With 'Beekeeping' tagged articles

The "air-bee" - victim of global warming?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

On 11 / 12.6.2011 snip-snap made it - a "suspicious" items was cut out of the weekend edition of my newspaper. Could this approach? My own observations spoke against it. I let it lie the article and was sure that "there's what would come." Two weeks later: There you go - the reactions were not long in coming.

What was it? . In order to claim that the honey bees had slept through the spring of this year, "as this year the first flowers blooming and the nature awoke, lacked an animal: The honey bee. She seemed to have missed their spring outing. With climate change we see increasingly drifting apart between temperature and the first flight activity ', explains the bee expert Jürgen Tautz of the University of Würzburg. "(GA Bonn, 1 page).

The message "bees missed the Spring" was found 14 days ago and down the country in all print media, including television took the supposed problem of.

Air releases call me forth admittedly Arwohn. Because the alleged man-made climate change is blamed for more and more things along the lines of: The murderer is always the climate. Hunger, poverty, environmental degradation - formerly a false, unjust economic system, wars, the Great use of agricultural chemicals were once responsible. But those days are gone, the climate is the duration culprit - at least we want to make believe the mainstream media.

The aforementioned article reported on the research of graduate students of the Technical University of Munich about how the bees responded to supposedly higher spring temperatures. It was "reasonable to observe colonies year after year in the spring months." So you can later draw conclusions about their behavior in a changing climate. Name of the project: "Climate bee". Today (27.6.2011) So then two letters to the editor, title: "Bees never verschafen" leave nothing to be desired lacks clarity. (more ...)

Maya the Bee has sounded the alarm: German beekeepers die out!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Biene Maja; Quelle Wikimedia Commons In principle, we know well all, the importance of honey bees. But the numbers are still always impressive:

  • 80% of our total domestic flowering plants are pollinated by honey bees.
  • Without the contribution of bees yield fruit cultivation z. B. would fall by 75%. Bees pollinate containing stone and pome fruit trees, berry bushes, rape, peas, beans, clover, alfalfa, cabbage, carrots and all kinds of flowering plants.
  • Therefore, the value of the bees are not measured by their honey production, but in their pollination services and thus their contribution to the conservation of biodiversity.
  • In order to collect the nectar for 1 pound of honey, the honey bees lay back a distance equal to three times the circumference of the earth.
  • German bees (currently identified by the black-red-gold probe pads) meet with her work about 20-25% of the German honey requirement.
  • Every German eats an average of 1.3 kg of honey a year

About 80,000 beekeepers still in Germany, but they have, and that is worrying, with an average age of 65 years. There is a lack of young beekeepers and -Innen.

1952 alone there were still 182,000 beekeepers in West Germany with 2.1 million bee colonies.

1972 there were 87,100 beekeepers with over one million people.

The last census of the German Beekeepers' Association, based in Wachtberg near Bonn in 2009 resulted in a number of 81,500 members, with around 614,000 people.

A total worrying trend! (more ...)