With 'Israel' tagged articles

Akif Pirincci and Zyonismus

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Muhammed al-Khwarizmi, inventor of the algorithm (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

I Pirinccis "Germany of the senses" read me mostly amused, whether its coarse-to-earth giggled and felt his lush, exuberant language Orientalism à la "German man, you are the stronger sex in your tendons [he means hands?] rests power, and the glory of the German state ... "well as a stylistic enrichment for the German language.

Its specific linguistic taboo violations ("arschgefickt" u. Like.) I believe in emergencies, it's not a few are, clearly, as a targeted measure to lower or breaking the Better human Speaks and to enforce attention while often comatose audience legitimate to ask to myself but after some times some fatigue resistant. The border to the demented hillbilly is sometimes exceeded, the noble purpose can not force indefinitely mitigating circumstances ... (more ...)

Gaza, how often?

Friday, July 18, 2014

A young Americans held during a demonstration in Jerusalem (2011), who led the Israeli demonstrators by the Arab town and caused unrest there, a little speech:

"Israel occupied the Palestinian people in my name, in the name of world Jewry. I myself am an American Jew, and I'm here to say that this is totally unfair and unethical. And all the nations of the world will not stop until this occupation ends and the Palestinian people had to be right, the right of return, the right to live without crew, and: equality within Israel! That is why we are here!

I say to the people of Israel: You have to connect the world! The unanimous opinion of the world! The world has decided that this crew can not go further. The refugees can not stay where they are! The world has decided that they all have to come home and the occupied territories should be free! Israel is the pariah state, Israel is a rogue state! And the United States, my government is in charge! I am here to say: Not in my name, not on behalf of the American people "

Now look what happens after these words ... (more ...)

Guttenberg concrete preparations for war in Germany in the coming Iran war with Israel

Thursday 04 April 2013

US military bases around Iran

Guttenberg and no end: Zu Guttenberg, who fled to the US Ex-German economic and defense minister with Ulf Gartzke, head of the Washington office of the CSU-affiliated Hans Seidel "foundation" on April 2, an article in " Wall Street Journal ".

The two CSU politicians want Germany now move to concrete preparations in the event of an attack of Israel on Iran. It should be practically thought about how Germany could come to the assistance after an Israeli air attack Israel. (more ...)

The Doha agreement - document the true war aims against Syria?

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Atatürk Dam, Southeast Turkey. Water for Israel: a reason for war against Syria?

Doha - The capital city of Qatar, an absolutist emirate on the Persian Gulf, the scene hypermodernistischer concrete architecture, residence of Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa El-Thani, deposed his father in 1995 and placed himself on the throne.

Through the exploitation of oil and gas reserves his Scheichtum nominally catapulted the country with the highest per capita incomes in the world - and the highest CO2 emissions of the globe. The predestined to the country to be the scene of some climate conferences.

Qatar is sponsoring the Arab news station Al Jazeera, which has been instrumental in the grotesquely unbalanced coverage of Syria, and, more importantly, it was from the beginning of one of the arms sponsors of the Syrian "rebels" who came often equal to itself from Qatar ,

In accordance with the laws of Sharia that come in Qatar to use, homosexuals are jailed. (more ...)

Brzezinski's message to Israel

Saturday, November 17, 2012

On 24.2.2012 was Zbigniew Brzezinski, global strategist, former US foreign policy and history professor interviewed in the US broadcaster CNN. In it, he expressed his surprise decision on Iran.

The current situation in Gaza and the procedure there against all reason and reasonableness of each reaction, should be related to the fact of an apparently unwillingness of US elites to turn the Middle East into a war zone. It is interesting to Brzezinski's "we". "We" - most likely a part of the tonangebene US elites. (more ...)

Grass-poem. Or: No longer with the U-boat an oasis of comfort

Friday, 06 April, 2012.

The former head of the Mossad, Meir Dagan, has been warning for months publicly against an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. He hopes to prevent a catastrophe: "You have to think about what happens after that day." An attack was terrible for Israel, a disaster of unimaginable proportions. (See. Spiegel 45/2001, p 110.)

The Nobel Günther Grass also gave the public a certain extent the day after. His "poem", actually a brief analysis, a document of great concern for world peace is also a proof that a friend in the public's patience finally ran out. For Grass is to thank.

A few days ago, the leaders of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) had in New Delhi on their annual summit urged to set the threats of war against Iran and Syria. They support the embargo policy against Iran and the escalation of pro-violence rhetoric and called for not giving a compromise and dialogue space.

For months, specifically for years, war scenarios military action is mainly in the US, but also by the German media discussed named favorable time frame for a first strike, called for, demanded. Foreign Policy magazines, thinking tanks and experts want to make the unthinkable seem feasible and possible, the last dead point that was brought to Israel in game computed, all 300 (!) To be accepted killed in a strike against Iran. The war players always hide it in their sandboxes but the possibilities of a domino effect in the Middle East, in which all voltages old scores could be unloaded and - more importantly - the unpredictable dynamics of war in a Russian intervention or even China. (more ...)

"The world," declared war scenario

Friday, February 17, 2012

Attack scenario

Yesterday Hans Rühle explained in the "World" of the world, like an attack on Iran will look through Israel.

Rühle's loud "world" expert on nuclear technology and weapons. From 1982 to 1988 he was Director of the Policy Planning Staff in the German Defense.

It can hardly be troubled, as discussed openly in the Springer press war scenarios, as if it were not for people, but a few insignificant chess pieces - which must of course pay the highest price in the end. As if not war a disaster that does not allow more boost.

Within a perversion of Denke put forward logical arguments is basically pointless. It also does not help to complain advanced insanity of the ruling elites - they will not understand the need for a profound psycho-therapy for yourself than necessary.

There are no relevant societal forces identified that would be willing to madness to challenge the truth, mention the churches, trade unions have other things to do and the majority of the party leaders are united behind the claim of "German responsibility", which is now not as a responsibility peace, but is interpreted as a responsibility and obligation to war. From a historical responsibility. Because of our history. (more ...)

Canada is building military base in Cologne / Bonn. Hub for foreign missions, hub to the east.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cologne / Bonn Airport

Granted - I drove the breakfast coffee in amazement into the trachea: The Bonner General Anzeiger waited this morning on page 1 with a headline of a special kind:
"Canada is building military base in Cologne / Bonn. Hub for foreign missions. Airport ministerial announcement surprised. "(GA Bonn v. 15.2.2012)

Well, so fast it can go, right? The already noise-ridden citizens are not even asked themselves the airport knows nothing of his good fortune.

Time to revise the Thomas-de-Maizière image again: The graumausig-inconspicuous occurring always velvety steamed daherredende de Maizière, a graduate of the Leadership Program of the Atlantic and bridge to Berlin (Young Leader alumnus) is underestimated: it is in the thing tough and he'll get what he wants by lightning speed is not great noise, without special notice. (more ...)

False Flag in the Strait of Hormuz?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

USS Enterprise on Flickr

Leon Panetta, US Secretary of Defense, announced on Saturday, 22 January 2012 that the eight reactors nuclear-powered USS Enterprise was on his way to the Persian Gulf. The aircraft carrier Methuselah built in 1960 will pass through the Strait of Hormuz in March. The USS Abraham Lincoln has already done along with British and French warships, so DEBKAfile v. 23.1.2012 .

Fears about the possibility of a false flag attack in view of ongoing discussions hysterical war an attack on Iran are on loud that it previously was once on another warship, namely the USS Liberty in 1967.

The events of that June 8, 1967 was probably one of the most dangerous highlights of the cold war, a nuclear exchange could be very likely avoided only by accident. (more ...)

Review of the Munich Security Conference (3). Apocalypse now?

Monday, February 13, 2012

On the penultimate and last day of the Munich Euro-Atlantic security conference, there was a special flash "High Lite": The US Senator Joseph "Joe" Lieberman received by Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle and Wolfgang Ischinger same two prizes: 1.The large Federal Cross of Merit with star and 2. the Ewald von Kleist Medal (named after the founder of the Conference in 1962 was still "Wehrkundetagung"). Why the choice was calculated on Lieberman?

Wolfgang Gerhardt, Joseph Lieberman and Martin Zeil, at the Munich Conference Sure Heist (Source: Frank Plitt)

Wolfgang Ischinger cited the grounds that he was a "model transatlantic figure". He was a "true friend" of the Munich Security Conference and have led the US delegation for years and used over a long period of German-American relations prevail. Is there more?

The Obama mentor Lieberman is formally a US Democrat, but a real neoconservative politicians with hawkish foreign policy views. In the annals of the Munich Conference Lieberman was a 2010, since it then with his appearance einhandelte a complaint for Auftstachelung to a war of aggression. Lieberman had at the security conference two years ago threatened Tehran with a military strike (" The default "from 6.2.2010):

Federal Cross of Merit with Star for Joseph Lieberman, re. Foreign Minister Westerwelle (Source: Frank Plitt)

"We face a choice: either for hard economic sanctions, so that diplomacy works, or we face military action 'Lieberman said on Saturday at the Munich Security Conference. [...] The US leaders pointed out that the military leadership of the United States have already confirmed such plans in the event that it does not come to a political solution. , No one wants that to happen. But if we do not act together and strong and if we do not do more than just talk, then that is what is going to happen. '"

The blogger Martin Pausch filed a complaint Display: (more ...)

Ge- "peakt"? - Or is it? Huge gas and oil discoveries in the Mediterranean are conflict

Thursday, 03 February, 2011.

In zeitgeist ( Print as online) multiple abiotic or biotic contributions to the theory of the origin of hydrocarbons (oil, gas, coal) have been published. The aim was to discuss the question of whether we really have to do it with a looming shortage or rather a "threatened" shortage.

Recently, yours truly had tried me and the readers of the article "Are we all hostage of 'Peak Oil'?" ( Part 1 and Part 2 ) and the report: "Secret holes: Run on non-konvenionelles gas in detschland has already begun" to provide an overview of the current state of affairs.

The representatives of the fossil, so the biotic Enststehungsteorie our energy reserves, bring them as one of their main arguments, that it will not succeed for some time to discover truly great oil and gas deposits. The funding will also more complicated and more expensive.

In the linked articles I had already given some examples that this statement is only partly agree: (more ...)

For safety, terrorism package

Friday, November 12, 2010
Bedeutung der Verteidigungsindustrie; Quelle isr. Außenministerium

Importance of the defense industry; (Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Isr.)

There are 5 significant industries in Israel Nahhoststaat:
The software industry, the jewelry industry, the telecommunications industry, the building industry and the security industry.
The most significant and most actively traded is the latter; after 2001 it experienced an unprecedented boom. In 2005 alone exported the Israeli security industry security technology for 3 billions of dollars abroad.

This was not always the case: The Israeli Foreign Ministry recalled in 2002 in an article "Facets of the Israeli Economy. The Defense Industry ":" In the last 15 years saw Israeli defense companies with a declining market for military hardware confronted and therefore made a concerted effort to use their research and development teams for the invention of products for non-military markets and more frequently for adapt defense technology for civilian applications. In fact, many of the most innovative products that have been developed by the Israeli civilian high-tech industry, particularly in the field of telecommunications, trace their origin to military technology. "

A very promising specialty of the Israeli security industry today is the airport security, so security and surveillance of airports. The airports of New York (JFK), Heathrow (London), Hannover, Tel-Aviv and Singapore are already equipped with Israeli technology.

Israel has, according to the "Israeli Innovation News Service" 10 potential "Top Ten" -Security-technology exports. These are: (more ...)

Free Gaza Fleet incident: a war provocation? Possible reasons.

Wednesday, 02 June, 2010.
Free-Gaza-Flotte; Quelle: Creative Commons

Free Gaza fleet: the "Mavi Marmara" (Source: Creative Commons)

A flotilla of six ships with about 700 people from 32 different countries, including such well-known public figures like the Irish Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire, the Swedish author Henning Mankell, European parliamentarians, including 3 German: the Left MPs Inge Hoger and Annette Groth and former MP Norman Paech and a Holocaust survivor ... a purely civilian business leading to further besieged and still war-torn Gaza, with its 1.5 million penned, the Israeli authorities have been notified in advance exactly on the content and composition of transport ... medical supplies, construction materials, wheelchairs, toys, etc., in the morning in international waters by 4 clock out of special forces of the Israeli army attacked from helicopters are fighters rappel, from the sea to come armed, it only exist shaky video of the disaster:

freedomflotilla; Quelle: Free-Gaza.com

freedomflotilla (Source: Free-Gaza.com)

Result: So far, the figure is mentioned 20 dead and 50 to 80 injured. Accurate not yet known.

Attacks on convoys to Gaza had previously been given, but without any media attention, thank God, without deaths. What's different this time?

Israel is just plain crazy? True to the motto: "As allies of tyrants" or is there something else behind it?

Allow me to collect in the following arguments suggest that this incredible violation of international law, a deliberate provocation was and is to still trigger a Middle East war, when the chances for the Brazilian-Turkish nuclear agreement with Iran are increasingly viewed disappearing a few days ago, the action window so threatens to close.

The state violence against an international group of human rights activists is now the culmination of a chain of Unliebsamkeiten and increasing deterioration of relations between Israel and Turkey.

In parallel, Israel has suffered some deterioration of its relations with the United States for the first time and suddenly finds himself of his previous status as sankrosante Middle East power that stands above the international law, their seemingly perpetual special 'robbed.

"Our relationship [with Israel] will never be the same again," citing the Turkish newspaper Hüriyet a spokesman for the ruling party. (more ...)

Irritation due Persian phrasebook for the Bundeswehr

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Bundeswehr soon with Israel against Iran? The Federal Office of Languages ​​publishes a Persian phrase book for soldiers, where sentences are to be read as: "I come from Cologne", "I belong to the UN peacekeeping troops", "Iran is a beautiful country". Furthermore, there is the Persian translation mliltärischer commands such as "stop stop."

The reason for the members of the Bundestag Inge Hoger nachzuhaken (Die Linke). Thankfully on youtube is a video with the questions and the answers wife Högers set the Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Defence Christian Schmidt (CSU).

What you hear in the sequence is hard to believe:

Schmidt winds clear that questions obviously feels as a single impertinence, even aggressive towards the end. The Geschwurbel can be inferred, however, that the Voice was intended to improve the communication skills of the soldiers.

Then drop the words "Israeli President recently in parliament", "threat of Israel", "Israel's right to exist", "Iranian threat".

Schmidt recalls the Merkel promise that "an attack on Israel as an attack on us" is.

What can we conclude from this? (more ...)

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