With 'Obama' tagged articles

Bibi and Obama: obscene photo on Facebook?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Screenshot AIPAC Facebook

I often like to visit the Facebook page of AIPAC, the American Israel Policy Action Comitees Affairs.

There you will find beautiful baking recipes, wise maxims and gossip from the scene and little secrets that will blabbed there, and of course nice photos old acquaintance.

All the more surprising and shocked me the new caption of this page: (more ...)

USA: concern over safety of Wahlomaten

Wednesday 07 November 2012


A software developer went with his wife today in the US election - an election machine. The man wanted to choose Obama, however, was its click Romney automatically activated. The concerned citizens took this error with the camera and put it into the net.

(Read more ...)

Yes, we can change the world!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Make a joyful noise exceeding glad, to glorify the dates
shout rejoices!
Sing, frohlockehet, ahauf praise the Tagehe,
rühuhümet that day a Savior erkorn!

Ahahanen you, what is it?
That's right: To news from the US, O Bama!
A man writes history before he is president.
But thank God it's finally finished!
Whether Obama or Cainobama - the important thing is:
Yay! Democracy has triumphed! (more ...)

Gordon Gekko and the joys of devotees (specular reflections)

Monday, December 01, 2008

If you look in the mirror again to see if the perm is still sitting, so it can happen that one looks ahead to the somewhat awkward All Seeing Eye - that of the 1 dollar bill. Take out the "Spiegel" 48/2008 ( "I always play by the rules" ) at hand: In the sophisticated photo of S. 76, the right eye is actually in the middle. I looked a little more closely, because I had a strange physical reaction: Escape mirror reflections. Indeed, this follows an eye as quickly check a person's eyes on some old master paintings from any angle.

Interview mit George Soros im SPIEGEL, Heft 48/2008
Interview with George Soros in Der Spiegel, No. 48/2008

But now the topic: "Before Sunrise once comes the darkness." Got it? That's just in the world, and so shall it stand: We are talking about an alleged interview as intellectually news magazine with the infamous financial speculators Gordon Gekko, the money guru György Schwartz and crisis Cassandra Georgina Soros.

The mirror came with the same 3 musketeers against the evil old, one of the largest professional profiteers our active deregulated monetary system, $ 9,000,000,000 difficult and therefore a member of the Club of the richest people in this globe. In tax havens such as the Netherlands Antilles and Curaçao he stroked a temporary gains of 34.5% per year.

Who had been looking forward to a lively interview with a few probing questions and sleek saber strike was bitter disappointment: It was not even the usual levels of action. The interview was at an end, because it could not start. For Gekko plays just always after (his) rules. You can not do anything. (more ...)