With 'Russia' tagged articles

Russia sanctions: Calculated crash and treason?

Monday, August 11, 2014

The foreign policy direction giving US think tank "Council on Foreign Relations" (CFR) focused on a few months ago with the consequences of tougher sanctions Russia on the global economy, the sanctions are now actually and against the Russian energy, finance since July 2014 Defence Industry addressed.

An article dated 05/04/2014 CFR, Title: "Global Monthly Ecomomics: May 2014. Russia Contagion: Local or Global" by Robert Kahn (Steven A. Tananbaum Senior Fellow for International Economics) discusses the assumption that expanded sanctions against Russia comparatively had little impact on the rest of the world.

Interestingly, this was claimed by "Goldman Sachs Research"; Accordingly, Russia is simply not important enough for the world market, despite its significant energy exports. There is only limited in the global production chains and international markets integrated. Kahn quoted Goldman Sachs' conclusion: "impact on the global economy due to the current tensions could be relatively small." In other words encouraged Goldman Sachs with this assessment downright sanctions.

The CFR-author doubts this loose expertise. So far had never sanctions against such a large and complex country have been imposed assessments therefore very complicated. For the discussion on the issue of crisis contagion possibility is important that precisely at interwoven with the world of the Russian market is, as that one could ignore him.

Intensified sanctions could in Russia lead to a sudden stop of capital flows, ie a kind heart attack similar events.

The sanctions should be for Russia "a shock", but hardly noticeable for the rest of the world? (more ...)

Russia sanctions: Germany's Willing Executioners in the economy

Thursday, 07 August 2014

Dysfunctional: Eastern Committee of German Business

Under "About us" explained the Eastern Committee of German Business as its raison d'être :

He since 1952 "represents the interests of German business management t" in today 21 countries of the (south) east of Europe, including Russia. The Eastern Committee acts as a bridge: "The instruments of economic diplomacy shall, in cooperation with the federal government committees from among the Eastern European members of the government and German companies". He organized on large number of related events and networked young professionals from the countries involved. U. a. He also performs the German-Russian Dialogue Baden-Baden.

The objectives of the Eastern Committee, inter alia, include "the intensification of economic relations with the countries serviced", "improving trade and investment conditions for German companies". The Committee has also its "network of contacts to government agencies and industry representatives."

It can be the crème de la crème of the German economy among its members. Among the five associations of the German economy (Federation of German Industry, Banking Association, Association of the German Insurance Industry, Foreign Trade Association of German Retailers and the Central Association of the German Trade) support the Association. In addition, currently belong "more than 200 member companies" to "from small businesses to DAX companies (as of July 2014)"

The Eastern Committee of German Economy would have been ideal, with its well-established for years, good contacts to the east to occur in the current conflict in Ukraine as an honest broker and mediator between the parties. Unfortunately, it was nothing to feel - a total failure, where a "network of contacts" could be collected and will. (more ...)

Western community of values: Updated values ​​canon 2014

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Source: Götz Wieden Roth http://www.wiedenroth-karikatur.de/index.html

Subsequently, all members of the Western and transatlantic community of values ​​and all aspirants for membership the updated current events warped values ​​is brought to the attention with a request that they use the "shared values ​​app" downloaded directly in the brain. (more ...)

Syria: Is there a "secret additional protocol" between Russia and the US?

Saturday 09 March 2013

The Arab League asked its members recently released to provide military aid to the Syrian rebels. In principle, therefore, now an open declaration of war against Syria.

Three days ago, the "conquest" of the North-medium-Syrian city of ar-Raqqah. Is explained by the Syrian government with the defeat of the rebels in Damascus and Aleppo. Among the refugees from the region of Aleppo and Idlib unnoticed militants were mixed. In fact, the population seems to be swollen by refugees there to several hundred thousand (800,000; other sources cite figures of 1.5 million people). Moreover, it came under the security for the city officials, partly for treason, as Syrian sources.

Already reach us the "usual" disgusting Images: Captured young men are gunned down in mass executions of the fanatics among Alahuakbar shrill calls. (more ...)

The Russian riddle: Why Putin failed?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Putin after plastic surgery? (Source: unknown)

Those who have followed the coverage of Syria will ask for months: What exactly does the Kremlin?

In Tartus Russia maintains its only naval base in the Mediterranean, in-country live 100,000 Russians, 300,000 Syrians are connected in many ways directly with Russia.

While the infrastructure of Syria is being destroyed, a bloodbath after the other is done by Islamists from the Gulf monarchies, Chechnya, Pakistan, Turkey, Libya, Lebanon, and even from Germany, Britain, France and Sweden, experienced by the Syrian people only moral support from Moscow. Warm words of encouragement, like a mantra repeated references to international law, of which no one can buy anything, as the hard-nosed fighter and its Western referrers operate the bloody business totally frank ...

  • Why Russia has so underestimated the problem or Syria: Is there such a thing? (more ...)