With 'Cologne underground' tagged articles

Cologne: flooding due to high water

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A stroll along these days on the Rhine, it may, like every year at this time, observed: Nearly every hour sees rise the water and tearing, you can the river watching almost the swelling, a light brown flood seethes over and is on the verge to achieve the waterfronts, a vast amount of plastic waste to be a leader: snowmelt, rain ...

"Currently we have a ground water level of 37.9 meters. At 39.5 meters, we want to flood. "(GA Bonn v. 26.2.2010). This refers to the subway construction site in the center of Cologne. Tomorrow, on Saturday, it will then be ready, at a water level of 6.50 meters.

Subway driving is stupid: Boring, because you can not see anything, awkward, because you have only laboriously down and then drag back up when not shopping bags, then at least themselves, and it is dangerous, especially late in the evening and at night scary. If in doubt, a nobody comes despite surveillance cameras to help. (more ...)