The religious climate Bonner General-Anzeiger recently waited again on a climate headline: "Soon, tropical fruits from MeckPomm?" Followed the story of an experimental plantation in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern the State Research Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries in Gülzow in Rostock:
Then comes the famous lyre: The experimenter wants to climate change to plant new fruit varieties. "Here in the north, it becomes increasingly warmer. Since the tropical fruits are increasingly an opportunity. "Especially excited to be on the so-called Indian banana (also known as Paw Paw or Papau.) The fruit tastes simultaneously for all possible fruit and creamy, melts in your mouth when you have removed the seeds. However, their flowers stink and are therefore an outspoken bees fright.
What the GA Bonn presented on the first page as air sensation, but - sadly mistaken. (more ...)