With 'climate change' tagged articles

Doomsday 2012 - the current poem

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

End of the world

Ludwig Meidner Apocalyptic Landscape (1913)

A citizen flies from the tip top of the hat,
In all airing it resonates like shouting.
Roofers crash and go in half
And on the coasts - one reads - the tide rises.

The storm is here, hupfen the wild seas
On land, to crush big dams.
Most people have a cold.
The railways fall of the bridges.

And now the surprise: (more ...)

"Climate" as Orwellian term

Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Mangroven; Quelle: Wikimedia Commons

Mangroves (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

"Climate" has become an Orwellian term. Tagged with "air", "global warming" or "climate change" are obscured facts, distorted and placed in misleading context.

The world has always been a rather insecure, never loo. The climate has undergone diverse changes. If you recapitulates ancient creation myths, as this report from fearsome gods wars, collapse of the firmament, the bursting of the sky, several suns, floods. Compared with such perils klimamythologischer times we are doing well still excellent overall.

Of course, were and are some areas (whether A, B, or CO2) insecure than others. Always. The precarious places count (t) s z. B. anytime, anywhere in the world in areas close to the sea. Things are different today: Today, the climate is called.

It is also hardly talk of deforestation, overexploitation and environmental degradation of any kind, or even hunger, poverty and an unjust global economic order - no, always reliable and raises the growing climate change alleinge out as causes of all effects.

In relevant reports primarily from distant countries you are consequently hardly bother to analyze factors carefully and name, so keep to no longer: (more ...)

The sleight of climatologists

Friday, December 11, 2009

The day before yesterday told us IMAGE tearful's 7 greatest problems of our world, and how it really is to us. Strangely, they drew out of the question, even represent at least one of the seven problems.

Might the combat boots sheet together with its editorial staff for publishing Selbstentleibung decide, so to speak, to stage a media-savvy journalistic Harakiri in the interest of the climate or how Greenpeace lead by example so heroic, to begin a rigorous journalistic hunger strike for the climate, one of the points would be on the list immediately be deleted and CO2 fumes in Germany would drop abruptly: Less hot air!


Source: www.deesillustration.com

Amid the media frenzy at the Copenhagen climate-controlled world climate summit, the public had no chance to learn that at 5:12:09 in Berlin, another international "summit" was held, after only the 2nd time a conference of scientific opponents of the official climate theorists. The participants in the former summit, from 192 countries of the world coming, lush padded with taxpayers' money and with a huge journalistic entourage in tow days currently in the Danish capital. 15,000 people from 150 scientists in Berlin. David vs. Goliath?

I found a very interesting report by Dr. Klaus Peter Krause , summarizing the meeting the critical scientists in Berlin. (more ...)

Fats stopped? London study shows: Global warming mainly caused by emissions of thicknesses

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Phil Edwards and Ian Roberts, both researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, sounding the alarm: Obese are responsible (directly and indirectly) for global warming, so for a higher emissions of greenhouse gases (CO 2), because they have more food and more energy consumption. Corresponding experiments and present measurement results collected directly in the digestive tract of thicknesses, lead to the conclusion that thickness not only longer but also more burping and farting, consequently therefore directly for the production of harmful, highly toxic greenhouse gas (CO 2) is responsible for drawing.

The two scientists make the thicknesses responsible for at least 20% of the resulting highly toxic gases (CO 2). The study made ​​for. As well as an increase in livestock due to rising demand for meat for 20% of all harmful greenhouse gases (CO 2) is responsible, because of the toxic methane (CO 2), which is secreted by cows. Thus, the researchers documented a fatal "Doppler effect": Big meatballs demands for more and more thick meatballs, which in turn stimulates more cows to fart. These data were also collected animals directly in the digestive tract of harmful methane gas producing highly controversial (CO 2). In this case, one of the researchers ventured so far that it would have been almost sucked in a particularly violent Rülpsvorgang a cow in the Wiederkäutrakt. The measured data could be collected after the incident only with difficulty. However, they have nothing to lacks clarity. "Unfortunately," said one of the researchers, who also encourages you to think about the harmful indoor housing, given the devastating results completely. Finally, the (*) there would be long gas-free alternatives such as soy or rice milk which does not methane gas charged (CO 2) are. This could be offered completely free of grease and also prevent problems with the digestion of lactose and related harmful Gepupse in the future. (more ...)

People who draws you warm!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gore-bal warming (Quelle: www.deesillustration.com)

Gore-bal warming (Source: www.deesillustration.com)

I recently read pleasantly surprised two short messages following contents:

Arctic ice cap grows to new heights. The Southern Hemisphere (Antarctica) has quietly set a new record for the largest ice extent since 1979. The ice cover in the Southern Hemisphere is the largest since satellite records, surpassing even the years 1995, 2001, 2005 and 2006. Since 1979, a tendency towards growth of Gesamteisausdehnung is recorded.

While the area around the Antarctic Peninsula has warmed in recent years and the surrounding ice volume decreased during the summer in the southern hemisphere, the interior of Antarctica was colder and was the ice-coverage and durable, which explains the increase in the overall expansion. Details of (GIS) According to NASA Godard Institute for Space Studies, the winter at the South Pole has actually cooled by one degree Fahrenheit since 1957, with 2004 being the coldest year was. The winter of that year I was in the southern hemisphere particularly rough, with cold and snow records in Australia, South America and Africa. (more ...)