helper in in dark cellars, often the little light at the end of the tunnel into darkness and despair . How often was this little warm bulbs ourselves as one by! We all know the feeling, dear mourners to be left alone again. Just me and my light bulb (more ...)


Monday 23 February 2009

♪ ♪ ♪ Listen to the audio track

A stop evil and full of malice,
the plan has made me upset.
The bulb is scheduled to go live there,
thou shalt bring the bulb from the socket drehn. (more ...)