With 'Sarkozy' tagged articles

Libya: Action against Sarkozy of "crimes against humanity" on the way

Monday, September 26, 2011

Away from the German media interest prepare three of the most respected lawyers in France, a complaint for crimes against humanity before the French criminal courts. They will represent the interests of the victims of the ongoing for months NATO bombing in Libya. Defendant: Nicolas Sarkozy.

The lawyers are none other than former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas and extremely eloquent Marcel Ceccaldi and the infamous Michel Vergès.

Dumas is also ready to defend Muammar Gaddafi before the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which has issued an international arrest warrant against the dictator. He said : "When they find him, they will kill him like Bin Laden. Some states now take the right to kill out - of every international law. " (more ...)

10 Reasons to bomb Libya

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
HDI-Weltkarte; Quelle: wikimedia commons

HDI World Map (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Human Development Index (HDI; data from 2007, published on November 4, 2010)

  • > 0.900
  • 0850-0899
  • 0800-0849
  • 0750-0799
  • 0700-0749
  • 0650-0699
  • 0600-0649
  • 0550-0599
  • 0500-0549
  • 0450-0499
  • 0400-0449
  • 0350-0399
  • 0300-0349
  • <0.300
  • No data
  1. Libya has an index of 0.755, the highest standard of living of the whole of Africa. In terms of the Human Development Index (HDI) in 2007, it has been more than comparable European countries such as Poland and Portugal. This is amazing, especially since 85% of Libya is desert (Sahara) and the land is extremely dry.
  2. Libya has the highest per capita income in Africa.
  3. Medical care is free. In more complex diagnoses or necessary operations Libyans were sent abroad for decades. Also Bonner clinics, for example, did good business with patients from Libya, where their stay was fully state-funded. Each Libyans was equipped with 5000 euros for the hospital stay. (more ...)