Two days ago I overheard a discussion in private circles. At the EU level they had allegedly decided the swine flu vaccination compulsory. Could this be possible? Was there something to it? What do the individual (EU) countries and or states?
The German Länder ordered in July 2009. 50 million doses of vaccine against swine flu. Impfstart is mid-October.
On the side of Bundesgesundheitsministeriu m s it says about swine flu vaccination: "Only on a voluntary basis". However, should be "primarily" vaccinated health care workers, firefighters and police.
The Grippeimpfrate should be increased continuously since 2002, is to be read in medical journals. From 10.7 to 33 percent in the general population. In relation but can be considerably more elderly people vaccinated in their primary care physicians (approximately 59%). Interestingly, immunization rates are traditionally low in medical professions! However, they should be grown in recent years from about 10% to about 26%, but are still below average. According to other press reports , the vaccination rate last year but was still at the hospital and nursing staff of only 10%.
On 22.9.2009 the published medical journal a report that only one in three was vaccinated. Therefore, mandatory vaccination for this occupational group is excited. A service instruction at the University Hospital Frankfurt would have to face masks to unvaccinated employees can increase vaccination rates.
Now there are 195 million swine flu vaccine doses as a nasal spray or injection available.
The vaccination rate has traditionally been high in the United States. Every year approximately 100 million Americans get vaccinated against seasonal flu. (more ...)