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World Cup 2014: Why we are all losers!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The return of the "Blood Warrior" Source: youtube Still-Neck

Finally it's over, this World Cup! We are the world champions ?! I am now the World Cup? Nope. And that's a good thing.

The current outbreak of the most extreme nationalism on the Fan Mile at the Brandenburg Gate exceeded all fears and stereotypes, one can have football on the notorious men's sports:

Apparently harmless fans celebrated "their" team, "their", "football gods", but who since had eyes to see could easily see that here rolled less of the ball, but the old, ugly nationalism, disguised as a modern, cosmopolitan patriotism, from its Stankhöhle crawled.

And just because this comes nice and apolitical supposedly new, uninhibited patriotism, he should give all the more cause for vigilance so clear beginnings can be fought! (more ...)