While the whole of Germany chattering in the icy grip of an early onset of winter, is spread with increasing intensity in the media the thesis, the weather did not have to do with the climate in the least, but global warming go undeterred - debt is: the man-made CO 2.
At the same time there is a wave of support article on the subject, just as if "Climagate" did not take place, as if never measured temperature data were manipulated and as if the so-called invented by US climatologist Michael Mann. "Hockey stick graph", with the help of the immediately impending heat exhaustion our planet should be put into the dramatic image due to man-made warming not proved brazen forgery ...
The following is an excerpt from the campaign:
T he mirror on 4/10/10 : "lobbyists. The science as an enemy "
On 17/11/10 Die Welt: "Anti-air lobby. The earth is getting warmer - so what? "
The time of 26.11.10 : "Climate Summit in Cancun. The agents of the doubt "
And the Frankfurter Rundschau of 29.11.10 : "Climate Summit: The clear objective: No compromise"
Those who do not inform themselves on the Internet, has not undergone any chance that the CO 2 theme in science not fully discussed (see, also zeitgeist-Issue 29 ). That there scientists are internationally who argue convincingly that the climate throughout the Earth, and even in the period of human history, we can see, have always changed and it would constitute a human hubris to try to intervene in the climate. These researchers point z. B. the importance of the sun for the sensibilities of our planet .
As is all too familiar, all these scientists and researchers together with its arguments are carefully kept out of the media and the people so that the impression of a world unity in unison opinion gives to this subject, which does not reflect reality. The mass media thus simulate a scientific consensus. Such a thing is called manipulation or continuous systematic and deliberate deception. (more ...)