With 'Ian Brzezinski' tagged articles

Warmongering: MH 17 "A Game Changer?"

Sunday, July 20, 2014

In connection with the tragic crash of flight MH 17 (flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur) on ostukrainischem territory was heard from President Obama and influential figures of the US elite as a direct response to the cry: "This is a game changer"!

What was adequate German translation of this expression?

There would be

  1. The cards are shuffled
  2. a turning point
  3. strong pulse

as possibilities.

Surrounded by a vast propaganda bustle of the Anglo-Saxon press,. From the German media, when in milder form, endorsed, it is difficult even to maintain composure and a clear head

Just the other hand, influential media in the Western Hemisphere have decided if they produce most disgusting war propaganda-style titles such as "It was Putin's missile" alongside pictures of sweet baby sit. (more ...)