With 'Katrin Göring-Eckardt' tagged articles

Katrin Göring Eckardt and elite networks

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Katrin Göring-Eckhardt, the new green lace together with Trittin - whenever a person is gehypet suddenly, is talk of a new center, black-green, of the possibility that the Thuringian (as President of the Evangelical Church Synod, Member the Council of the EKD and as President of the Protestant Church 2011) now the Christian conservatives would raise, you should at least consider that the media presence could also have something to do with coverage networks.

I noticed the star in the hands (48/2012, p 46), an interview with her: (more ...)

The President-Totmacher: combat boots and mirror shards in the face of the Republic

Sunday, 08 January, 2012.

Christian Wulff, Young Leader alumnus of the Atlantic Bridge, during a speech at the presentation of Vernon A. Walters Award to Jürgen Grossmann at 5.6. 2007; 2. v. Li. Chancellor Schröder

The campaign by the German Federal President is taking on ever more grotesque features: The newspapers are filled - page long discussions "scandal" cover up with difficulty that there is no new information in the case. Oh, and of course the call of Christian Kai.

Are we mad? Yes - because we can make us mad of a smear campaign led by the Springer media. Da and an initial credit is privately worried against a gray, rather modest cottage (who wants to live in anyway?) Geböllert, as did Christian Wulff give you the recipe for the atomic bomb in person to the Iranian President.

The personal call of the President at the IMAGE CEO Diekmann - and leaving a message on the voicemail of the same - is called the Fukushima bundespräsidialen action portrayed: As threats against journalists and prevention of research and collection of information for subsequent reporting.

Now just calm: (more ...)